Tuesday, August 9, 2016

If the problem is satanism, then it needs be understood, and the anti-dote must be understood precisely, exactly, and nothing less than the real thing, strictly understood, can be accepted....

satanism: The Problem, Requires Proper Analysis
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 16)

Once again comrades, for it's always worthwhile to go over the necessary satanic analysis for the horrific genocide going on now, as we speak. For we don't want to be victims ourselves, nor those people, whoever they may be, we value. For we KNOW satanism is the problem. Thus following our analysis, note satanism is extreme subjectivism.

1. Jews and satanists (foremost satanists) THRIVE during those CYCLIC periods of over-population of HUBRISTIC, stupid, scum, filth, puke--like the metro-sexuals and homosexuals.

2. For that's natural FUNCTION of Jews and satanists: extermination of over-populated filth, puke, and scum among humanity, these being especially the half-baked suck-alongs to the Jews and satanists, esp. the half-baked "Christians" who pretend they're Christian--esp. like the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo), so-called "Christian" puke (gross hereticalists) who support terror-state of Israel, for foremost example. These stupid scum like to conflate and confuse "Jews," followers of Pharisees and Talmud (see for expo), w. Judeans, most of whom were NOT followers of Pharisees at time of Christ.

3. For Christianity IS ANTI-SEMITISM (worship of truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6, against Jew lies, JOHN 8:44), and if u're not anti-semitic, u're not Christian. And Christianity is anti-satanist, Jews being the natural leaders of satanism, satanism being extreme subjectivism, Jews being the satanic leaders, most collectivist, most "organized."

4. And that's why Christianity must be fully understood, not merely being half-way understood as it is so much nowadays, as we see by these stupid scum pretending to Christianity, pretending it means "love" or "faith"--or even "peace" at any price, etc. NO: Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, first, most, and above all. Nothing else is possible without this foremost principle of truth and hence honesty.

5. For Holy Spirit then consists of Reason, by which to understanding that truth, including honesty and integrity, integrity indicating that honesty which pervades throughout the spirit, conscious and un-conscious. For note Jews and satanists like to pretend to reason, but without honesty, grossly lacking honesty, in contempt of honesty.

6. Thus there's no good Jew anymore than there's good satanist or good psychopath, etc. And that's ANOTHER indication of half-baked "Christians" who defend, sympathize, and excuse Jews.

7. And observe the genocide going merrily on precisely to extent the "good-Jew" delusion and lie continues to prevail among these half-baked, so-called "Christian" scum, filth, and traitors.

8. For if Christ is truth, then there is no perfectly "free" will by which to being "good," which is Pelagian heresy (just look it up), the necessary objective reality, hence determinism, excluding such perfect "free" will, pretext of subjectivism and hubris.

CONCLUSION: the pt. then to all this analysis is NECESSITY of total, complete anti-semitism, there being no "good" Jews. And this goes back to necessary insistence of Christianity being worship of truth, Christ = truth, not "love," or "faith," or "peace." For proper love (1JOHN 4:8) only comes after one loves and values truth FIRST. "Faith" merely properly means loyalty, not moronic beleeeeeeeeevin'; beleeeeeeeevin' doesn't make anything to be true or real. And peace, which is merely an inner sort, only comes after one grasps that TRUTH principle.

Thus Jews taken prisoner, if they're not executed, must be interned for life, confiscated, and separated by gender, watched carefully till they die. Any other Jews must never be allowed to vote, hold office, own significant property, or to pro-creating. Judaism/satanism must die-out. History must record for posterity the victory of humanity against Jew filth and satanism, even though we know, in the CYCLIC course of things, humans will again become over-populated w. hubristic scum, homosexuals again rising to prominence, as we see, and a new crop of satanists dominating.


  1. "jewdeo-christian" hubristic satanistic scum at the top, living the fiction in their subjective mind, with no loyalty to Christ with honorable brotherly love,must repent or are to be puked out."But these enemies of mine, those not desiring me to reign over them, bring here, and execute them before me"


    1. Well, yes, but remember Jews and satanists are just a disease, like typhus or plague, which couldn't have ever taken-hold UNLESS the conditions were there and ripe. Jews and satanists simply feed upon the HUBRIS of the suckers among goyim, etc. Jews are they who PROFIT fm human stupidity. Jews and satanists fulfill a biologic function--elimination of the weaklings.

      So if u look at it all strictly scientifically, u can see easily how it all works for the role of lies and propaganda--all built upon subjectivism, hubris, and esp. moralism, the inferiority-complex of the weaklings and suckers who have this urge to "prove" themselves to be "good." There are now just too many of these scum, esp. the Judeo-Christian heretics, and Jews want to make sure they make most fm it all.

    2. I can't and would not even think to argue(or stain) that perfect summary ,in so few words you get your point across,it's beautiful.
      My own personal mission since about 1998 is whenever i get some judeo-christian who thinks they are good,(you know the type,they say "i like to think of myself as a good person") Iam on it real fast. "you think your GOOD?, So you are calling Jesus a liar" ,Jesus said "there is none good ,but my father in heaven" Matt,Mk,Luke
      Yes jews and satanists have, and are feeding on the british hubris buy inflating them with British Israelism, just one example of many.
      I hope i am not staining your blog, If i should not move forward in seating,just tell me to sit back further.


    3. Anti-Satanism REQUIRES Observations No Less Than Any Science

      Not at all comrade: remember, all science and scientific anti-satanism and anti-semitism (which is what our poor culture and people DESPERATELY need) absolutely requires cogent OBSERVATIONS as urs, which cannot be gain-said. It's absolutely NECESSARY for observations as urs, never doubt.

      I myself tend to cite St. Paul, "no one is perfect in the eyes of the Lord, no, not one," and also St. Augustine vs. Pelagius, pt-ing out that pretending to "good" is simple heresy of Pelagianism, further then citing Martin Luther vs. Erasmus and the "vatican" (I was born and raised Catholic).

      The basic philosophy follows thus: if Christ = truth, then it affirms the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, and objectivity necessarily renders determinism, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will (humans being sinners, incapable of not so being), hence no "good-evil." Thus Jews aren't "evil"; rather simply a satanic, anti-human disease of hubris, function of CYCLIC hist.

      Jews actually fulfill a legitimate biologic function, eliminating the weaklings, in all truth. Thanks again for all ur commentary, never doubt--we absolutely need excellent, honest Christians like u, brother, never doubt.

    4. Yes , you made me think about the "jews actually fulfill(accomplish) a legitimate biological function". The jew is doing what is scripturally and naturally to be expected,being the birds eating,the rocky places and the thorns in the parable of the sower. Mark 4,Luke 8, Matt 13.
      I agree with your position on free will and it made me re read some briefs that i skimmed through to fast before. "The Assumption of the Autonomous Man" being one,and is in agreement with you.
      I ended up in a "pastors" library one day and he was all puffed up with himself about all his commentary books.Had to be about 2,500 square feet worth.I said ,"you don't need all this ,you have the best commentary and advice right in the New Testament by Paul"

      feel free to fix my punctuation, i know i am awful with it.

    5. correction , i meant to write 250 square feet(wall space), above
