Monday, September 21, 2015

Moralistic hack, gate-keeper is pathetic excuse for "truther" leader against satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Scope, Extent, Implications Of Fetzer's Failure
(Apollonian, 21 Sep 15)

Fetzer has some serious problems: (a) note a philosopher is supposed to be able to induce to appropriate general theory based upon the items and details of evidence--Fetzer is far too hung-up on these details, utterly failing for necessary induction.

(b) Satanism (extreme subjectivism) then is OBVIOUS problem which numerous commentators have noted--just ck u-tube vids. So HOW has this subjectivism arisen and metastasized?--can it be that putrid moralism/Pharisaism which is at base of non-existent "good-evil" delusion which Fetzer helps to promote?

(c) And observe the pathetic incompetence of Fetzer for simple analysis of Christian philosophy and TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) within Christian New Test. literature--which Christianity is so overthrown by present raging cultural satanism.

For the 9/11 false-flag psy-ops was and still is OUTRAGEOUS consp., and it deserves the theory appropriate to it, a fully encompassing theory, which fully explains things--like the US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING scam, key component which gives satanists all their practical power, buying, bribing, and extorting practically all the politicians, judges, corp.s, public edjumacation--everything.

So u see, Fetzer is such a failure, in so many ways, one must wonder if it isn't deliberate.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Unknown September 21, 2015 at 8:18 PM

Jim, As I've written several times before, you're the most analytical, reasonable, and sensible of all those working to expose government high profile coverups.

Re long video posts: Keep in mind that a lot of us interested and critical readers of your columns and those of others have limitations.Hour plus long videos are turnoffs.

Why can't the presenter summarize his/her comments in ten minutes and link to his longer presentation.

Pissing matches between coverup critics are turnoffs. Investigators should avoid them. My impression is that you've been good about that. My impression is that you've had high priase for Dr. Judy Wood and others who are probably right in part but not completely. I've been impressed that you've been a rational critic, not a name caller.

I've been reading about government ops for 50 years. Your analyses make more sense to me than do those of anyone(s) else.
You've been a skilled investigator for decades. You've had your compelling say about every event.

Consider acting as a neutral moderator/analyst for all the theorists about every high profile governemnt op.

I've been thinking about this for a while. I believe that with your background, your ability to organize, evaluate, and think logically, and your general fairness to investigators, you could be a great synthesizer of alternate views.

Perhaps with a little juggling and tact you could get the alternate media government ops critics to get back on the same page and work toward the same goals that you seem so focused on.

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