Monday, September 29, 2014

BIG-LIES Thrive in satanist culture/society, dominated by Jews, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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BIG-LIEs Like JFK, 9/11 Thrive Within Corrupt, Jew-Dominated Culture Of Spenglerian "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 29 Sep 14)

barryb (see below-copied): the problem w. such events as Sandy Hook, JFK, and 9/11 is one of philosophy and its application for induction to the larger context.

For what's happening w. these incidents?--the BIG-LIE psy-ops being put-over the people. Thus the BIG-LIE(s) succeed as the people fear to face fact incidents were done by conspirators perpetrating false-flag.

HOW then does such big-lies occur and actually succeed?--answer: the larger context of fear among the people fearing to overthrow the prevailing regime of Jew-worship, Jew-sympathy, Jew-orientation--the society TOTALLY dominated by Jews, their collaborators, and the general regime of, specifically, US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING within the false-prosperity, within the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For the Jews feature the regime of LIES, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 8:44, BEGINNING w. subjectivism and hereticalist moralism/Pharisaism of child's "good-evil."

To be sure, the Jews don't necessarily originate this putrid moralism/Pharisaism of fallacious/delusionary "good-evil," but they brilliantly capitalize--as by means of their legalized COUNTERFEITING scam which completely takes-over the culture by means of literally buying everything and everyone, one way or another.

For even Ron Paul, who exposes the Fed COUNTERFEITING scam, realizes he must be careful for fear of assassination. We see now even Rand Paul is sucking-up to Israel for campaign funding.
Thus the REAL Christianity must be revived--featuring anti-Semitism--anti-lies. Hence the REAL Christianity must be re-discovered--worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts, truth requiring the Aristotelian objectivity.

So u see, BIG-LIES thrive within the corrupt, Jew-friendly, moralistic, subjectivist, thus thoroughly CORRUPT society/culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

And this putrid, Jew-dominated culture of BIG-LIES will CONTINUE long as US Dollar continues as significant reserve-currency propping the phony "prosperity" of Jew S A.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

barrybSeptember 29, 2014 at 9:11 AM

Excellent show. I like Preston's optimism, but tend to think that they will conceal the issues for decades. Perhaps Fast and Furious will gain widespread attention. Sadly, they will give 9/11 and Sandy Hook the JFK treatment to conceal and confuse.

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