Sunday, September 28, 2014

Never doubt: Jews' Talmud, Zohar are manuals for satanism presently ravaging the world....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Clare K. Needs To Getting A Brain
(Apollonian, 28 Sep 14)

Clare: u brilliant little moron, the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam is necessarily, by definition, the APEX of all organized crime which couldn't otherwise exist without the Fed which finances everything--fm buying politicians, judges, lawyers, bureaucrats, police, and/or extorting them and assassinating those who fail to go-along, PERIOD.

So who then are topmost master-minds of the bankers?--JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS--all the rest are mere suck-alongs, minions, henchmen, window-dressing, and "cut-outs."
FOR ONLY JEWS have the tight-knit organization and connection for being "thick-as-thieves," serving as master-minds, top-dogs, head-honchos, etc.

Proof is Jews are above criticism, all politicians sucking-up to Israeli terror state, Murder Incorporated, as they ruthlessly mass-murder Palestinians, and anyone else, w. 3 and probably 4 of the Sup. ct. justices (Soto-Mayor probably a crypto), 7 of 11 on Nat. Security council, owning/controlling all major corp.s, providing CEOs and CFOs for all of them, etc., etc., etc.--get a clue, fool--get a brain--OPEN UR EYES and quit being stupid. I thought u were supposed to be "smart"?--almost smart as a kike, eh? Ho ho ho ho


Oh yes, AND I forgot to mention the Jews' manual for satanic perdition, the TALMUD--u really need to find-out what this murderous, devilish Talmud is all about, Clare K., who pretends to knowing so much, even w. all ur idiotic babbling.

Jews are FOREMOST liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--why/how?--because they deny any reality but for that which serves their purposes, they being their own "messiah," they being the reason God exists, God merely their attack-dog who kills their enemies for them, God being their slave who re-arranges reality for these infernal monsters in human-form, called kikes.

Jews are universally hated for good reason, Clare--u need to getting major clue.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Clare----------------

Clare KuehnSeptember 27, 2014 at 1:59 PM

Joan, you're right in emphasizing the intelligence creeps, but the fact is that not only important (as Apsterian partly points out) is the question of who influences CIA a lot (not only Jews), but also who ordered or facilitated the coup (LBJ and Hoover) inside other channels (secret service traitors, etc.), and who helped in other ways (mafia, corporate leaders), is important.

I think by "CIA" you're meaning not to limit things to one man's orders (LBJ), and the title "LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination" unfortunately does that, while being nevertheless an excellent study of LBJ, his role and the CIA's, partly.


apsterianSeptember 27, 2014 at 8:47 AM
To say CIA killed JFK says nothing, for WHO controls CIA?--it's the Wall St. "bankers," eh?--Jews--Jews and their sympathizers and cohorts.

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