Monday, November 3, 2014

Satanic ZOG Judge Rewards Nigger's Murder Of White Woman....

Satanist Judge: Nigger Murders White Woman, Gets 2 Yrs, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 3 Nov 14) 

Ck, whence nigga, pretending to being drunk, is driving along, sees a white couple not paying attn., out vulnerable to a hit, in the street, so nigger takes opportunity to kill couple of whiteys, though one survived, knowing he can pretend he was drunk and gee whiz, he wasn't payin' attn., u see, ho ho hoh oho--and sure as shootin', the judge went along w. it, by golly.

This is ZOG's justice, u stupid scum pretending to be people, who have no racial pride--this is what u get, and this is sort of "appreciation" the monkeys whom u patronize give u--CONTEMPT of utmost sort, killing u w. impunity.

This is the reward of the original War btwn states of 150 yrs ago, suckas

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