Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Appropriateness of Christian truth movement in midst of satanic confusion, corruption quite well justified....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR Is Part Of Cultural Anti-Christ Problem
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 16)

JR: following is what u wrote, fm above:

Anonymous Feb 2, 2016, 7:27:00 PM


"The concept of religion and killing is just a little weird for me - I was raised in an environment where, and maybe my perception is incorrect here, that the purpose of religion was for us to find a way to come together for reasons other than warfare. I thought the lessons of Christ included the pursuit of peace - but no, it comes down to the pursuit of more .223 remington to kill more people from another religion.

"Also - you cannot even define a Christian for me so there is no way to even discuss the matter since there is no common concept to discuss. I use that term here very loosely -

"I've met many people who described themselves as Christians - to me - and they like seeing Muslims die."

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So I consider my response was quite accurate. And I explained for u what's going on--regarding the necessary, inexorable CYCLIC course of hist. whence West and Jew S A are now well into "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the people (of West) over-populated, filled w. hubris, and now SUBJECTIVISTIC, thus SATANIC, the leading satanists being Jews, in accord w. their filthy Talmud (see, Jews foremost satanists (subjectivists), most organized and "connected."

So of course u're right about Jews and Israel benefitting--and I'm sure many, many would agree. But what do u expect?

So quit ur (satanist-like) lying. To unite the volk people need serious, genuine anti-semitism (anti-subjectivism), hence Christianity (Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), return to gold/silver as money, states-rights, dissolution of present ZOG dictatorship, ultra-centralized fed gov.

But the people are horrifically deluded, STILL, as dumb-****s can't see or even believe US Dollar is collapsing. SO things just have to keep getting worse, this worsening only thing to persuade the morons--IF they can be "persuaded."

We need a sea-change for sociologic understanding among the moronic masses, the people grasping that those preaching socialism/statism merely want power in order to KILL and genocide the people--as we see happening w. toxic vaccines, GMO foods, other poisonous food additives, glyphosate poisons used as pesticides, "chem-trail" poisons, etc.

It's tough trying to "reason" w. stupid ****s among the masses who care only for "bread & circuses." And u don't help w. ur insane, mis-conceived anti-Christ prejudice built upon gross ignorance as I've noted and quoted fm u. Hence u, most of all, shouldn't be "emperor."

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Anonymous Feb 9, 2016, 7:53:00 PM


I never asked for peace guarantees - otherwise I wouldn't be writing anything here at all!

I am "complaining" that I am investing money in an "enterprise" called "Yoo ess ayy,,,Yoo ess ayy"

and I get nothing in return. In fact the cry is that war is getting worse - we are losing all the wars so things are going to get worse! Of course - worse! Why? Because that keeps the gravy train rolling.

But what is my $ cut of all this? All Gods aside where is my cut of the payoff - the loot? Oh .... heh heh - I'm suppowzed 2 accept diminishing returns for my time and labor....yes I see... so what is your reason that I shouldn't be made emperor?


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