Thursday, August 4, 2016

Nearly explicit satanism being pushed in faces of American morons, scum, puke, et al....

The satanic Psy-Ops Being Pushed On American Morons
(Apollonian, 4 Aug 16)

The legions of brainless scum of Jew S A are now being treated to the satanic program featuring the satanic elections coming-up, these satanists WANTING the moronic people of Jew S A to accept the fore-gone nature of the satanic election of satanist candidate, hitlery Clinton. For the rigging, cheating and fraud is now out-in-the-open, Trump talking about it.

Do u begin to getting it?--the satanists don't care, and even WANT the morons to know the election is RIGGED and that the satanist, Clinton, is going to "win" and be elected no matter the land-slide Trump will achieve. The satanists KNOW quite well many, if not most, folks perfectly understand Clinton is TOTAL criminal--all the better for the satanists. For regardless, the satanists have things rigged and are determined Clinton will win, NO MATTER WHAT. And the satanists in all their insanity aren't at all concerned--on the contrary--if many people consciously grasp the satanic nature of the election rigging that's fixed, prepared, and on-going.

And the satanic nature of this election outrage is betrayed and manifested by the gross, moronic lying and propaganda being pushed by Jews-media for all the various and idiot lies against Trump. After all, it's already mere matter of record the Democrat Presidential primaries were rigged, Bernie Sanders being miserably cheated--all of this deliberately IN-UR-FACE by the satanists in charge of things.

Get it?--the idea is to TOTALLY demoralizing the American morons--this is the program, comrades, what's going on: a nearly explicit satanic take-over. Of course, the satanists only stop just short of announcing the satanic nature, ideal, and purpose, but the lies fm the Jews-media don't and won't stop, and the basic satanic nature is indisputable--only the most pathetic morons failing to take note of the in-ur-face satanism.

So the true Christian patriots merely need to note the (extreme) SUBJECTIVIST essence to such satanism, Jews being natural leaders as they're such sublime collectivists, which satanism is fed by the false Christians, like the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo) and neo-cons, the controlled "opposition," including the present pope of Rome, Francis, the Jesuit.


  1. I started thinking ,what is up with all the truther channels on youtube exposing all the fraud (hoax) attacks, and demoralization of the moron americans popped into my head.
    I read an old article which said" once the illusion of freedom (free Edom) becomes to expensive to maintain they(Vatican,crown temple,D.C.) will remove the scenery,pull back the curtains and expose the brick wall surrounding you.".
    Someone commented that america is a plantation of slaves,but i think it is a plantation of cannibals.

    1. All we need do now is (a) identify what's going-on now w. this explicit satanism-in-ur-face, and then (b) analyze it for the people for what it is in essence, extreme subjectivism, foundation of lies. People will appreciate it, never doubt.

    2. I thank you very much for explaining subjectivism,extreme subjectivism, objectivisim in a way that makes it simple to understand and nailing it in my mind. What you did was to make me correct myself also.

  2. Quote: But of course, things CAN BE DONE against this satanism, rigging, and cheating, and ☆it must start in the churches☆ at the very grass-roots. People must understand what Christianity is really all about--worship of TRUTH (= Christ), the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14: 6). Thus Christians must explicitly understand for the people, and teach the people exactly what anti-Christ satanism is, satanists led by Jews, foremost liars (JOHN 8:44), Jews denying there's such thing as truth,

    Instead of running from the degraded, demoralized 'judeo-christian' (((oxymoron)))
    church, I picked an outwardly prosperous one. Injecting myself into it.
    My position regarding the topsy turvey condition of it, is simple.
    I prove it pointing out how it proves itself at any opportunity.
    Let them explain how loyalty to a foreign nation above my country isn't subversive. Which they can't.
    The straw that broke the camels back? 'israel' concession regarding a land deed. There is none. None to be found, the whole thing a fabrication.
    I pointed this publicly stated fact to the top pastors.
    Leaving the question of whether they will continue to deceive the congregants, with that fraud up to them. (it is legally actionable)
    Adding that 'you have dedicated your life to Christ, -(which you now find yourselves being weighed in the 'We did many good works in your name- begone I never knew you' NT theme.)

    Christ=Truth, salvation starts at home- Tell the truth about yourselves first , then proceed forward.
    I never thought of myself as 'satanic' . That was always 'those people over there'
    Until above person said to me 'Your satanic'
    After serious reflection I realized it was true.
    So I owe a debt of gratitude for that 'Wake up' call.
    Since then, I am able to see the satanic reversalism in most everything.
    The churches satanism, the most sickening of course.
    But like I had to be told, they have to be.
    Saying 'your satanic' is too brutal to their ego, so I chose to begin by teaching them about satanism. Especially it 'law of reversal' (((do evil that good may come)))
    Taking a simple observable facts about us to prove it..
    Loyalty to something that hates them -(israel) Which feigns respect-while hating them , the best example.
    (= loyalty to devil, better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven)
    Above their own family. (Sublime child sacrifice, family sacrifice for financial reward,
    identical to the general understanding of openly avowed satanic church policy)
    I recommend all patriots take an antacid and follow my example.

    Hold your ground, be honest in as gentle way as you can, and remember always;
    These are your people. Be willing to admit error. They will be obliged to return the same.
    Or go to hell.

    Thanks for the honesty Apollonian.

    1. You showed heart by plowing that hard clay soil and sowing seed. What is the 'israel' concession regarding a land deal?
