Friday, November 7, 2014

satanism can only be religion of minority, necessarily--BUT what is it that allows for and fosters this filthy satanism?--it's "Fear of the Jews"....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Fear Of Jews: The Putrid RELIGION Of Corrupt West, In Spenglerian "Decline," Un-Questionably
(Apollonian, 7 Nov 14)

"Leading philosophers of science"? (see below-copied)--HO HO HO HO HO. If Fetzer is the "leader," then science and the people are in HUGE trouble, eh? Ho ho ho oh ho

Newsflash: FETZER AIN'T NO "LEADER," whatever else he might be, ho ho ho o ho ho ho ho

And INDUCTION is very simple little step of reason to be taken--which Fetzer just can't seem to even IMAGINE, ho ho ho ho

Note INDUCTION is not only integral and thematic for science itself, but also criminal investigations whence evidence is considered and the most likely suspects are isolated and required to give their alibis--which Jews cannot do, Jews rather protesting it's "anti-semitic" to suspect them, ho ho ho ho ho--which actually just CONFIRMS suspicions.

But let us be clear and entirely fair, much as possible--Fetzer surely isn't the ONLY coward in face of Jew murderers, criminals, psychopaths, and gangsters.

After all, FEAR of kikes is actually the RELIGION of the West, and esp. Jew S A, isn't it?--all truth be told? And "fear of the Jews" is mentioned numerous times in New Test., esp. in Gosp. JOHN and by our dear St. Paul.

Observe the holohoax is much said, even among "Christian" theologians, to be a supposed event rivaling the murder of the son of God himself, ho ho ho ho ho--the "Vatican" traitors officially pushing this monstrous holohoax lie against humanity.

And look at Alex Jones ( who can barely muster the slightest, faintest criticism of the Israeli terror/murder state which mass-murders Palestinians in-ur-face on TV for all to see.

Fetzer at least does handle the holohoax lie, but criticizing Israel is not enough--the murderous, anti-human Talmud is basic document for all Jews, by definition, not just Zionists.

So what should Fetzer do?--is it fair to ask him to take leading position against Jews?--maybe not, for it's obviously thankless task and even worse.

But there is ONE thing Fetzer could do--and that's to taking up the simple step and process of INDUCTION itself and at least to making a pt. of that, induction--WHAT, in pt. of fact, WOULD be the next necessary step of science and investigation?--INDUCTION, and so then, what would that entail for conclusion?--JEWS, ho oho ho ho hoho ho. And for example, one could pt. out how Jews are ABOVE "criticism," and how Jews being the masterminds is the "dirty little secret" everyone knows, "fear of the Jews" being actually the religion, along w. satanism, satanism growing out of this basic "fear of Jews."

For as dear Christianity has receded fm the minds of so many people, WHAT has replaced it?--the ALWAYS un-stated FEAR OF THE JEWS, and along with this fear, the satanism of the modern music industry, for example, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and now several others recently, like Katy Perry.

------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

LOL at you telling one of the leading philosophers of science in the country how to draw conclusions!

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