Monday, September 14, 2020

Present-day tragedy of satanized Christianity--"over-population" of satanists, liberals, et al....

Chapter Two: The Tragedy of Present Satanic Situation in USA, West
(Apollonian 14 Sep 20)

Observe the great tragedy of the hubristic, satanic sociologic situation in West and Jew S A: the people suffer gross, horrendous cognitive dissonance and hubris, this now corrupting to the worst possible stage, outright Satanism, the USA now effectively controlled by terror-state of Israel and the instrument of central-banking (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, a veritable criminal enterprise dominating and controlling the entire economy, hence society and culture--no wonder it's now satanic, not merely hubristic.

Note then as the central-bank is literally a monopoly, utterly fraudulent and illegal, the entire economy is subject to a similar monopolization (big Pharma, the mass corp. Jews-media, etc.), like the centralized political system, enforced by corrupt police, lawyers, and judges, etc.

Hence society, the stupid people, so busy pretending they're "good," don't and can't grasp the criminal nature of such central-bank, as the central-bank is able to disguise the economic situation, stupid people imagining they're "prosperous" amidst the massive inflation (proliferation of currency) and false prosperity, steadily submerging in massive, ever-greater debt. Everything seems lovely up to the very end as and when the (inflated) currency and economy collapse, and to disguise it, naturally, the people are led into horrific warfare which distracts the fools so easily (like 9/11, obviously)--it's those nasty foreigners to blame for it all.

Thus the hubristic people can't grasp they're really impoverished until they see their currency is no good, taking masses of it (currency, ever-inflated, ever-devaluated) now to buy even the simplest, heretofore cheapest things, and behold, they're additionally at war with someone--it doesn't really matter who or why as the Jews-media makes everything up, creating a new (Orwellian) reality within the subjectivistic, satanic reality which has grown up within the gross hubristic, subjectivistic cultural mentality.

At this stage then, it can truly be said the people are "over-populated," at least w. those who have backed and supported the Satanist subjectivism and hubris of the people, fostered by the Orwellian Jews-media and the Satanist ("liberal") edjumacation system, bolstered further by the satanic Judeo-Christian establishment, all these supporting the terror-state of Israel, etc.

So there's liable to be a great die-off/kill-off, the hubristic, confused people now starving and un-employed, encouraged by the Jews-media to attack their enemies and rivals who are to blame, the largest official factions being, on one hand, the "liberal" atheist, "globalist" "leftists," against the Israel-first Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo) on the pretend "right," led now by Trump, the official figure-head.

The masses of now over-populated, hubristic and stupid people are encouraged to ignore the fact that, on top, it's Jews, Satanists, and the criminal masterminds of the central-bank encouraging and fomenting all the cultural turmoil and cognitive dissonance. And the people are too stupid to grasp the essential criminality of central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) and infinite fiat-currency. Such then is the inexorable course of CYCLIC history and "end-times" as of Biblic "Book of Revelations."

Only the REAL Christianity, which worships TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), based upon the objective reality, rejection of subjectivism and satanism, now has serious chance to survive and restoring genuine rule-of-law. Unfortunately, it seems a large portion of the otherwise over-populated people, including esp. the outright satanic element, and a good part of the hubristic "useful idiots" (as among "liberals") will require elimination and/or neutralization, the process of which is hard to diagnose precisely, direct, analyze too minutely, or even to survive. Good luck, and may God be with us.

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