Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion" was simply more detailed plan for satanism, satanists--Jews, naturally (for who's more satanist than kikes?)....

Hello: well, I enjoyed good, long vacation fm posting, but now I guess I'll get back to work here on theme of satanism.  Below, by me, was first posted at comments,

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Good Vid For Details Only Leaves Out Large Picture For Outright Satanism
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 15)

Doom: U're always good w. the details--that's why people like u so much, that scientific eye of observation u so often demonstrate.  The only time u might fall-down, IF u ever do, would be for organization of those details and the thesis--though I think u do well here for invoking "Protocols...."

But there's an even easier, simpler epitomizing, that being satanism; Judaism = satanism, the demonstration for detail being even easier--just look at present-day hip-hop and "rap" music--case closed.

The only further exposition would be for the amazing, sublime method for the HOW to this satanism--how it succeeds and works--esp. in view of equally simple idea that our original, dear Christianity was supposed to be a GUARD against this satanism--what in heck happened?

Answer is obvious: Christianity became Judaized--but then HOW?  And answer isn't difficult, really: people lost for basic idea of Christianity, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this opposing Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44).  Thus Christianity stood for the objective reality, necessary criterion for such truth--against Jew subjectivism.

Perhaps MOST of all, the Christian idea of "faith" is NOT NOT NOT mere "beleeeeeeeevin'"; rather, it's LOYALTY.  Jew lies is what so desperately requires "beleeeeeeeeeevin'."  Thus the word and concept of "faith" became confused--to the detriment of Christianity and Christians, now so horrifically victimized by Jews and satanists.

Finally, another observation is Christianity is/was Judaized in form of Pharisaism--the idea of a "good-evil" which in strict Christianity doesn't and can't exist, humanity being sinful by nature, hence not capable of "evil"--only insanity--nor "good."

So in conclusion I'd say "Protocols..." is really itself just a detail to the larger satanic big-picture being inflicted by Jews.  So the vid was very good for basic substance and numerous observations and details, but could have been shorter for better, more incisive effect for viewer.  It so happens there's relatively large explicit satanic presence in Newtown too.

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