Monday, May 23, 2016

Anti-Christ blogger, victim of satanism, demonstrates problem w. culture of Jew S A, submerged in madness, hubris....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Drowning In Madness
(Apollonian, 23 May 16)

JR: u're just a RAVING psychotic, buddy (see below-copied). In first place, ur entry, just above, was not relevant to my original which had to do w. the reality of "good-evil" which is integral part of ur "religion" in which u "believe" without any proof, sucker.

I must criticize Christ?--no moron, I'd just pt. out (once again) u make no sense.

Torture would be justified if it could produce real info, as I noted. But torture is rather used precisely because it produces the lies Bush-Cheney wanted to justify their aggression and then police-state, they telling the Judeo-Christian hereticalist scum they had proof and genuine info about terror plans and "imminent threat," etc., the excuse for their police-state and spending money attacking innocent people, etc.

But now if enemy does torture, then it's justified to doing it to them. And if enemy shoots ur prisoners, it's justified to shooting theirs.

I'd suggest u continue to not answer-up to my challenges here, buddy, as ur "answers"/responses are absurd and obviously evasive to the relevant issues which u cannot handle. U seem to be now effectively reduced evermore to pathetic absurd--like a child or a little girl, even.


Anonymous May 23, 2016, 6:21:00 PM


It's in the Bible - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Apsterian, since there is no sane person that would invite torture to be done the them - then it is "wrong" according to Christ's teachings.

Now you must criticize Christ...


----------------below-copied by JR in response to my entry, top, above----------

Anonymous May 23, 2016, 9:06:00 PM


You are correct. Even a child can understand the golden rule, "Do unto others ..."

Give it a try.....


JR's Blogging Has Broken-Down, Reduced To Absurd--Like Culture Of USA
(Apollonian, 24 May 16)

JR: We've now analyzed u for ur own anti-American religion of extreme, fanatical, furiously obsessionate anti-Christianity and "good-evil" which u cannot prove (for criterion for "good-evil").

It's hypocritical, to say the least, to knock "religion" as being incapable of "proof" when u suffer very same problem (as for criterion for "good-evil" which u cannot demonstrate or prove).

U're the problem JR, dis-loyal to American people and Christian culture for foundation of law, u a willing dupe and useful idiot for the satanist enemies of USA, now Jew S A, going down.... U're micro-cosm of Spenglerian "Decline of the West," in gross, horrific hubris.

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