Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reducing the satanist (or flunkie thereto) down to basic logic, technique, and premises....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Secret, Un-Admitted Destination Of "American's Journey": Mysticism, Basis Of Mr. Goody's Moralism
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 16)

See, Mr. Goody: we've got u pretty well analyzed, would u say? (a) U're grossly, putridly self-righteous, so willing to call others "hypocrites," this when u urself are incapable of defining (in rationally demonstrable manner) what is "good-evil," etc.

(b) U're pathetic, ignorant scum regarding Christian aesthetic and literature, incapable of simplest discussion, this as u enjoy pretending to "criticism" of Christianity and Christians.

(c) And we see further, when all else fails, u like to resort to outright MYSTICISM, denying the either-or nature of reality--as when u're confronted w. that basic cultural-psychologic conflict of satanism vs. humanity and reason. U want to pretend then it's more "complex," ho ho ho, that it all isn't "simple" as that (satanism vs. humanity/reason).

Thus the mystic dead-end is understood for "American's Journey" which u don't want to face and admit. And it only points-up the actual mystic nature of this "good-evil" sanctimony which u champion so often as basis for ur self-righteous accusations of hypocrisy upon everyone, esp. Christians/Christianity. For "good-evil" and moralism, as of ur sort, always ultimately relies on mysticism, which is anti-reason, which mysticism u don't want to admit.

But u seem to have Mike Rivero fooled, and that's good enough, right?--ho ho ho ho

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