Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Judaism, satanism is easily, readily analyzed according to philosophic, logical precepts, never doubt....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Judaism = satanism = Extreme Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 5 July 16)

Observe subjectivism is idea that one's own mind generates/produces what one perceives, and extreme subjectivism is idea there's no reality but for what one's own mind produces. Thus in extreme subjectivism one makes oneself God, creator of reality--it's also known as satanism and HUBRIS, according to Greeks.

Among gentiles, such subjectivism most often leads to madness as in way of narcissism. But Jews are supreme subjectivists, and note further, they're COLLECTIVE subjectivists, most highly organized, connected, and cohesive, and this is why/how they dominate subjectivist-inclined gentiles and all humanity--especially when gentile culture degenerates, the gentiles now fighting one another most intensively.

Thus for Christianity and Christians, Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth couldn't and wouldn't exist without the OBJECTIVE reality, God-given--a reality which can only be assumed as beginning premise, such objective reality existing outside one's mind, perceptions and sensations being the bridge/connection therewith.

And humanity needs Christianity and the objective world-view, most consciously understood, in order to fend-off Jews and satanism, Jews being natural leaders of satanists.

Question then is what is pretext of such toxic subjectivism among gentiles?--and it could surely only be an inferiority-complex by which the subject desperately imagines one must prove and achieve a status in the mind and judgment of some authority who then bestows a blessing of sorts, the idea being that by an exertion of will of the subject, a new reality is created, e.g., the achievement of "good" over the previous lacking of such "good."

And thus by the supposed achievement of such "good," the subject, having exerted will, now arrives at an exalted status, a sort of Godliness as the Jews extoll. Thus Jews promote and cultivate a collectivistic mass-mentality which can include non-Jews, the weaker sort encouraged and manipulated into serving the master-minds at the top of the hierarchy.

But this satanic, subjectivistic sort of cult only really works and succeeds as long as there are confused gentiles to feeding the system, such as it is--it begins to fail as the number of lower-level slaves are steadily killed-off and eliminated.

When the number of lower-level slaves is inevitably drastically reduced, then the top hierarchy begins to in-fighting, and the satanic system fails decisively--which is what's happening now, as we see US Dollar and all the other fiat currency systems collapsing.

Thus we observe the CYCLIC nature of history, the objective-oriented and subjectivist giving way to one-another, the objective/Christian being the building-up and constructive part, the satanist-subjectivist being the "deconstruction" in hubris and sinfulness running riot.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad i searched out who this lukewarm weakling ,Don Fox was last night being interviewed by William Finck, it led me to Apollonian and his clear view. Thankyou Christ
