Thursday, January 29, 2015

satanic Judaization of Christianity begins w. confusion (equivocation fallacy) of word, "faith"....

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What Is "Faith," Properly Understood?
(Apollonian, 21 Jan 15)

Ho ho oho--well Tiger, this is interesting--so what are u saying?--that reality is what u WANT it to be?--what u WILL (Schopenhauer)?--So u're God, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho

U don't give the reference to "faith" in New Test., but proper "faith" for Christianity is LOYALTY--not "buhleeeeeeeeeeeevin'"--u can "beleeeeeev" all u pls, but it doesn't create reality, buddy.  Yes, u CAN delude urself--it's done all the time.

Don't forget, the Jews insist God created reality for Jews--in fact, only reason God exists is to have created the MOST precious thing--kikes.  Ho ho ho ho ho

That's why Jews follow the Talmud "midrash" by which Torah (first 5 Biblic books) is "interpreted" for the good of Jews.  That's why Jews insist on "buhleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."  See and for best Talmudic expo.

That's why Christ came to clarify and restate things for original Mosaic Law--which he said Jews (followers of Pharisees) had diverged fm and now mis-represented, including their satanic understanding of "faith" as beleeeeeevin'.

And it's too true that present Christianity has been Judaized, the people having adopted the "beleeeeeeeeeevin'" understanding of "faith," which is only LOYALTY, properly understood.
For u are NOT God, tiger--u need to get a clue--and it doesn't matter how much or what u "beleeeeeeeeeev"--reality is always and only what God has made, that's all--humans are NOT God and do NOT create reality--doesn't matter what, or how, or how much they "beleeeeeeeeeev."

Thus reality is (a) objective (not subjective as Jews insist), and hence (b) totally DETERMINED according to absolute cause-effect.  All humans can do is to use reason, logic, science, etc., to understand and act accordingly.

And ethics?--it's just logic btwn means and ends, those ends being whatever is chosen by humans.  Christ says TRUTH is the greatest virtue towards Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).  Truth is the greatest virtue--above all/anything else, including "faith," "peace," "love," or (non-existent) "good."
And there could be no truth without the necessarily under-lying objective reality--this is the Christian philosophy, truth, and msg.  Everything else (subjectivism) is satanism, subjectivism the foundation/root of LIES (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

And the satanic temptation is the yearning to be "good" which is borne of inferiority-complex.  "Good-evil" is for suckers, children (who never grow-up) and dogs, and really means only . . . "obedient"--that's what's "good" for present-day fools and heretics of "Judeo-Christianity" (JC--see and for expo), an oxymoron.

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