Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jew-friendly sympathizer, -defender instructed upon Jews, satanism, and including their primary earthly instrument (aside fm lying), central-banking....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

My two essays, below, really should be combined into one.

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"It's Jews, Stupid": Foremost Satanists
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 15)

U (see below-copied) are simply pathetically ignorant of that criminal enterprise known as central-banking by which they literally legally COUNTERFEIT the "money supply," printing-up practically all the currency they need to totally monopolizing, buying, owning, and controlling everyone and everybody. See for expo on this criminal banking; also see

These criminals, posing as "bankers," own and control all the establishment mass-media--this is proven and demonstrable.

Problem is u don't know what u're talking about, horrendously ignorant as u are about money and banking.

Judaism = satanism (extreme subjectivism); see and Talmud teaches Jews war against humanity, thus making Jews topmost, foremost criminals.

So u make no sense buddy, pretending as u do there's someone else, aside fm Jews, the topmost satanists.

Real Christianity Could Still Save USA, West
(Apollonian 23 Sep 15)

Of course, it isn't as if Jews are only sinners--all mankind are sinners. Pt. then is as cultures go through CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the evermore subjectivist/satanistic -oriented corrupt culture becomes victim to Jew masterminds taking-over--as we see presently in the West and affecting the whole world too, as the central-banking exerts its effects.

The classic instance in history of such cultural decline is Roman empire. 4th cent. Christian revolution revived the empire briefly, but it wasn't enough to save the empire fm descent into mysticism/subjectivism, evidently.

Can anything save the present Western world?--only another Christian, anti-satanic, anti-subjectivistic turn of the culture. People would have to abandon and throw away their addiction to self-righteousness and "moralist virtue," such as it's understood according to fallacious, non-existent "good-evil," if that's possible.

In practical terms, salvation of what's left of modern-era culture would mean returning to gold-standard economy, and states-rights, local-government ideals in accord w. original American Declaration of Independence.

Presently, fiat-Dollar standard is collapsing, and the top masterminds want to muddy the waters for their escape by means of ginning-up warfare. People must unite on grounds of original Christian Ideal of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

AnonymousSeptember 23, 2015 at 11:29 AM

With all due respect, I believe that both Prof. Fetzer and Rebekah Roth overestimate the involvement of Israel and Mossad in 9/11. I will explain where I agree and where I disagree.

1) Yes, many likely dual citizens were involved in WTC security and ownership and PNAC.

2) Yes, Israel has benefited from the anti-Muslim sentiment and Middle Eastern wars.

3) Yes, Holocaust is a myth.


4) The "dancing Israelis" and Israelis driving vans with explosives around NYC on 9/11, the vans with the WTC attack painted on the side, and the Israeli art students -- these all have the signs of a deliberate setup because the evidence is too glaring. This orgy of evidence is too good to be true. Rational people, such as Mossad agents, would not incriminate themselves so openly and carelessly. My view is that the vans with explosives attributed to Israelis and "dancing Israelis" are the CIA's doing, yet another diversion from the real masterminds and biggest beneficiaries (CIA and JCS mainly).

5) Although Isreal has benefited from 9/11, the weight of evidence suggests that Israel does not control the CIA and JCS, nor do international bankers, many of whom are Jewish. In my view, Israel and international bankers are minor partners not the bosses of the CIA and JCS. In fact, the latter two organizations have a long history of excluding and disliking Jews. Nobody benefited more from 9/11 than the Pentagon and CIA (even if we consider only the 2.3 trillion of disappeared transactions before 9/11 and disregard the trillions spent on wars after 9/11).

6) Not all American news media are pro-Israel or controlled by Jews. I can cite the example of CNN, which is strongly disliked by my Jewish acquaintances because it often criticizes Israel.

7) Very rich people, many of whom are Jews, do not control the Pentagon and CIA. These organizations probably have many of their own underground billionaires, who will never be detected by the editors of the Forbes magazine. More importantly, nobody can control an organization that can assassinate anyone anywhere with complete deniability. If Larry Silverstein tried to give an order to one of those guys, he would probably die of natural causes the next day.

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