Saturday, November 1, 2014

satanist "moralism" (Pharisaism) always has in-built, most convenient DOUBLE-STANDARD serving as mask for criminality....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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In-Built Double-Standard Of Pharisaist "Moral" Program Enabling Dictatorship, Police-State, Mass-Murder
(Apollonian, 1 Nov 14)

Note also the Jew-serving element of the Pharisaist/moralist program enforced and applied by ZOG and Jew world order:

Observe that ZOG is mass-murdering Muslims, systematically and consistently, additionally stoking fear about Islamic "terrorists," only w. the slight qualification that these are "radicals" doing all the dirty-deeds.

The pt. is that ZOG does this programmatic mass-murder at same time as it protests its supposed "non-racist" "morality"--it's very moralism-Pharisaism is the MASK and "cover" for its obvious policy of mass-murder--as of Islamics and Arabs.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he bashes ur gentile face."

Meanwhile here in Jew S A ZOG continues to oppress citizens w. idiot "political-correctness" for homosexuals and the illegal, invading immigrants. Even criticism of Obola is characterized as "racist."

Observe this putrid Pharisaist/moralistic DOUBLE-STANDARD is also practiced ESPECIALLY in Israel itself--blatant racial-type discrimination practiced against Christians and Muslims in all sorts of ways, Palestinians regularly murdered w. impunity by "settler" criminals, it all excused by Israeli government and its paid shills and excuse-makers here in Jew S A.

So note and don't fail to pt.-out the programmatic DOUBLE-STANDARD of this amazing Pharisaist-moralism--it's integral part of the obligatory dictatorship and police-state evermore applied and enforced w. ever-increasing increments.

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