Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Judaism is satanism, and it makes them leading criminals, rightly and justifiably hated by all man-kind, throughout history

Below-copied first submitted and at least briefly published at comments,

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Jews: Talmudists, satanic Liars, Mass-Murderers, Foremost Criminals
(Apollonian, 11 Nov 14)

Well-said, "freeride": most telling about Jews is their monstrous, murderous, satanic Talmud which teaches them war against gentiles whence it's ok to lie to and murder gentiles.

See and for best Talmudic expo.

And hist. then PROVES and demonstrates satanic anti-humanity of Jews, not mere Zionists.

For note these satanic Jews are at the heart of the KEY core to organized criminal conspiracy so much controlling the world, central-banking, working to exterminate world's populations by means of GMOs, pesticides (killing the honey-bees, for example,), food-additives, toxic vaccines, poison drugs prescribed by crooked, monopolistic doctors, etc., etc.

Jews walk in to Palestine and took over the land, mass-murdering the people, even now, in-ur-face, on TV--and they're going to do it to us here in Jew S A too, arming the militarized police, consolidating a horrific, police-state dictatorship.

The necessary answer for gentile people is the real, hence anti-semitic Christianity, cementing the unity of people through the sentiment first, clarifying the real Christianity which has been wholly taken-over by Jews and flunkies, Christianity Judaized by means of the putrid mysticism which has made establishment Christianity so dis-tasteful and repugnant to people.

Otherwise, people must de-centralize ZOG police-state as by means of states-rights and nullification of un-Constitutional laws.

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