Tuesday, May 31, 2016

JR confronted w. necessary implications of his expo--will he now become outright satanist?....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR Should Take Stock For His "Journey"
(Apollonian, 31 May 16)

JR: look at ur above replies--u seem to have been caught flat-footed, eh?--flailing about rather frantically to think of a response to ur being exposed for (a) ur REAL "religion"--anti-Christianity, absolutely fanatic, obsessionate, insistent.

(b) At same time, u pretend to be champion of law and B. of Rights, overlooking the slight fact it's all product of Christian culture.

(c) U then define "religion" as "believing without proof"--which isn't true, but regardless, is PRECISELY the exact description of ur own belief in "good-evil," isn't it?

(d) And u won't face-up to fact and reality of satanistic war against USA, people of USA and Christian and Western culture.

(e) So, as I note, u seem to be taken-aback, eh?--to have been confronted w. ur demonstrable treason, pretending u're "American," yet rejecting Christian culture and foundation of law, playing so perfectly the willing dupe and useful idiot for satanists.

So my question, JR, is are u now considering becoming outright satanist?--traitor, anti-Christ, and hypocrite as u're demonstrated to be?

It's like u didn't realize this about satanism and ur own hypocrisy, and now u're rather STUNNED as to be so confronted w. the simple truth.

So will u be retiring fm ur blogging now that u've discovered what u're really all about?--anti-Christ hypocrisy, willing dupe and useful idiot for satanism? Will u be going all-out now for satanism, now that u understand what it is and how it works (extreme subjectivism)? "American's Journey"?--now arrived at full-out, avowed satanism? Tell us, JR.

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