Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dialectic w. satanist: interesting how these monsters think

Below is dialectic w. satanist/subjectivist, could be Jew, copied fm comments at

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Fanaprimo22 hours ago
+Robert Yeahright Dear Sir, we all live in a virtual world, we can only see the picture our brain offers us. Our senses are not capable of perceiving reality, our eyes are almost blind, only seeing a small part of the elektromagnetic spectrum. Solid matter ? LOL there is no "Solid" All atoms are 99.999999+ % empty space ! So we create our own world inside our head. But your world will not be accepted by others so you will end up very lonely, soo sad for you.

Apollonian Apollonius18 hours ago
+Fanaprimo All u do is to invoking the ancient dialectic btwn Aristotle and Plato, u essentially taking Plato's position, esp. regarding the non-validity of sense-perception. BUT what u utterly over-look is that this is ASSUMPTION on ur part--extreme subjectivism. Aristotle pt'd out that in order for there to be logic and science, we must ASSUME an objective reality. All philosophy depends upon the starting-pt. in assumption. Ur extreme subjectivism results in SATANISM, u making urself God, pretending u create reality. Just wanted to show how old-fashioned ur fallacious reasoning is.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius We do not create reality, we create a picture of reality. That picture is not the Truth, only a picture to enjoy. That is what science does. Science does not handle the truth Scientists try to describe reality. It is a description, a picture, nothing more. And it will be abandoned if we have a better fitting, more precise picture in the future. And Satanism?.......Sorry, I am not a follower of ancient superstition from the Middle East. I live in the 21st century.

Apollonian Apollonius17 hours ago
+Fanaprimo All u do is follow the Platonic philosophy, ignorant dip****. U adopt the assumption of SUBJECTIVISM. And how do u know if there's reality?--it's just an assumption u make, though u don't have the guts to admit it's either objective or subjective, stupid, lying scum. And u're just now admitting to being pawn/flunkey for the Satanists. U think u're clever, but u're moron/sucker.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You do not sound very polite/civilized. I can be wrong due to cultural differences, but I think not.

Apollonian Apollonius17 hours ago
+Fanaprimo No: U'RE THE ONE UN-CIVILIZED and stupid, pretending u're smart. Is there reality?--YES OR NO. If there is reality, it is either objective or subjective, YES OR NO. Get a brain--or stfu.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius I never said you are not civilized, only that you do not sound civilized. Just my impression. But if you re-read your last 2 comments, what would you call it yourself ? Does it looks polite or civilized in your eyes? And if you showed those comments to your mother, how would she react ? Just curious.

Apollonian Apollonius17 hours ago
+Fanaprimo How is it civilized for u to conduct a dialectic about reality in this manner w. ur stupidity and attempting to divert fm the subject? Conclusion?--u lose, sucker. If u adopt the subjectivist assumption, then u're either satanist or dupe thereof, PERIOD.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius As an answer on your question . Yes, there is a reality. Can we see it ? NO. Can we imagine it ? Maybe in the future. Until then, we all live in our own created "reality"

Fanaprimo17 hours ago (edited)
+Apollonian Apollonius In reality, I am someone totally different then you think. What just proves my point of view. So I was right all along. Thank you very much for the confirmation.

Apollonian Apollonius16 hours ago
+Fanaprimo If u say YES there is reality, then the only question is whether it's objective (God-given), or subjective, created by urself posing as ur own God, hence satanistic. So u seem to have a problem fooling urself; u don't fool me, or too many of anyone else, I submit.

Fanaprimo15 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius The Universe is not created by God, nor by me. Only what I see from reality is created by me. Just a picture in my mind. And I have no problem with that, because it is a beautiful picture. There is so much beauty in chaos. The Universe for the last 13.7 billion of years, Earth for 4.5 billion, Life itself. (See the pictures of 25 years Hubble Space Telescope for instance)

Apollonian Apollonius15 hours ago
+Fanaprimo U miss the pt. (as usual), for reality is either-or, objective or subjective. U're just a subjectivist, satanist or dupe thereof.

Fanaprimo15 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You are convinced that it has to be objective or subjective. I disagree with you, it is none of both. But you cannot see that, another proof of my statement. You are locked in your own worldview. And without a desire to escape you will stay in your own prison. Such a pity, humans should have a free spirit.

Apollonian Apollonius15 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Yes idiot: but u just said reality existed, so it's either-or. If it exists then it's either a product of ur mind or not. And if it's not product of ur mind, it must be objective; there's no other alternative. What u are is now a MYSTIC, just another form of subjectivism and satanism. But u don't seem to be intelligent enough to be outright Satanist, hence u're just pawn/flunkey. U don't fool anyone, sucker; u're just a babbling idiot.

Fanaprimo15 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius A babbling idiot working as a private teacher for 48 years now. Yeah right ! LOL. With every reply you get more funnier. Keep up the good works my friend. (making me smile) It is almost 05.00 AM over here, see you tomorrow, gonna get some sleep now.

Apollonian Apollonius15 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Well, we have ur own words here in this dialectic, u pretending reality is subjective, but not wanting to admit it, not wanting to admit it's satanism, and not wanting to admit it must be objective. So u may be good at something, like music, or whatever, but u don't even understand Plato and Aristotle, and that's demonstrable fact, shown in this dialectic of ours. Why do u bother pretending w. logic or philosophy if u're just a mystic?--answer: u lack honesty, and u just fool urself, pretending u're clever or something--it's ur problem, not ours.

Fanaprimo14 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Sorry ,you got it wrong . I am not a mystic, a scientist maybe, a skeptic for sure and a human. Calling names doesn't bother me , used to that, I got thick skin. Most of the time it comes from envious people, Btw, Plato and Aristotle are dead Greeks. And I do not see why we should preserve their mindset/worldview. They did die for a reason, to make room for something new.

Apollonian Apollonius14 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho ho, Well u're either a mystic or not, ho ho ho--do u agree? Ho ho ho ho. And if u're not mystic, and u say u're "scientist," then u must admit the objective reality, necessary foundation for science and logic, ho ho ho oho. And we see u're Satanist even though u deny it, right? Ho o ho ho oho. And all u do is fooling urself, sucker, ho ho ho ho ho. Sure Plato and Aristotle are dead, but their ideas live on, deservedly--worth far more than anything we get fm u, eh? Ho ho hoho

Fanaprimo14 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Maybe a scientist..... You should read more carefully before you reply. Satan does not exist (lack of evidence) So I cannot be a satanist, only in your imagination I can be. But we both agree that imagination is not real. Ideas of dead people should be replaced with better ideas after a while. (progress) Ideas can live on, but nonsense can stay for a long time too. Ideas should evolve too. If it doesn't fit anymore, get rid of it.

Apollonian Apollonius14 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Well, u admitted reality exists, now u don't want to admit if it's objective or not, hence u're satanist. Note satanist is simply one who makes himself God, creator of reality--which is what u do, though u don't want to admit it, lying to urself.

Fanaprimo2 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You got it all wrong. I wonder why, you should read more carefully. Yes, I admit that there is a reality, But I am convinced that I am not capable to perceive it, so how can I form an opinion if it is objective or not And I create my own reality (with and in my brain) that makes me human, not God. So your comments make no sense (to me) Please explain why I am a Satanist when I use my senses and look at the picture my brain offers me. If someone is lying to me it is my brain, it offers me an incomplete false image of reality, but by being aware of that I still can see beyond my horizon and think outside the box.

Apollonian Apollonius55 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo U make no sense: "Yes, I admit that there is a reality, But I am convinced that I am not capable to perceive it,...." If u say there's reality, then it must be a perception, for if u couldn't so perceive, there'd be no reason to conclude there's a reality. For if u really couldn't perceive, then u're simply making it all up in ur own mind in satanist manner, making urself God. And WHY would ur brain offer "an incomplete, false image of reality"?--this is just a lie which u make up. U're saying ur brain lies to u--NO, moron, that's U lying to urself, u pathetic psychotic scum. And if u had no contact w. reality through the senses, u wouldn't be able to conduct "science." If u admit there's reality u have only one of two possible choices, either that it's objective or not, and if not then its subjective, satanist, of ur own making. If it's objective then the senses would be the only way of contact w. it. There would be no reason, basis, or warrant to insist ur brain or senses is lying, UNLESS u were psycho (which we see u really are, ho ho ho ho). So u're just a psycho, as we see, and u should have no contact w. children. A psycho is only sort of moron like urself who would argue as u do, insisting ur brain is lying to u, ho hohohoho ho ho ho

1:22 PM
+Apollonian Apollonius
I teach children private so they can get their certifications and the future they desire.
For almost 50 years now
and all of them would disagree with you.
They know me, you not.
You suffer from projection all your fears on me
You have no ground to stand on.
You are just floating in your self created paranoid reality.

Apollonian Apollonius
1:44 PM
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho--what's this now?--I suffer "projection"?--ho ho ho--u're a Jew pushing Freud, eh?--ho ho ho ho. And everyone can see our dialectic here, sucker. U're a psycho telling folks their brains lie to them, eh? Ho ho ho ho. And u're a homosexual too, aren't u?--tell us. Ho ho oh ho

Fanaprimo26 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius What part of my statement was not correct dear Sir ? I suffer from the conviction that all was true.

Apollonian Apollonius1 minute ago
+Fanaprimo I explained it to u, psycho, just re-read the notes, fool. U admit reality exist, but deny it's objective--which is a lie. U also tacitly admit u're kike filth, expert liars (and satanists). And ur resulting subjectivism is satanism, which is what u Jew filth are and express in ur devilish works, Talmud and Zohar (Cabala). U fool very few, scum; mainly just urselves. Ho ho ho ho

Fanaprimo9 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Reality can only be objective ? I think we disagree with each other.

Apollonian Apollonius1 second ago
+Fanaprimo Dip****: if reality exists, which is an assumption, then it's either objective or not. If not, then it's subjective and we're God, creating reality in our own minds--satanism. Thus u've talked urself into satanism, but don't want to admit it. Only way reality makes any sense is if it is assumed to be objective, hence the senses the necessary means of contact/apprehension, u dumbass. All this is simple Aristotelianism, over 2 thousand yrs old now, dumbass--and u're just now figuring it all out? Ho ho ho ho. But then u insist ur brilliant brain fools u, eh? Righto, ho ho ho ho. But u Jew filth are famous for ur infernal satanism and lies, aren't u?

Fanaprimo5 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius So reality has only two choices to exist ? Sub- or Objective ? What about a third option ? Maybe it is just real ? And the rest is just our opinion.

Fanaprimo3 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Btw. if you believe in Satan can I assume you believe in God also ?

Apollonian Apollonius1 minute ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho, Jewwy liar doesn't quit, do u? Ho ho ho ho--golly, but could this incessant lying on ur part be reason why all humanity hates u kike filth? Ho ho ho ho. Reality either exists or not, if so it's either objective or not. What about a 4th or 5th or 6th option, eh? Ho ho oho ho

Apollonian Apollonius9 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Dumbass Jew filth: u can't prove there is no God, moron--u never hrd that before?--I thought u kikes were "smart"? Ho ho ho hoh oho

Fanaprimo6 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Ok, but you did not answer my question.

Apollonian Apollonius41 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho--I answered all pertinent questions, kike, ho ho ho ho--u're lucky we gentiles are stupid enough to allow u filth to continue existing.

Fanaprimo4 minutes ago (edited)
+Apollonian Apollonius Let's try again, just to be sure : Do you believe in God ?

Fanaprimo3 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Take you time BRB in 1 hour

Apollonian Apollonius1 second ago
Ho ho ho: the kike is conducting an "investigation," ho oho oho ho. Jew filth: why don't u simply make ur pt.?--stupid Jew scum, ho ho ho ho

Fanaprimo11 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You still not answered my question. So I will assume you are religious Christian. Are you not afraid to end up in Hell? Because the Jews are God's most favorite people, not the Americans. And you sound heavy anti-Jew. And if you are not scared to end up in Hell, then it is possible you are an atheistic Nazi, it would be explain a lot about your superior mindset.

Apollonian Apollonius12 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho ho--u are kike w. capital "K," aren't u? Ho ho ho ho. But I thought u Jew filth were supposed to be so "smart," eh? Ho ho ho ho. Kike: u should indeed presume I'm Christian, we being foremost anti-semites, leaders among oppressed humanity against u Jew filth. We're not "afraid" to end in heck, dumbass--why?--because we're all sinners DOOMED to heck, there being NOTHING we can do to avoid fiery flames of heck, ONLY mercy and grace of God to save us--get it, kike filth? All humanity is "anti-Jew," scum, never forget, as even kikes themselves admit, they being at war w. humanity, according to their filthy Talmud--see

Fanaprimo7 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius But,but....Jesus was a Jew. Christianity is a Jewish sect. Now I am puzzled. How bent up your mindset must be to combine your beliefs with that fact.

Apollonian Apollonius20 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo No, u stupid, lying Jew filth: u see, that's ur problem. In ur satanic/subjectivistic world which u make up for urselves, u actually end up LYING TO URSELVES, believing ur own moronic lies and lying. So u're deluded by simple means of ur own infernal lying, spin, propaganda, and deception. "Jew" refers to followers of Pharisees who later (500 AD) came out w. Babylonian Talmud. "Jew" is DIFFERENT fm Judean, Jew filth (followers of Pharisees, basically the middle class) making up only 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ. Christ was Galilean descended fm Judeans, NOT kike filth. U're funny kike--keep talking to us, u stinking, lying filth, ho ho ho ho ooho

Fanaprimo11 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius About the existence of God You said: I cannot prove that God does not exist. Of course not. You can never prove a negative. No matter what subject you pick. Remember Saddam Hussein ? He could not prove that he had no WMD's. They hanged him. But you claim there is a God. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. So where is the proof that you God exist ? Just asking, I told you I was a skeptic.

Apollonian Apollonius2 minutes ago (edited)
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho, u're "skeptic"? Ho hoh oho, no Jew, u're Jew filth is what u are, satanist. And what's "skepticism"? Skepticism is denial of validity of senses, just a form of subjectivism/mysticism, typical of Jew satanists, as u obviously are. And where do u get this idiocy, "extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof"?--(a) why is this true?--(b) who ever said this? Proof is proof, kike scum; get a clue. And note, we Christians merely assume there's God, the origin of the objective reality, reality NOT being subjective as it is for u filth called kikes, it ("God") not being possible to dis-prove, as I noted--and why is that soooo mysterious for u Jew puke?--I thought u were sooooo "smart," eh? Hohoho ho ho ho Keep talking to us, Jew scum

Fanaprimo16 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius I forgot to tell you, I am not Jewish , I am Frisian. So you Christians assume there is a God. So your God is an imaginary entity. Now I understand why there is no evidence. By your own definition that makes you a Satanist, by making up your own reality.

Apollonian Apollonius43 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Jews are liars, right?--and u're a HUGE liar, lying even to urself, so u're probably Jew, to go by the inductive logic and evidence. U're also horrifically ignorant, as usual for u lying filth. See, Christians worship TRUTH (= Christ), for which truth Christ is mere figure/characterization in literature; see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. So u see Christianity is actually literary/aestheticalist monument to the objective reality, the only way/basis for existence of TRUTH, in opposition to Jew liars (JOHN 8:44). And why/how is Easter the holiest of Holy days?--because it's resurrection of truth (= Christ) which CANNOT BE KILLED, the joke on u Jewwy, lying filth--because u cannot kill reality, which is objective ("God-created"). Keep talking to us, Jew lying filth, ho ho ho ho

Fanaprimo2 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You missed my reply ? I am Frisian (both parents)

Apollonian Apollonius46 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo U're a satanistic LIAR, hence probably Jew, to go by the inductive evidence--did u miss that?

Fanaprimo3 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Christ (Christos) is a Greek translation. Meaning: the anointed , NOT Truth.

Fanaprimo1 minute ago
+Apollonian Apollonius No, I do not quit, having to much FUN (to be honest).

Apollonian Apollonius16 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo U dumb piece-of-****. I gave u the citation, stupid scum, Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6.

Fanaprimo1 day ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Citations , pah. The Bible is written by Man, not by God. And as I told you before I am a skeptic. And the most of my skepticism goes towards humans. History proves that that is a right thing to do

Apollonian Apollonius1 second ago
Why/how would brain/mind "fool" the subject? If we assume reality exists, then why wouldn't it be objective reality, senses being necessary link/contact?--u make no sense. For objectivity is ONLY way reality can make any sense, the only means of reason, logic, science, brainless scum. If reality were anything other than objective, there would be no possible reason, logic, knowledge, dumbass. Objectivity (Aristotle) is NECESSARY assumption for all reason. Thought of the great Aristotle is worth FAR more than mystic, satanist, lying filth like u.

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