Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Truth is merely "relative" for satanic-controlled public edjumacators....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Good" ALWAYS Founded On Lies
(Apollonian, 20 Dec 15)

Absolutely (see below-copied note): for "truth" is merely "relative" for modern edjumacators--not to mention ethics.

And after all, that's why we got Jews--to tell us what's (a) true, and (b) "moral."

For when word comes down fm almighty Jews, that's what's got to be and happen.

Gotta hand it to the kikes: they know what rules--central-banking and control of the currency (not real "money" which must be commodity, hence gold/silver).

And Fetzer, who reputedly taught philosophy doesn't grasp this regnant, ruling "relativity" of truth and ethics?--which is now being exerted and imposed in case of Tracy and others?--and has been for yrs and yrs and yrs now.

For in philosophy the first (metaphysics) issue is btwn objectivity and subjectivism (relativism), Aristotle vs. Plato, always has been.

And since over-populated, corrupt scum and suckers in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, demand a way of being "good," which is non-existent, the Jews insist upon subjectivism ("midrash") by which God does miracles for his favorites, kikes.

Thus u see, by means of control of the currency (not "money") Jew masterminds control reality--they say what's true and what's "moral," reality having to be subject to moralism, hence subjectivism. Moralism couldn't exist without subjectivism (midrash), u see.

And that's why Christian truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), founded necessarily upon objective, God-given, reality, is always on defensive against purveyors of "good" which requires subjectivism--thus note, "good" founded on lies, hence Jews, necessarily.

Thus Jews are foremost liars as that's what Talmud is all about: WAR against the gentiles, to make gentiles slaves, and to kill them--as we see taking place all around us, everywhere, in the world and in Jew S A too. And Fetzer was proud member of establishment edjumacation, never forget.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

William St. George December 20, 2015 at 4:16 PM

This is definitely a good deed on your part, Dr Fetzer. It is all politics. The admin at the school already has dirty hands so putting them into the mud once more is hardly a problem once one is used to the condition. It should be clear by now that the Father of lies never uses contraception!

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