Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Blame" upon Jews truly needs be understood for exact place, function of Jews within the corrupt, degenerate society in Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted but not (yet, anyway) published at comments,

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Place Of Jews, satanism In Large Sociologic Scheme
(Apollonian, 16 Nov 16)

Hoffman tells us: "Enough with blaming most of our woes on “the Jews,” or other races. Only we can defeat ourselves. It is our own brethren alone who possess the full capability to destroy us. All other enemy forces are merely ancillary."

But Hoffman: haven't I made it clear that u, personally, are integral part of the large problem? Because u urself excuse the Jews, as we see, right?--and haven't I always pt'd this out about the larger problem which concerns Jews?

For Jews are the LEADERS of organized satanism (extreme subjectivism), esp. as Jews are top central-bankers (see for expo), funding everything else for the large criminal empire. So when people "blame" Jews, as u put it, they're simply pt-ing out Jews are leaders of organized crime (central-banking). And when we eliminate Jews, we thus cut "head" off proverbial, criminal "snake." And when the leadership is exterminated, the rest of the job against criminals and conspirators is much easier.

And why and how are Jews the leaders of organized crime?--because, obviously, they're most organized and practical for their criminality, Jews being COLLECTIVIST subjectivists/satanists, unlike many if not most goyim who are far more nihilistic, individualistic, and hence un-organized and ineffective for their satanism/subjectivism.

Thus Jews merely take advantage of a corrupt and degenerate culture of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the people become smug and HUBRISTIC, like u, Hoffman, pretending to subjectivism and Pelagianist "good-evil."

So sure, Jews surely aren't necessarily "primary" problem; they're not "evil" (nothing is "evil" or "good"), but they're a disease, like plague, typhus, or leprosy, and they MUST be removed and dealt with, like any criminal gang. And u, Hoffman, seem to think u're their lawyer, speaking-up for them, making excuses for them, right?--as we see.

So I guess u're really shown as somewhat accurate for ur overall cultural and psychological assessment, but not in way u imagine. For mystics and Pelagianist heretics like urself are what makes way and place for Jews, the leading, most practical satanists and criminals of our degenerate, hubristic society. Such then is place and function of Jews and satanism within hubristic society and culture in "Decline of the West."

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