Thursday, February 11, 2016

Satanism, subjectivism, hubris: primary, foremost cultural/sociologic problems--against divine Christianity....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism, Subjectivism, Hubris: Primary Sociologic/Cultural Problem(s)
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 16)

So JR, to re-capitulate, u're quoted, fm ur above entry, Feb 2, 2016, 7:27:00 PM,

"...[T]he purpose of religion was for us to find a way to come together for reasons other than warfare. I thought the lessons of Christ included the pursuit of peace...."

So ur utter, complete mis-conception is exposed. Christianity only brings an inner emotional-pcychologic "peace," founded upon real Christian virtue of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), the ONLY way to Godly-type happiness.

So then one must observe and conclude ur insane hatred of Christianity is (must be) built upon such gross mis-conception of Christian virtue and purpose.

Thus u blame Christianity for ur own lacking and fault, the tragedy then being that u FAIL to see the great meaning for Christianity--ANTI-SATANISM, satanism built upon (extreme) subjectivism in which there is no truth, or that ANYTHING is truth--against the Christian truth founded upon the objective reality.

So it's amazing to think about HOW u could have been so miserably, utterly mis-conceived, imagining that any sort of political peace could be achieved by ANY means, humans being sinners, hopelessly doomed to fiery flames of heck.

Of course, Aldous Huxley, in "Brave New World," suggested a way--chemical lobotomization by means of forced drugging of the population--which seems to be what's actually happening--along w. deadly, toxic vaccines, poisoned GMO food and food-additives, glyphosate poisons in quise of pesticides, "chem-trails," etc.

And "Georgia Guide-stones" tell us they're (CFR, Tri-laterals, and Bilderbergers) going to genocide us all and "reduce population."

Who/what created ISIS?--it wasn't mooooooslims or Arabs--it was/is Jew S A, Israel, NATO, Saudis and allies among the oil sheikdoms (like Qatar).

So our greatest enemies are anti-Christ satanists here in Jew S A, satanism built upon lies and frauds like the central-banks which legally COUNTERFEITS the currency, their primary practical weapon (primary abstract weapon being subjectivism--upon which these frauds are based and by which they're justified, as in fallacious "moralism" of "good-evil").

Thus we see the details of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spenger, by which an over-populated, hubristic mass of goons are liquidated, killed-off, and reduced--even after they've had things explained to them in detail for how things happen ("Brave New World," etc.).

So I say dear Christianity, the real thing, is KEY to uniting the people for practical purposes against satanism, which satanism is not some MYSTIC thing impossible to understanding, satanism being essentially and simply (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, thus hubris.

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