Friday, December 18, 2015

JR can't figure-out necessary Christian foundation for Bill of Rights--which B. of Rights is dead here in Jew S A, until revival of the real Christianity, ANTI-SEMITISM....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR Continues Silence On Rampant satanism And Cultural "Decline"
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 15)

Well JR, we notice u mention USS Liberty affair, BUT it just brings-up issue of Israel, which brings-up Jew issue which u don't want to face. So this refusal of urs to face real issues is an issue.

And we note u CONTINUE to avoid/evade the satanism issue--against which dread satanism was the people's Christianity, even w. all its draw-backs which u so abhor and struggle even to understanding.

Another thing is Congress's passing its big omnibus bill which brings-in more Moooooslim refugees, etc.--which the people are against, but Congress doesn't care as it gets its money/campaign-funding fm someone else.

And u see JR, Trump opposes this Moooooslim invasion--that's why people love him--even though, hey, we all know there's nothing to stop him fm going-back on any promises if he gets in, no less than all the other politicians.

See JR, if u went to China, or India and started talking about ur precious Bill of Rights, they'd hardly know what u were talking about, right?--and that's because they're lacking the cultural, hence psychologic foundation, right?

Well, don't u see, same thing obtains here in Jew S A--the cultural foundation is GONE, right?--that's why it would be similar result if u were, and as u do, to bringing up B. of Rights, right?

And Christianity, the real thing, is that indispensable foundation for B. of Rights--thus anti-satanism, and, truth be told, anti-semitism.

So we see people like u are torn and conflicted: (a) u want B. of Rights, BUT (b) u quail at necessary Christian foundation thereto. But this same psychologic/ideologic conflict is what goes for so many others too. That's why USA is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED, and we're in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And NOTHING, but nothing can stop the down-trending.

So Spenglerian, cultural "decline" continues, can't and won't stop till the currency and economic collapse become soooo horrifically definitive and abysmal, ONLY THEN capable of being revived, perhaps--if there are enough survivors. This, Spenglerian "Decline" and collapse is now where we are, JR, in midst of grim and ruthless satanic masterminds in full control, but u say nothing--and that's why it will most likely continue.

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