Sunday, June 5, 2016

Why JR, the half-baked anti-Christ, anti-American, deserves contempt for TREASON, holding w. and giving comfort to enemies....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Why/How We Righteously, Rightfully Hate And Repudiate Such As JR With Disgust And Contempt
(Apollonian, 5 Jun 16)

See JR: I want u to KNOW why/how we say u're NOT and couldn't be "American"; u're just a scummy piece-of-**** that lies.

U're not Christian, but the worst thing is (a) u mis-represent Christianity, (b) lie about it, and (c), not only a and b, but u don't even grasp what it is.

(d) Further, u then pretend to know more and be better than the Christian people, whom u presume to lecture, as we see above, and whom u also patronize and treat w. condescension. U'RE AN ENEMY OF THE CHRISTIAN AND AMERICAN PEOPLE. U're no "American," u lying puke filth.

On top of these, above, a through d, u're a scummy, stinking hypocrite, invoking non-existent "good-evil," "believing without proof," as u dis-approve above in ur text.

Thus, u're a TRAITOR, deserving death, I suggest, as u end holding w. the satanic enemies of the original USA, giving them comfort, a willing dupe and useful idiot.

So ur "journey," such as it is, ought to end w. some DISCOVERY of the truth having to do w. what u really are: an ANTI-AMERICAN, traitor, ENEMY of the American people who are Christian--the real people of the USA, properly understood.

U're not ultimately going to be tolerated, and indeed, the fact that, so far, to extent u are tolerated is the very reason the real USA suffers and is in such horrific danger.

So I suggest u move to another country--u're not long for this one. And of course, there are probably quite a few like u, so it may be a while before the Christian people will once again be organized enough to be able to dealing w. u.

But it's that horrific process by way of separating sheep fm goats that is yet to taking place. Trump-nationalism vs. satanic-world gov./dictatorship is merely the first stage. For Trump himself, for example, is actually just a dissident part of the Jew-dominated ruling establishment, and it's this larger Jew-infested establishment which needs be dealt w. by Christian people.

So u see, this blog-written accounting of ur "journey" isn't entirely useless, for in ur HUBRIS, u were interested enough to putting-down ur thoughts in quite an amazing honest manner, I'd observe. Ur blogging then just goes to showing the pathetic nature of u as willing dupe to satanists, u not being an outright satanist.

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