Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sandy hoax: specific instance of the larger satanist culture--a fact utterly lost on such as weaklings, Tracy and Fetzer....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Tracy, Fetzer: Incompetent Cowards, Worthless For Expo Of Real Cultural Problem, Satanism, Jews
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 15)

Don't forget the real problem is the large system within which these false-flag psy-ops, like Sandy hoax, are being carried-out, the Jew world order behind central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING which is funding and financing everything, including especially the mass-corp. Jews-media which larger environment half-baked cowards and incompetents, Tracy and Fetzer, don't have the guts to name and identify.

Simply observe the ISIS scandal which we're now learning in minute detail is total creature of Jew S A, NATO, Israel, Saudi, etc.--how is ISIS any essentially diff. psy-ops than Sandy hoax? For all the psy-ops require huge funding by Jew central-bankers and Jews-media lying and diversionary tactics.

It used to be understood USA was Christian nation, which Christianity was the bulwark of the people against the present gross, raging, in-ur-face satanism led by Jews who funded ISIS to causing the alien refugees now invading the West.

But these half-baked incompetents, Tracy and Fetzer, KNOW NOTHING about that Christian-inspired culture, and they actually know nothing about the present raging, evermore dominant satanism led by Jews.

And to remove the satanic problem requires the re-invigorated Christianity, hence anti-Semitism--WHICH TRACY AND FETZER ARE INCAPABLE of even imagining--they're integral part of the basic cultural problem which requires removal of central-banking, institution of real commodity money, states-rights, primacy of local gov., nullification and interposition by the states against a tyrannical general, federal gov.

So never doubt Sandy hoax is mere instance of the larger, real problem, RAMPANT SATANISM, led by Jews, for which problem Tracy and Fetzer are practically useless even if they tell many of the specific facts involved in Sandy hoax.

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