Thursday, February 18, 2016

satanist heretics who subvert Christian understanding, allies of the Jew master-liars, satanists....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christ's WORST Enemies: Liars And Mystics
(Apollonian, 18 Feb 16)

Thus (see below-copied) the Jewwy, Jew-serving, Jew-imitating liar, like TS, explicitly reveals his stinking, putrid mysticism--and LIES.

"Most Christians would accept all of the Bible as revelation from God."

This (above-quoted) is obviously false. "Christian" is simply follower of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And we see here and now just what a brainless, ignorant LIAR this anti-Christ scum is. Thus a Christian is utmost rationalist, Holy Spirit being Reason and Honesty, as I noted, extending then to integrity of the whole person, intellect and sentiment.

"TS" also says: "Apsterian views reality as: Objective only, Darwinian (evolutionary), Christian - but primarily NT and only selective portions according to his interpretive scheme."

These statements (above-quoted) are just more muddled, prejudicial, presumptuous lies. Reality is what it is, as God created it, as we have it--the objective reality, PERIOD. There's no "only" to it--reality is what it is, hence objective, God-given. And we now see what an ignorant, confused fool of a MYSTIC we're up against in TS--but he's NOT Christian; rather just another lying satanist scum.

Bible, including New Test. (NT) is literature, period. We only get Christianity fm NT, but Christ preached the Mosaic law as we have it fm Old Test, given as back-ground and supplement.

And as reality is OBJECTIVE it's determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect; we're all sinners, as St.s Paul and Augustine affirm, we following our human nature, God-given, as creatures of will, pursuing self-interest. Humanity is in-capable of "good"--Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine.

And there's no "stew," as this scummy liar pretends, Bible is literature properly seen, much as possible, as an organic whole. And Jews, liars who worship lies and lying (see, are worthy of hatred simply as Christ indicated at Gosp.s JOHN 8:44 and MATT ch. 23.

So we see "TS" is simply another satanic, mystic, anti-Christ liar and heretic. And it's interesting to observe, once again, just WHAT these "Christian-identity" scum really and truly are: just hereticalist filth who want to replace the Jews as the "chosen" who are thereby entitled to murder the rest of the goyim, evidently, because it says so in the "mystic" Bible, as this mystic puke, TS, explicitly asserts.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Anonymous Feb 18, 2016, 12:33:00 PM

Interesting questions JR. I can highlite some of the differences I have with Apsterian's view of Christianity. Apsterian views reality as: Objective only, Darwinian (evolutionary), Christian - but primarily NT and only selective portions according to his interpretive scheme. Out of this stew, he determines that although good/evil don't exist, we all should embrace reason and honesty which makes us hate the Jews in particular, and anybody else who doesn't agree is "not too bright".

In addition to questions regarding good and evil, Christianity also addresses questions of existence and origins. Most Christians would accept all of the Bible as revelation from God. This rejects Darwinianism and blind, random acts bringing nature and us into being. We are therefore a creation of God and our responsibilities to Him and each other are described in terms of moral laws reflecting good/evil. It also teaches "mysticism", meaning life and transcendence beyond the earthly realm.

Men's failures and shortcoming with respect to good (sin) becomes the means through which God's covenant people better understand Him, and by which He can test and discipline them as He sees fit (e.g. Job). Our free-will response to this test is probably limited by His boundaries and prepares us for the next life.

This is a short attempt to offer a general Christian perspective on the problem of evil. I wouldn't expect it to be suprising to anybody here. It might help to narrow the subject matter for future discussion. - TS

1 comment:

  1. cabalistic identity is what C.I. is.They treasure 1,2 Enoch and zohar. The german crowd loves to exalt themselves on all the technology and manufacture of tools ,metals ,animal breeding,musical instruments,building,etc.that they have given the world.Exactly what is credited to the bloodline of Cain in genesis 4:17-22. Then John 8:44 is directed towards them, as i used to comment but no reply.But Peter in Acts 3:12-15 accuses Israel of killing Jesus.
