Thursday, November 6, 2014

Christianity: philosophy in form of aesthetic literature, opposing satanism/Judaism, Hegelian anti-theses....

Below-copied dialectic first published at comments,

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Christianity: Philosophy Within Aesthetics/Literature
(Apollonian, 6 Nov 14)

"Owned by Rothschilds"? (see below-copied)--Vatican's finances are essentially in hands of Rothschilds, I understand--this would be similar, I suppose, to u or I placing our finances in hands of Rothschilds or whoever.

When u understand legalized COUNTERFEITING (central-banking), u see criminals control the money-supply--they own everything, everybody. Thus these criminal psychopaths start wars and KEEP THEM GOING in order to exterminate all/any opposition/dissent, etc.

To understand Christianity, u merely need READ NEW TESTAMENT--it's a philosophical pt. of view put into literary form, Christ upholding TRUTH (hence objective reality) as "only way to Godly happiness" (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this against Jew (Pharisaic) lies founded in subjectivism.

Note Christ had told Pharisees they diverged fm original Law of Moses and lied to people, Pharisees telling folks their "commandments" were fm God, Christ rather saying Pharisees lied, making things up for their own benefit.

Pharisees determined then to kill Christ (= truth), but truth cannot be killed, truth (= Christ) RESURRECTED, as at Easter Holy Day.

So Christianity is PHILOSOPHY put to religious language/allegory, Christian objectivity opposing Jew subjectivism, lies, hubris, criminality, etc.

Note Christianity is HEGELIAN opposite ("anti-thesis") to Pharisaism (Judaism)--SATANISM--the Pharisees holding God is their slave who works for Jews, making Jews rulers over all the gentiles, etc.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------

@apsterian I doubt that the Vatican is owned by the Rothschilds. However, Christianity seems to be an invention based on previous ancient religions, including Judaism. So I guess some Jewish powers were involved in establishing Christianity, but the core seems to be older than that, stretching back to ancient Egypt at least. Something like Babylon/Sumer/Egypt -> Judaism -> Catholicism -> Islam and later Protestantism. The Jesuits probably believe they have control over China. Ha ha. Ho ho ho. What a mistake. The Chinese powers have fooled the western powers thoroughly. For example the Art of War is a propaganda hit piece. And the Chinese bought opium just to fool the western powers and so on. China in conflict with Japan? Guess again.

-------------------------above in response to below-copied by ap--------------------------------

Jews: Foremost Satanists
(Apollonian, 5 Nov 14)

Anders: The Scottish guy, named "Tommy," was referring to the central-banking instrument of Bank of England--which finally established itself (or a branch of it) definitively in 1913 (US Federal Reserve)--this cental-banking is just literally legalized COUNTERFEITING of the money-supply whence they generate almost literally INFINITE funny-money, but which steadily and inevitably loses for value, the people eventually despoiled of everything they own--as we see happening presently, not just in Jew S A, but all throughout the West.

U can learn about central-banking at,, and in books like "The Creature From Jekyll Island," by G.E. Griffin ( and "The Mystery of Banking," by Murray Rothbard.

The "Vatican" is totally owned by Rothschilds and Jews--this since mid-19th cent at least--just ask urself if "Vatican" (a bunch of filthy, scummy queers and child-molesters) controls banking or possesses nukes.

The British Crown, like the "Vatican," was originally just the political muscle and enforcement which brought-in the criminals called "bankers," which was introduced in England in 1694 by a Scotsman named Patterson. Jews of course, as usual, steadily took-over, and now totally control.

Jews rule and control, naturally, as they are so integrally organized and intensively motivated SATANISTS--ck their Talmud, best expo given at and Talmud is literally a manual of warfare and slavery against gentile humanity, Jews pretending they're God.

------------------------------------above in response to below-copied---------------------------------

The guest mentioned an interesting idea about the British Crown being responsible for the JFK assassination. I don't know how much truth there is to that but it made me think that the British Empire maybe just "moved" to the United States. And the British Empire could in turn be an "offspring" of the Vatican or something like that. Just speculating wildly here, but anyway. :D

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