Tuesday, December 22, 2015

satanic, Jew world order juggernaut is faltering w. currency/economic collapse, but how will Christian truth prevail?....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanic JWO Juggernaut Is Faltering, But Can Christian Truth, Humanity Prevail?
(Apollonian, 21 2015)

Controlling pop. is explicit plan of Jew world order (JWO), "agenda-21," riding the satanic beast of subjectivism and moralism, but there's a little thing happening, and happening even more so soon, and that's currency and hence, economic collapse.

Prices are going to DOUBLE, soon, within a few weeks, surely, according to all the signs, verified by numerous observers. So ZOG will attempt a war somewhere, it seems, and if people don't go along, then ZOG will simply go to war, or try to, anyway, against people of Jew S A.

And it will be Christian truth vs. Jew lies, basically, as always, but will take a specific form, at least at first, of Christian vs. "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo). For beyond that, JWO will require United Nations troops.

So pertinent, specific issues will surely regard states-rights, real, commodity-based money, and the hope must be that JWO satanic beast will be dealt-with on that basis, but JWO has tremendous weapons, HAARP, EMP, bio-weapons, not to mention nukes.

People need to face reality of JWO and necessity of Christian unity against these satanic psychopaths, esp. in view of the blatant, evermore revealed scandal of ISIS built, supplied, and armed by ZOG, Israel, NATO, and Saudi. Even knows and tells the people about this in-ur-face

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