Monday, September 21, 2015

Christ, truth, reason, adultery, homosexuality, etc., all in perspective, according to the New Test. literature....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christ = Truth; Relation To Adultery, Homosexual Behavior
(Apollonian, 21 Sep 15)

Note the Bible and especially sublime New Testament are, first of all, literature, no less than sublime, but more simplistic Homeric stories of Illiad and Oddysey, which preceded Bible as foundation for Western culture--it's philosophy in allegoric form, told by way of exemplary story--that of dear Lord and Savior, Christ.

Thus New Test. tells story of TRUTH in form of Christ, God the Son (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and the heroic travail thereof in this earthly existence, in face of hubristic Pharisees, foremost liars (JOHN 8:44). So the first lesson is truth requires the objective (God-given) reality as necessary criterion/premise; lies are built on subjectivism pretending to reality.

Thus Christ repudiated subjectivist-founded Pharisaic lies built upon their "midrash" (interpretation) according to "Oral law tradition." See for expo on Talmud and Pharisaism. Pharisees thereupon conspired to kill Christ--the natural consequence for anyone upholding truth (= Christ) in face of establishment.

Everything else for Christianity and New Test. follows, these metaphysical premises serving for all/any ensuing "morality" which is otherwise greatest curse of mankind when it pretends to Pelagian heresy and fallacious/delusionary "good-evil," which cannot exist and is founded upon hubris of a perfectly "free," God-like will.

Thus satanism then is extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be mere issuance of mentality/consciousness, hubristic making oneself God, which takes advantage of poor weaklings and suckers who persist in this "good-evil" mythology first taught to children for purpose of gaining their obedience by means of guilt-complex and then intimidation and terror based thereupon.

Adultery then is pernicious as it interferes with and subverts the rational society built upon contract. Further, adultery psychologically indulges mindless passion and is the root of the hedonist homosexual fallacy featuring mindless sense-gratification for its own sake as end-all and be-all for ultimate happiness. Thus the homosexuals, gross subjectivists and irrationalists, insist heterosexuals have no right to discriminating against them and their behavior for their irrational and sensuous addictions.

So Christ is thus foremost philosopher and metaphysician demonstrating proper ethics, purpose for which ethics is human welfare which is equated w. rationalism above all, essence of the Holy Spirit, necessarily (but requiring also HONESTY as additional tempering element), for apprehension of truth (= Christ), only way to Godly happiness.

And it isn't that we shouldn't sin--we're sinners who can't help it, no matter what we do--but we shouldn't INDULGE in it, like homosexuals do, for example. And if adultery is wrong, it's wrong for a reason, it necessarily offending against the rationalist principle which Christ upheld for purpose of truth above all as the only way to God.

The "historical Jesus"?--there's no such thing, anymore than historical Achilles or historical Oddyseus, but such Jesus character is useful for the weaklings who predominate for overwhelming numbers of the population, who cannot think in strict logical terms, unable to easily discerning the actual philosophy conveyed by New Test.

And adultery simply needs be understood in context, in the large scheme of things; Christ showed us how and why. Poor girl was caught-up in mindless addiction--which didn't particularly bother Christ, though he demonstrated how and why it should be avoided.

"Slut-shaming"?--it's merely a version of same mindless, addictive behavior and consequences which can get to being "too much" even under present-day satanic circumstances, glorifying such irrationality and subjectivism, and it ought to be kept within a rationalist perspective as Christ so well and easily demonstrated.

And the "religious or political nonsense"?--that's Pharisaism, built upon subjectivism, lies, and especially, the false moralism of non-existent and most pernicious "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy) which is so thoroughly destroying our civilization in this very day before our very eyes.

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