Thursday, December 17, 2015

Whenever Americans discuss Civ. War, "slavery" issue ALWAYS subverts discussion--but less so nowadays, evermore....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Worst Enemy Of Truth Is Subjectivism And Non-Existent "Good"
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 15)

Let me here commend u on ur patient, valiant, and substantial effort to inform the public, including me, as well as ur particular respondent, as to the history of Civ. War (more properly war of northern aggression). I'd only disagree most strongly w. ur attempt to separate the two issues, guns and states-rights, as held by those sad heroes, the southern rebels of the 1860s.

I've found that the discussion about states-rights is ALWAYS most horribly undercut and subverted the very moment slavery and ethics invades--which is always. Too few people, but evermore white people and Christians, are beginning to grasp the virtue of states rights, primacy and virtue of local gov., delegated and limited powers, and constitutional contract.

And gun-rights?--well, all rights are held by citizens, and gov. only secures those rights, the citizens absolutely requiring guns for their self-defense esp. as it entails overthrow of tyrannic gov. which is what happened in 1861 and now.

For observe we have a general gov. now caught red-handed having built-up ISIS which is being used presently to flooding the West w. hostile and alien invaders for blatant, explicit purpose of overthrowing national sovereignty and rule-of-law in favor of establishment of world-dictatorship, nothing more nor less. So the immediate and direct pt.s of gun-rights and state and local gov. apply most urgently, without any doubt whatsoever--they go together most naturally.

There were other good pt.s brought-up in ur discussion, as regarding the problem of cultural ethos which is actually quite and explicitly a matter of the struggle against satanism (extreme subjectivism--HUBRIS), overt and in-ur-face, especially in way of entertainment, like "hip-hop" music for the all-seeing eye symbology and other masonic-type clap-trap.

Thus we find ourselves in midst of CYCLIC, determinist "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the era of Jews and Jew banking ("central-banking"--see for best expo) coming to a great head, US Federal Reserve Bank collapsing, along w. its filthy, fraudulent "currency" (not money, properly understood), and the economy of a captive people being killed by slow-kill methods of poisoning through water supplies, food and food-additives, toxic vaccines, "chem-trail" poisons, and lethal radiation, both electro-magnetic and nuke--like fm Fukushima killing the Pac. ocean.

So we need a great neo-Christian revolution as of original St. Constantine the Great, removing the Jews and totally exterminating Judaism fm our culture--along then with institution of proper commodity-based money (gold and silver), rule-of-law, etc. The absolute worst enemy of TRUTH is that devilish Pharisaism and "good" delusion, good founded in subjectivism and the hubristic, non-existent, perfectly "free," God-like human will.

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