Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ghost stories--deliberately put out by satanic ZOG to exploit fear, anomie, dis-unity, promoting OBEDIENCE to the state....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Purpose Of Ghost Stories?--Keeping People In Fear, Submission, Obedience To ZOG
(Apollonian, 10 Nov 14)

Tiger: this kind of stuff--ghost stories--is just prop. for the satanic Jew world order--EVEN if it were true, which it surely isn't.  But then, WHAT is "true"?--the people being scared of "shadows"?--creepy feelings?--golly, but surely u'd agree that's tough to verify, isn't it?

Observe in this evermore satanic day and age people are encouraged to be fearful--as about "terrorism," which terror is DELIBERATELY INDUCED by ZOG, done by ZOG, blamed on their enemies--who are eventually everyone.

And remember, Satanism is basically just extreme subjectivism--HUBRIS--as the Greeks taught, reality being NOT objective, but subjective, a product of one's mentality--in the case of Jews, it's a sublime collective subjectivism arbitrated by the top rabbis, the rest of the Jews, highly organized and co-ordinated, intensively pushing--that's how Jews rule and dominate, most of the stupid goyim bewildered, dis-united, kept fighting one another, thus natural and easy victims of the Jews.

So Horror stories like u feature for this blog are significant mostly for the continuing break-down of society in general fear which Jews and cohorts exploit for keeping their fascist dictatorship and continuing to consolidate, the culture corrupted in the general subjectivism ESPECIALLY by way of MORALISM-Pharisaism of non-existent "good-evil"--this used to encourage the weaklings to being OBEDIENT ("good").

Thus the evermore demoralized people are encouraged to be fearful, intimidated, and thus most subject to obedience to the state, the fear carrying over to fearing to dis-obey the state, the people fearful and more dis-connected w. one  another, dis-united in face of the monolithic state dictatorship, un-relenting and remorseless--like the IRS here in USA.

So the lady in the story who was scared when she turned around is surely scared much more in a general sort of way--what's she doing all alone in the middle of a large city, anyway?--and then the sub-conscious anomie of her situation is then channeled and expressed in a sudden shock she's given, surely mostly fm herself.

So I'd conclude we all need a more healthy society--removed of the overwhelming Jew, hence satanic influence which dominates--a more Christian society, but of the REAL, rationalist kind of Christianity--NOT the Judaized, mystic sort of Christianity we've had forced upon us by such as the corrupt "Vatican," for example, preaching a "faith" of beleeeeeeeeeevin'," rather than the rational, straight-forward, NON-MYSTIC faith of simple LOYALTY.

These ghost stories we're getting fm the Jew-media is DELIBERATELY DESIGNED to keeping the people in fear, subjectivism, mysticism, and submissive obedience--in accord w. the phony "good-evil" pushed by ZOG and Jew world order.

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