Friday, September 26, 2014

satanic ZOG evermore insane, lawless, arbitrary....

Satanist Soc. Sec. (ZOG) Will Steal Ur Money--On Idiotic Pretext
(Apollonian, 26 Sep 14)

Ck  Satanist ZOG took these folks' Soc. Sec. money, rightfully owed to them (given the general prevailing cultural/societal understanding, anyway--so far as I know, anyway)--why?--how?--BECAUSE THEY WERE RELATED TO THOSE ZOG DETERMINED OWED ZOG--seriously--this is how bad, how pathetic it's getting, morons.

Get it?--they're doing anything they pls, KNOWING they don't have to worry about anything.

Comrades: u GOTTA get a clue--this is satanism we're up against, nothing other, nothing less, and there's only ONE THING that can possibly work against it, Christianity, the REAL, anti-Semitic thing--and even that's going to be tough, in short term, as this present cultural "decline" will have to work itself out, like a forest fire which must BURN ITSELF OUT, nothing capable, at this pt., of stopping things immediately.

Thus Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, once again, this necessarily based-upon and implying Aristotelian objectivity, hence determinism (absolute cause-effect)--no perfectly "free" will, no "good-evil."

Thus ZOG will only collapse when the currency, US Dollar, collapses--and we Christian patriots must be ready, much as this is possible, practical.

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