Thursday, December 25, 2014

'99 Columbine High School shootings: mass-murder of gentiles by a bunch of Jewwy satanists and psychopaths....

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Judaism Is satanism, Pure And Simple
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 14)

This was great story, tiger--TCM, a bunch of Jews who conspired, decided to go and kill a bunch of gentiles, hey, why not?--everything was there, the motive, training, programming, justification--and look, it would be "investigated" by one of their own, hey.

So tiger, do u see why/how Jews are soooooooooo hated, by all people of all races and cultures, all throughout the world?--they're a bunch of psychopaths whose religion justifies and encourages criminality--long as it's against gentiles, of course--gentiles are fair game--gentiles are the "enemy."  Judaism is satanism, pure and simple.

Jew Talmud--War against the gentiles--the theory, is then complemented by hist. of gentiles hating Jews--gee whiz, do u wonder why?  And thus when Nazi heroes tried doing something about Jew murderers and monsters is it any wonder Nazis are demonized, unc' Adolf the very worst person who ever lived?

Interesting thing is there are so many gentiles, including esp. the establishment "Christian" churches, who actually assist Jews, they being well-paid by means of the Jewwy money-banking system, legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which Jews just print-up (and digitalize) all the "money" they need to keeping gentiles paid-off, fighting one-another, Jews going merrily along their way within controlled anarchy which has worked so well for them.

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