Wednesday, September 23, 2015

satanic nature of Jews and 9/11 is un-mistakeable, really--takes lots of deliberate, suicidal, moralistic lobotomization to fail to see....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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HOW Can Fetzer Fail So Horribly?
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 15)

Observe the slam-dunk nature of satanist conspiracy within the satanic circumstances:

(1) Definition of satanism, extreme subjectivism, is easily done and demonstrable, subjectivist making himself God the creator. And it's not mere "zealotry" as Fetzer falsely claims.

(2) The instances and existence of satanism within the culture are widely observed (see u-tube), "hip-hop" music, selective prosecutions of whistle-blowers and bankers, homosexual executive, married to a transsexual, making law in contempt of Const. and Congress, etc.

(3) Question then is who are leading, most organized subjectivists?--Jews, and not merely zionists, easily demonstrated; see and for expo.

(4) What's practical instrument for imposition of satanism?--that legalized COUNTERFEITING, criminal scam known as "central-banking," buying, extorting, assassinating all/any politicians, judges, the public edjumacation, the corp.s, including the "Jews-media," and esp. the establishment "Christian" churches, etc.

Thus the evidence and details are so eminently present for the conclusion which is NOT falsified, perfectly proven, but Fetzer, the trained, consummate, academic hack, quails and fails--on the excuse of moralism/Pharisaism.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." -Sherlock Holmes (A.C. Doyle)

It wasn't and couldn't have been mooooslims, Eskimos, Bushmen, Hottentots, or Pygmies who did 9/11; it could ONLY have been that one group who hold themselves above criticism.

Thus Fetzer so horribly and miserably FAILS as philosophical and scientist, keeping people's attn. so strictly on minutiae, refusing to observe the blatant inductive evidence for the necessary general theory which explains everything, including the "outrageous" 9/11 consp. so well, so accurately, so thoroughly, and so informatively.

How is Fetzer NOT acting as most infernal, subversive gate-keeper?

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