Monday, September 14, 2020

Christianity is now, has been satanized by establishment churches--made subservient to Israel, suckers....

Chapter One: Christianity Satanized: Overthrow of USA, West; The Present Satanic Dictatorship
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 20)

I. Present State: Satanic Dictatorship In Midst of Constant Turmoil, Political and Pyschologic

No one can doubt today that USA and the West are under a horrific and ever-worsening satanic dictatorship, known as "globalism," which globalist dictatorship, under name of United Nations (UN) is working to exterminate a large portion of the population (Agenda 2030 and -21), as for example, by means of poison vaccines.

At the same time the "globalists" seem to be opposed by another establishment force, as led by Donald Trump, but who is behind Trump, subsidizing and funding Trump?--it's the pretended "rightist" wing composed of Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo) who support the terror-state of Israel. So we see the "globalist," atheist "leftists" on the one hand opposed by the "rightist" Christian-styled "conservatives," the "good-cops, vs. the bad-cops." For why and how would real Christians be aligned with Jews who preach a profound hatred of Christ?

The tragedy is that the traditional shield and weapon of the West against this dread Satanism, that dear and glorious Christianity has now somehow, over the yrs been discredited and traduced--even by its supposed champions, like the "communist pope" (Francis) and the other leaders, including all the established Protestant denominations who all support the terror state of Israel.

What now is it that rules and dominates this resulting satanic culture of turmoil, confusion, and death?--the criminal enterprise of central-banking, like the US Federal Reserve Bank and system, etc., which features the fraudulent "fiat-currency," a pretended infinite supply of currency, not real money, which is constantly inflated, hence losing value for the currency units. See for expo; use the site search-engine for expo on particular terms, like "fiat-currency."

Hubris and Corruption Turning into Satanism

For note the steady, inexorable corruption of the culture, similar to Oswald Spengler's theory in "Decline of the West," the growing hubris and consequent Satanism of the people, as of USA and also the West, beginning, as always, w. the pretending to non-existent "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" human will.

Known fm ancient times and St. Augustine as "Pelagian heresy," this fallacious perfectly "free" will and consequent non-existent "good-evil" takes over fm the real Christianity featuring the determinist and sinful nature of humanity, hubris, leading then and now to outright, raging SATANISM (extreme subjectivism), the foolish humans imagining they're like God w. the power and ability to create reality (like "good-evil")--Satanism by definition, Satanist extreme subjectivism being the idea that mind/consciousness creates reality, hence, for example, otherwise non-existent "good-evil," beginning premise to full-out Satanism.

The Judaic version of this extreme subjectivism--for Judaism IS subjectivism, featuring "Oral Law Trad.," "midrash" (interpretation), etc., then merely features a COLLECTIVE subjectivism, all the (Jew) people partaking and cooperating in a sublime "group-think"--as we see, the Jews being, as always throughout hist., the leaders of such corrupt, satanic culture(s), Jews most organized and cohesive, the originators of communism (Marx), foremost socialists. See,, and for best Judaic/Talmudic expo.

Spenglerian CYCLIC History

For note the evolution of the empire, ever-centralizing, (a) beginning w. the success of brave and productive farmers, as in the Roman historical instance, (b) but then, as the original republic is successful in defensive warfare, that republic now becoming an evermore powerful empire, the people in all their success, victory, and prosperity becoming hubristic and corrupt, pretending they're now "good," this "good" delusion taking-over the cultural mentality of the people as we see today, the original Christianity now all but forgotten, Christianity now understood in the false and fallacious terms and framework of this new, but horrifically false religion of "good" and a perfect "freedom" of human will.

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