Monday, December 2, 2019

"Deep-State" has now turned into pretty pathetic train-wreck--comical, even, if it wasn't soooo serious, in all truth....

The "Deep-State" Train-Wreck, Continuing Story; Try Not To Laugh--It's Serious Business, After All
(Apollonian, 2 Dec 19)

Look and listen to Judicial Watch (JW) vid, , whence Tom Fitton goes over the simple facts, then tries his best to analyze it and summarize. In the midst of Fitton's exposition one notes his own incredulity over the amazing facts he brings-out and comments upon.

For what is the real story?--regarding this "impeachment" farce?--well, it's all about the "deep-state" attempting to contrive this "impeachment." Specifically, the story is about, especially, the "leftist," atheist, "globalists" who (a) first contrived the Satanist, hitlery's (Clinton's) nomination by Demon-rats. (b) But then, these amazing morons and psychopaths discovered hitlery was LOSER, hated by overwhelming number of the voters, especially the Christians. (c) So then, these idiot "leftists" have been trying, evermore desperately, to derailing Israel-first Trump who hasn't co-operated w. them.

(d) These moron psychopaths of the "leftist" "deep-state" now, first tried to intimidate Trump, but it didn't work. (e) And only now do the "globalists" realize how they're so idiotically implicated for amazing criminal conduct and conspiracy, a huge, truly far-flung conspiracy going all the way up to Obola himself, who gave the orders and permission for all the criminals, as of FBI and CIA, to move and operate against Trump, they at first (the fools) assuming hitlery would win the election, ho ho ho ho--what a joke.

And it's quite entertaining, almost comical, to observe the incredulity of Fitton himself as he lays-out and recounts the simple facts he and JW have discovered, beginning w. the hitlery affair, beginning w. the e-mails, the illegal server, etc., how it was all covered-up by Obola admin, including FBI, not to mention the Jews-media--STILL GOING on to this very day, sports-fans.

It isn't only Trump, don't forget--look at what they ("leftist" deep-state) did w. Paul Manafort, Trump's old campaign manager, and Roger Stone, an advisor, swat-teamed, arrested, and slapped in jail as they have been.

"Deep-State" conducts this literal civil war, suckers, how?--why?--because they have a sure-fire base of power and support, nothing less than the CENTRAL-BANK (see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms)--a criminal-enterprise consisting of literal legalized counterfeiting--what they do w. the currency, having taken-away fm the people REAL MONEY (like gold/silver).

Deep-State KNOWS and understands the Israel-first faction, who support Trump, won't dare to expose to the people the simple facts about Central-bank conspiracy, a literal criminal-enterprise which impoverishes and sells-out the people to outright debt-slavery. For the people by themselves are too stupid to figure it out, they now having no reliable leadership, "Christian" establishment having long ago sold-out, the Jews-media keeping them in state of cognitive dissonance, confusion, and distraction, especially, for example, on "identity-politics," keeping the races fighting one another.

But at least one thing has emerged un-questionably--the POWER and existence of the "DEEP-STATE"--who else would have the audacity to challenge, oppose, and subvert the President?--HOW could it come about? And the ONLY answer is by the POWER of central-banking which is the only NEXT thing the people need to learning about, the poor, over-populated, ignorant fools. Central-bank has a truly nefarious history and nature, and for good reason--this then and now is the ONLY thing the people need further know about--an issue BEGGING to be explained and exposed.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hoffman: gross victim of hubris and envy of unc' Adolf, merely wants to display moralism/Pharisaism, above all....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-enemy.html

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Hoffman, Victim Of Gross Hubris, Envy, Merely Wants To Display Moralism Above All
(Apollonian 20 Nov 19)

Dr. Pat Flanagan (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-enemy.html ) wants and tries to puff his buddy, M. A. Hoffman II and his new book, "Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People," but there are serious problems which Flanagan cannot resolve, indeed cannot even conceive, evidently.

For in the first place, note Hoffman's basic spiritual circumstances and orientation: (a) Hoffman is first and most A MORALIST, featuring the non-existent "good-evil," for children and dogs--known as the Pelagian heresy. Hoffman isn't really interested in the actual facts and TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), so it's questionable and doubtful if Hoffman is really even Christian, as a Christian worships TRUTH above all--not idiotic moralism which must be built upon basic facts of OBJECTIVE reality.

(b) And Hitler was genuinely loved and revered by the German volk, and millions and millions others of all races, as he strove to speaking the truth about Jews, who are actually just Satanists, Satanism being at root simply extreme subjectivism which makes consciousness the creator of all reality, the Jews dominating the goyim subjectivists who pretend to "good-evil," like Hoffman, as Jews are foremost COLLECTIVISTS, hence collectivistic subjectivists, most organized and cohesive, naturally leading all the more isolated and "individualist" subjectivists and moralists like Hoffman.

Hoffman actually envies the Jews, thus Hoffman analyzed the Jew Talmud and exposed it for the essentially satanic document it really is--that's why Jews soooo hate Hoffman, and now Hoffman, thoroughly intimidated by these Jews, wants to make a gesture of sympathy by way of this horrible pack of lies he writes-up now about dear unc' Adolf who so well defied, denounced, reviled, and told truth about Jews directly, without any compromises, best he could. So we see Hoffman actually envies dear unc' Adolf and the heroic Nazi Germans who fought the Jews, uncompromisingly.

And now let's cut to the simple, specific (existential) truths and facts, beginning w. most basic, of which Flanagan and Hoffman are sooo hopelessly and foolishly ignorant--which lots of people actually see and know well.

For Germany was attacked, hunted, targeted, stalked, and finally struck and assailed in the last instance by Poland and UK (and France) which first made an offensive alliance against Germany in March 1939, and then without Germany having done anything against UK and France, had war declared against her by UK and France in Sep. 1939--these are easily observed and acknowledged simple facts which many people well understand.

Long before, in 1914, Germany had been targeted and indirectly attacked by a conspiracy of UK, France, and Czarist Russia after the Austrian Archduke was assassinated by Serbia acting at behest of Russia and France who assured Serbia they need not fear consequences of such gross, blatant, criminal aggression.

Germany and the Kaiser, Wilhelm, strove earnestly to urge the Czar not to mobilize his armies, but the Czar had been instigated too well by France and UK, including the Czarist officials, Sazanov and Isvolsky, and Germany was forced to react in accord w. long-standing alliance w. Austria. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and MacGregor; ck their website, UK was terrified by growing German naval power, otherwise destined to overtake the Brits. France wanted Alsace-Lorraine, and the stupid Czar was assured he'd get Constantinople and the straits.

Thus Germany was attacked once again in 1939, and when unc' Adolf realized the overwhelming bolshevik forces arrayed against him and his allies, 170 divisions (or so) and numerous airfields right on the border, with yet another huge echelon of at least 70 more divisions close behind, he found he had no other choice but a pre-emptive assault--just as Victor Suvorov (Rezun) noted in "Icebreaker," and which all historians acknowledge--these are the stubborn facts and truths which Flanagan and Hoffman abhor in their satanic hatred of heroic Germany led by dear unc' Adolf.

Regarding Gregor Strasser, one can truthfully say that circumstances aren't clear enough to speak w. too much assurance about what actually happened, and Flanagan certainly gives no clear accounting. Hoffman merely wants, as always for him, a pretext to display his typical Pharisaic moralism, not to mention ENVY, to condemn the hero, unc' Adolf, who surely did what he honestly thought he had to do.

St. Constantine the Great executed his son by his first wife, his second wife, and his nephew, the son of imperial rival, Licinius, but the Church still made Constantine a Saint--it can well do similarly for unc' Adolf who did the best he could, surely the ONLY things he could under the difficult and overwhelming circumstances, attacked by the satanic "allies" of the West, led by blood-thirsty, psychopathic Jews who controlled, and still control, the finances of the West and indeed, the entire world, as we see. Jews naturally hate "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion" because it expresses the truth and instructs the otherwise clueless goyim.

So much for Flanagan and Hoffman, mere moralistic dwarves and mental pygmies compared w. heroic unc' Adolf Hitler, Hoffman grossly ignorant about so many things, beginning w. meaning of Christian anti-Satanism, hence obligatory anti-Semitism (just ck Gosp. JOHN 8:44), ignorant of basic, simple facts of history, and including economics, money and banking, and the original meaning of "usury" as given in Old Testament--God could NEVER have forbidden mere lending at interest, which is not, and could not be, meaning of "usury," which subject Hoffman made such a fool of himself for having written an entire book on the matter which now screams out Hoffman's gross incompetence, ignorance, and miserable self-righteousness--his latest, "Adolf Hitler...," is just another putrid dud.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

satanic "deep-state" MUST conceal its secret weapon, the central-bank, which is a losing struggle, evermore difficult....

"Deep-State"--MUST Conceal It's Secret Weapon, The Central-Bank, A Losing Struggle
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 19)

The central-bank (the "fed"--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms) is the dirty little secret at the bottom of the "deep-state" subject matter which is now most topical regarding the brazen assault being made against President Trump. Hence deep-state must conceal the central-bank at all costs and it can do this by means of fact Trump is himself just another creature of the deep-state, in all truth.

For Trump is mere figure-head for Israel-first faction of deep-state, which faction also makes use of central bank. So the truth is there are two things going-on regarding "impeachment": (a) the discovery of the deep-state, the "globalist" (leftist-atheist) faction striving to remove Trump. And (b) at same time deep-state must conceal central-bank (c) which it does by means of the Israel-first faction necessarily co-operating for this concealment. (d) Israel-first faction also conceals that Trump is part of deep-state as he works for Israel-first, which is itself part of deep-state, running the central-bank.

So the people are benefitted by fact that the topmost conspirators, the deep-state, is conflicted, a necessary event, and indeed, the ONLY HOPE the stupid, over-populated goons, called "the people," have against this fearsome, murderous, satanic deep-state composed of communist "globalists" and psychopathic Israel-first factions. Heretofore, deep-state operated safely, the two factions cooperating far more readily.

Notice also deep-state is headed and organized by Jews, Jews simply being most collectivistic of all, aside fm being most subjectivistic, most satanic. Thus Jews head and direct the two factions, leftist "globalist," and the pretend "rightist" Israel-first faction, led by figure-head, Trump, which thus includes establishment "Christian" façade.

And Jews are old hands at confusing and obfuscating their conspiratorial role and function, but they have the problem now of explaining the "deep-state"--their latest quandary for lies and lying--luckily for them they control the Jews-media which has always taken care of the propaganda and cognitive dissonance programs against the over-populated goons and morons.

So, as noted, such now are the ominous circumstances for Jews, Satanists, deep-state, and central-bank--and the beckoning opportunity for patriots and Christians for continuing exposure of the large satanic conspiracy against the people, the "deep-state" under the "spotlight," struggling desperately against exposure of the central-bank scam.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stupid Jews keep pretending they're "white," ho ho ho

Below-copied by ap first submitted but not published, at comments,

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Liars And Enemies Of Unc' Adolf Are Enemies Of White Volk
(Apollonian, 8 Nov 19)

Alexandra, such a clever Jewwy op and liar, eh? Unc' Adolf took on the Jews directly, didn't he?--and he called their bluff and copped their case, Jews master-minding the central-banking criminal enterprise (see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms), consisting of legalized counterfeiting, which has now brought Jews ownership of Jew S A, the West, etc. So of course such a brave, honest man, Hitler, is magnificent, exemplary "hero"--it's indisputable.

And if u actually knew anything about the subject, unc' Adolf was quite successful as he went about revising the European order to enable it to facing the Bolshevik threat in the east--see Hoggan's "The Forced War." Jews and their lick-spittles had to protect their gains fm first world war, and that's why they attacked Germany, made an offensive alliance w. Poland, which threatened Germany w. war over Danzig, etc.

Tell us what Germany did against UK and France to cause them to declaring war? Rather, France and UK sought to legitimize Bolsheviks and make a treaty w. them against Germany.

And what's this?--u say, "...his own citizens, mostly Jews and others he ‘suspects of treason’, and marches them off to massively expensive and time-consuming ‘killing farms’...."? But didn't u know Jews are Satanists (see for expo)?--so how are Satanists fellow "citizens" of anyone? And "killing farms" are proven lies, sucker (see just for one source)--who do u think u're kidding?

But now u want to "...know where we plan our safehouses for our future"--and what's this "we," sucker?--who do u think u're kidding? For before we can "plan," FIRST we need to analyze the situation and consider whether traitors, liars, and Jewwies like urself are the very problem. Jews are and were the first to bringing in the non-white invaders, don't u remember?

So I say we should simply revive the original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which Christianity was and still is explicitly anti-Semitic (just feast ur eyes on JOHN 8:44), return to a real MONEY system (not fraudulent fiat "currency"), observe simple concept of states-rights, in accord w. Tenth Amendment of Constitution (see, and begin w. some serious NULLIFICATION of un-Constitutional laws. We don't need Jews, or sympathizers, like urself, telling the typical idiot lies and offering Jew-serving advice.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Alexandra Ormsby
Posted November 8, 2019 at 8:31 am | Permalink
First he takes on Austria, then most of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, then France, and — hold your breath — England — then, of all things –RUSSIA, in the winter — and finally northern Africa –all with feeble and unstable alliances with Italy and Spain (?) — meanwhile arresting millions of his own citizens, mostly Jews and others he ‘suspects of treason’, and marches them off to massively expensive and time-consuming ‘killing farms’ — and we sit here debating whether he was a ‘hero’? My friends, it’s over, and we must turn our attention back to all of white Europe that remains and North America, where we are under attack. It’s all a wonderful intellectual historical puzzle, and we have definitely done it justice on these pages today, but I would like to know where we plan our safehouses for our future.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Satanism--it SNEAKS in, suckers, don't forget--it's not going to announce itself--or bother to prove what it is, what it's working for, morons....

Surprise!--Satanism, Here And Present, And Now Absolutely RULING--And Fools Still Don't "Get" It
(Apollonian, 4 Sep 19)

Gee, what?--"Satanism" u say?--what in the heck is it, anyway? And how does it, Satanism, occur without too many knowing it's even here? For not only is Satanism here and present--it DOMINATES and rules, suckers--u poor, brainless, hubris-affected fools and morons.

For Satanism is both religion (a system of habit, including sub-conscious) and PHILOSOPHY too, perfectly, fully a matter of conscious intellect--u just were too ignorant to understand it and to taking it seriously. Satanism is not rational, but it's un-questionably rationalistic, and it poses itself in rationalistic, intellectual form and terms.

Satanism then, traditionally, is the making of oneself to be God, extreme subjectivism (reality held to be mere "construct" of the mind/consciousness). Thus the "intellectual," pretentious sort allow it (Satanism) to infiltrate by means of ever-creeping subjectivism, and this always begins in child-hood w. utterly non-existent, pretended "good-evil," thus the imagined "free" will, which "free will" is so easily, idiotically assumed and presumed by the typical "liberal," "progressive" sort--who thereupon become the typical "leftists" and socialists working to impose their putrid moralism upon society and civilization--it's all founded upon SUBJECTIVISM, evermore extreme. And moralism imposed upon society requires dictatorship, suckers--there's no other way.

So these "leftist" fools and scum go about in their subjectivist manner, presuming and insisting upon moralism, including "free" will, and slowly and steadily the satanic nature and substance becomes evermore dominant, esp. in the form of the totalitarian state. And now we have the state pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in guise of "pop.-reduction." Further, there are the mass-murdering monopolies in form of "big-Pharma" pushing their poison (prescription) drugs and vaccines, and including the other monopolist corporations pushing the poison GMO foods and chemicals like glyphosate weed-killer herbicide.

Everything else is poisoned too, like w. fluoride in the water supplies, and the "chem-trails" in the atmosphere which also works as a herbicide. Geo-engineering then burns up vegetation and deluges other areas w. un-precedented rain-fall--see

And most of all, at the top of the existential pyramid is that criminal enterprise, central-banking (US Federal Reserve Bank), literally legalized counterfeiting, which enables and finances everything previously described about the mass-murdering monopolies and corporations, including then the corrupt legal and political systems which necessarily accompanies, politicians and judges (and others too) bought, bribed, and extorted by the endless "currency" (not real MONEY--see for expo; use their site search-engine for specific terms). Thus the electronic voting is rigged and the mass-media ("Jews-media") carries-out systematic censorship, cognitive dissonance, and terror, both subtle and overt.

Meantime, the people are diverted, dazzled, and distracted by means of the usual "bread and circuses" fm time of the Roman Caesars.

Suddenly, one stops to realize, as presently, it's now full-blown Satanism, founded upon the people's hubris, the goons, over-populated ("liberals" and "progressives" dominating), pretending they're "prosperous," "civilized," and "moral," as we see, these goons cheerfully working to extend their putrid dictatorship of corruption throughout the world, intimidating the poor and working-classes.

Such then is the CYCLIC course of history, according to Oswald Spengler, in "Decline of the West," by which a people and society begin, like original Romans, in virtuous simplicity, presuming the OBJECTIVE reality, but steadily succumbing to the corruption of "prosperity," evermore pretending they're "good," w. perfectly "free" will, having now achieved "moralism" and "virtue," but actually having only become smug, subjectivistic, corrupt, and evermore subject to outright Satanism by which they make themselves God, pretending they're capable of creating reality, but actually just causing destruction and promoting the worship of DEATH, as we see all around us now.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Christianity only needs philosophic understanding, that's all--drop all the mystic crap and baggage, just THINK, suckers--what could possibly be purpose/function of dear old Christianity?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Dinh Is On Very Cusp Of True Inspiration, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 21 Aug 19)

(A.) Linh Dinh is a good writer, but he utterly fails to understand Christianity which is the Hegelian "ANTI-THESIS" to Judaism which is simply Satanism (see,, and for best expo on Talmud and Zohar, foundations of Judaism).

Oh, and Satanism is simply EXTREME subjectivism, idea reality is product of consciousness/mind, while Christianity upholds the Aristotelian objective reality (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6 ).

Thus Christianity is PHILOSOPHY, at root, anti-thesis to satanic Judaism (also philosophy, at root), the Pharisaic forbears being the ones Christ denounced and repudiated as HERETICS who rejected the Mosaic law, substituting their "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (INTERPRETATION) by which now Moses means whatever the rabbis profess and determine--subjectivism.

Thus Christ = TRUTH (JOHN 14:6), which truth couldn't exist without the OBJECTIVE reality as reference and criterion.

What Linh Dinh and sooooo many others utterly overlook is the sublime satanic genius to the Talmudists for their COLLECTIVIST organization and "group-think" of subjectivists and subjectivism who lead, dominate, manipulate, and rule over all the other subjectivists, especially among the goyim, who, though far more numerous, are far less organized, thus allowing and permitting the Jews to rule and dominate--for the Jews are ORGANIZED, cohesive, united, and hence much better led.

Further, note and observe the Jews and satanic suck-alongs control that KEY existential machine, the central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) which just churns out evermore currency (not real money--see for expo on central-banking). Jews will always dominate as long as that central-bank continues putting out evermore currency which allows Jews to buy practically EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE--certainly as long as people continue to accept that fake "money" for payment for goods and svcs. So Jews and Satanists own all the politicians and judges--like Trump--so they rule, and the goyim suck-alongs willingly, even cheerfully enforce things for them, Jews (and Satanists) the proverbial "tail" wagging the dumb "dog."

Note that dumbass moron, Phil Giraldi, NEVER mentions the central-bank as Jews' foremost, essential instrument of control over goyim--Giraldi just blabbing and babbling like the ignorant fool he really is, not capable of understanding how the world works--by means of that key mechanism, the central-banks.

(B.) Thus, as reality is objective, it is DETERMINED according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will, and history is CYCLIC according to Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West." So we'll always have CYCLIC "end-times," as of Book of Revelations--and as Spengler so brilliantly describes.

Doubt the satanic nature of present "end times"?--observe United Nations (UN) Agenda-21 and -2030 "population-reduction" (GENOCIDE, suckers), presently being enacted by poison GMO foods, poison ("fluoridated") water supplies, poison "mandatory" vaccines, poison "chem-trails" and "geo-engineering," etc. One could go on and on for satanic examples.

Don't forget the Christian determinist doctrine of sin by which humans are doomed without grace and mercy of God's salvation--there's no perfectly "free" will, and one cannot evade one's human nature--SELF-INTEREST which only needs guidance of REASON which operates upon necessary assumption of objective reality--which can't be formally "proven" in logic as first premises have no premises before them.

But Dinh manfully struggles to making sense of things--keep trying Linh, thou have done well so far, just keep up thy efforts. Thus we have an over-population of "liberals" and "progressives" who enforce the rule of Satanists, and these poor, stupid "leftists," filled w. hubris of imagined "free" will, just need to be thinned-out, removed, and over-thrown (along w. the Satanists)--we need a GENUINE Christian "revival"--a re-affirmation of genuine Western culture which is Aristotelian (objective and determined)--against the present satanic (subjectivistic). Once Dinh catches on to the real, BASIC philosophic implications, he's going to be fine, I suspect--we need more outstanding writers like Dinh.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Olivier needs to understand, grasp the REAL Western culture, founded upon objective reality, hence determinist reality--no perfectly "free" human will....

Below-copied by ap first submitted/published at comments,

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Olivier Pushes References When He Needs Exposition
(Apollonian, 17 July 19)

What?--good gravy, Olivier, but don't we ALREADY have plenty of sources and citations?--what we need is EXPOSITION, buddy. Thou can start thy exposition w. a quotation, perhaps, but all thou do is to leaving us w. yet ANOTHER source/reference, thou giving NO exposition or context, etc.

For this is the era of lies, lying, and hoaxes--the era of Jews like Unz who pretends to giving all the dumb goyim a platform here for exposition against the lies and lying, the masters of whom are those supreme liars and SATANISTS, Jews like Unz--who, thou notice uses his platform here as a trolling-ground, training-camp for his fellow Jews and liars. We goyim here are just their (Jew) play-things.

What's happened?--what's the actual exposition for which thou are incapable, Olivier?--for thou are just another wiggling fish caught in the net of the liars and Jews, as we see.

And note Olivier: thou have already demonstrated thy incompetence, as thou say "life is beautiful," ho ho ho ho ho ho--showing thy utter ignorance of gentile wisdom and philosophy fm the time of Homer who explains the TRAGIC nature of human life--life sucks, sucker--but thou are a sucker, aren't thou?

For thou, no less than the Jews and other liars, pretend "life is what thou make it to be," ho ho ho ho ho. And the biggest joke, Olivier, is thou LIES TO THYSELF--thou are the MAIN victim, sucker.

And the huge, big problem for humanity now, is there's going to be BIG kill-off, die-off of a lot of EXCESS, over-populated morons, fools, goons, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings, I'm afraid.

Olivier: thou must strive to trying to "get smart" to SAVE THY LIFE, buddy. Reality is NOT merely what thou want it to be--there's NO perfectly "FREE" WILL--only God (by definition) has free will which will he's already made which is that life is NOT "beautiful," but rather is TRAGIC, as Greeks originally taught us, fool--get wise.

Presently, this is the ending phase, of the historical CYCLE, of SATANISM, as I note. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, subjectivism being idea/philosophy (also religion--like Judaism; see,, and for expo) that reality is product of consciousness/mentality--much championed by a couple of now dead, but recent, French philosophers, Foucault and Derrida, ho ho ho ho--"deconstructionism" (they always give it new-fangled names for same old subjectivism, "post-structuralism" is another) etc.

What humanity rather desperately needs--though "desperation" is the problem of the poor fools who can't figure it all out--is the REAL, original Christianity which opposes Judaism/Satanism and subjectivism, but as I noted, there are toooooo many fools, scum, suckers, and weaklings, and these need to be eliminated before the rest of humanity can begin to thrive under genuine Christian, hence ANTI-SEMITIC (anti-satanic) regime, once again.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below------------------------

# 791, 791.Olivier1973 says:
July 15, 2019 at 9:59 pm GMT

Another article to face all the current lies of that month of July:

Monday, July 1, 2019

Maurice Pinay posts for first time in nearly 2 (!) yrs--so I sent him my compliments....

Here's note sent to Maurice Pinay for his latest blog-posting at

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Jews Continue To Profit In War Against Truth (Hence Christ)
(Apollonian, 1 July 19)

Hello Mr. Pinay, it's been LOOOOOOONG time since u posted to ur blog. I myself have left off posting on my blog, but only a couple/few months now, actually posting just once, whereas I used to post a couple/several times a week.

So I'm not surprised at this info about Milchan, after all, it's been very lucrative for Jews waging war against infinitely stupid goyim--and we see goyim have been actually increasing their numbers through it all. But in view of economics, it really looks like goyim in USA will begin to suffering quite a bit more as US Dollar continues to collapse in value--maybe something might change for goyim--maybe they might start thinking, more seriously--though it would be such a surprise if they did.

I've figured out lately that Judaism/Talmudism is literally Satanism, they making themselves co-equal w. God, even saying God is their servant, who assassinates people for them, as on Passover and Purim. But then what is Satanism?

And I conclude that Satanism is, at root, beginning in philosophy, simply (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, that philosophy holding that reality is created by mind/consciousness, the subject then making himself God, the creator. Jews then dominate subjectivism and subjectivists as they're COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, most organized, cohesive, "connected," simply practicing a most sublime "group-think," w. outstanding leadership, taking advantage of stupid, dis-organized, more "individualist" goyim.

Note Satanism, as extreme subjectivism, is simply HUBRIS, as it's known among gentiles, esp. the Greeks. And it's difficult to imagine gentile culture out-lawing such subjectivism--anymore than it would be possible to outlaw HUBRIS or the notion of a perfectly "free" will.

But Judaism is simply a specific form/style of Satanism--extreme subjectivism--actually quite easily analyzed as such by simple means of the Jews' own writings in Talmud and the other rabbinic documents, like Zohar. And thus Judaism could and should be out-lawed by humanity specifically as form of Satanism.

But of course, it (outlawing of Judaism) would require such Satanism be understood in strict philosophic form as I've analyzed, above--which such philosophizing people are so reluctant to doing, so many of them lazy incompetents, w. so little confidence in their own abilities.

Thus historically, we see virtue of Christianity, esp. for the first thousand to fifteen hundred, perhaps as much as seventeen hundred yrs of hist., Christianity understood as anti-Semitism, Christianity understood as worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence OBJECTIVE reality--necessary basis of such truth, hence Christianity.

So anyway, Mr. Pinay, I was surprised and pleased to see u're still capable of such excellent postings as u've done for us once again. Keep up ur good work. A.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Here's dialectic had w. prominent, pretended mud-slime spokesman, actually Jew-agent, K. Barrett....

Ltr To K. Barrett, Mud-Slime Agent For Jews
(Apollonian, 14 Jun 19)

Hello: I see now u seem to be doing well as u've made posts on ur blogs, so that's good. But when I ck'd ur one blog,, I noticed ur statement at the top, regarding "...a total commitment to the organization he founded, the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth."

And it occurred to me that now ur sudden silence regarding our prospective int-view recording may well be explained in way of this "Jewish" connection--a very dubious sign. For such "connection" immediately and naturally brings up serious questions as to ur basic integrity--and an answer to question regarding ur sudden, mysterious non-communication. "Truthjihad"?--didn't u know truth is anti-Semitic?--seriously--it's not a joke, and it has to do w. very basic tenets of their filthy religion/philosophy.

Seriously, Jews never acknowledge anything as truth unless it is officially pronounced by top Jews--such is nature of Jew, Judaism, "Oral Law Trad." and "midrash." Jews are extreme subjectivists, most practical and successful Satanists of all history, Jews always leading organized Satanism--haven't u noticed this simple fact? For if Satanism is the problem in general, Jews are the specific essence to it all--absolutely proven by simplest logic and analysis.

For there's no "good" Jew, any more than "good" psychopath (or Satanist, child-molester, etc.), and no decent person identifies as Jew, except if he admits he was born one racially but now utterly, totally rejects the religion/philosophy (religion is always at root philosophy). But as academic it's inevitable u'd be sucked-in to that sort of utterly compromised mentality--the very purpose of modern Jewified "edjumacation." Unfortunately, the danger is now the public suspects u're involved w. Jews, making gestures for them, even taking money--which must have occurred to u, but u un-wisely shrugged it off.

For why wouldn't an honest discussion upon Satanism cover the Jew-subject/issue?--at least in the e-mail discussion if not in digitally recorded text. Evidently, u finally figured it all out. For note my msg and analysis is really quite simple: (a) problem is Satanism, which people might accept (and probably already do) as mere buzz-word generality.

(b) But then I analyze it, Satanism, further, specifically, and exactly as extreme subjectivism. (c) U quail fm this subjectivism, and try to writing it off (as u noted) as mere "egotism," which is just more indulgence in buzz-word and generality. (d) Finally, I connect Satanism and subjectivism specifically to central-banking and fiat-currency which is the secret weapon Jews/Satanists make use of against the stupid, corrupted, hubristic, now over-populated goyim--our compatriots.

So we see now how u've been so effectively compartmentalized and marginalized by the Jews, the satanic masterminds. But at least for a few moments there u seemed to be genuinely interested in the subject, Satanism--this was/is a good sign. It seems to me ur greatest weakness is this compulsion u seem to have for abstractionizing--which people find difficult and irrelevant.

But I'd encourage u nonetheless that ur original impulse was what u should pursue regarding this extremely important issue of Satanism--it isn't mere egotism; it has to do w. basic philosophy--subjectivism vs. honesty and objective reality, necessary basis for any "truth," properly understood--extremely relevant to society and culture, not mere psychology. Further, it was and still is most useful and topical to examine this issue of Satanism as I've demonstrated. And I'd still be happy to help u thus lose all ur Jew "friends" and colleagues--u don't need them. U would be immediately banned fm Jew-tube and other closely-associated platforms--u could only post our discussion to independent sites like Take good care. A.


Below-copied are previous msgs exchanged, serving as basis for above by ap.

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Beginning, fm first

To: Kevin Barrett <> Jun 4 at 2:29 AM

Thanks tremendously for ur guidance on these pt.s. I'm really looking for the essence to things, esp. regarding religion, and one thing I have come away with regarding Christianity is its anti-thematic nature to Pharisaism (Talmudism)--which Pharisaism absolutely rules the world presently.

I follow the analysis of M.A. Hoffman ( who expounds Judaist "midrash"--the Jew ideal of "interpretation" for the benefit and victory of Jews, who rather use God as their attack-dog and assassin, celebrating mass murder on "Passover" holyday and "Purim" extermination of Persian enemies by means of intrigue w. the Shah, etc., the Jew God being a war-God, mere tool of Jews, God's greatest creation and glory, according to Jews.

So, in analysis, Jews posit a SUBJECTIVE reality which they imagine they can manipulate, w. help of their slave, God, which God only exists for use of Jews, TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) being merely whatever the Jews (rabbis) say it is. Thus Jews imagine they'll just kill anyone who disagrees w. them--as they attempted against Christ (truth) who yet "resurrected" as one can't kill truth anymore than one can kill the objective reality upon which truth is necessarily based.

Note Satanism is, at root, simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM by which consciousness/mentality is source of reality, making the subject to be God, the creator. Jews then are simply most collectivist, organized subjectivists--making them most effective, most successful, practical SATANISTS--capable, by means of their sublime collectivism and organization to dominate the more "individualist," unorganized, random goyim.

So would u agree w. my analysis, above? And how then would u say Islam fits in? I always thought Islam featured "submission" in obedience to command of Allah. Thanks again for ur observations and advice.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

On Monday, June 3, 2019 10:49 PM, Kevin Barrett <> wrote:

That’s a simplistic and misleading way of looking at it.

All religions and ideologies could likewise be reduced to “command and obedience” and it would likewise be misleading. (Communists are commanded to support the revolt of the workers, capitalists to accept the rule of the rich, Christians to believe Jesus is part of three-gods-in-one, etc.)

The essence of Islam is pure monotheism: ecstatic self-submission to the Divine Oneness. From that flows the renunciation of tyrannical egotism and insistence on truth and justice. All of the details, rituals, secondary beliefs, etc. are scaffolding for that larger essence.

----------------------above in response to below-copied by ap-------------------------------

Beginning, original

On Jun 3, 2019, at 8:38 PM, apollonian wrote:

Hello: I'm trying to contact K. Barrett who's Islamist, and I want to ask question about Islam, to wit, (a) isn't Islam simply a religion of command (and obedience), which one is required/commanded to BELIEVE?--because Allah, speaking through Muhammud, commands?

I'll leave it at that, regarding the essence of the religion. Thanks for ur time and effort on this query of mine, here, above. A.

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Below-copied by ap (Jun 4 at 11:08 AM) in response to mud-slime K. Barrett's of 4 Jun 2019
(Apollonian, 4 Jun 19)

Ok, thanks much for ur commentary. I've always taken the Christian position as emphasizing the objective reality--AGAINST the Pharisaic subjectivism. Given that basic Christian objectivity, Christ (= truth) goes on then to demonstrate the Christian ethic(s), based upon that metaphysical premise, objectivity.

Do u see Islam as further dialectic to this basic Christian vs. Pharisaic antitheses?--it seems to me that Islam is basically an attempted simplification, removing the Trinity. But now u seem to say Islam rather agrees more w. Pharisaist subjectivism.

Thus Christianity indicates determinism, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will, humans doomed to sin in accord w. having their own will, but striving in reason (and Holy Spirit, in accord w. Christianity) to mitigate that willfulness to achieve much of Godly concord as possible. Thanks again for ur advice. A.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

On Tuesday, June 4, 2019 10:43 AM, Kevin Barrett <> wrote:

I would phrase it differently.

"Note Satanism is, at root, simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM by which consciousness/mentality is source of reality, making the subject to be God, the creator." [This aforementioned quote is by ap in his ltr to Barrett, far above-copied, of 4 Jun 2:29 am.]

Consciousness IS the source of reality. But the human ego is only a tiny fragment of consciousness, all of which emanates from God. Life is a test in which we are being graded on our ability to relinquish/annihilate our ego and the evil it commands, in a kind of submission to God that moves us closer to God-consciousness and away from ego-consciousness.

The Jewish elite analyzed in Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion worships its own ego—Yahweh is a projection of the Jewish tribal ego—rather than relinquishing ego in submission to God. Their approach is indeed satanic.

Best, Kevin [preceding by Barrett is response to ap's above-copied msg of 4 Jun, 2:29 am]

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Continuing dialectic btwn Barrett and apollonian, Jun 4 at 10:20 PM

Yes, I understand the "Sunnis" are more determinist than the "Shias" who are more mystic, holding to a greater "freedom" of human will (if I'm not mistaking). But I still struggle to see how Islam fits in the dialectic, the Satanists led by Jews holding to extreme subjectivism against Christian objectivity and TRUTH (the God-created objective reality being criterion for such truth). Thus as Christians worship Christ, they worship truth. Christianity can actually be understood as worship of truth.

But if everything is subjective, as it seems u indicate regarding Islam, then "submission" and obedience to command of Allah, transmitted through Muhammad, would seem to be decisive ideal or principle of Islam--which would seem to make Islam mere version of Judaist subjectivism (Jews merely insisting one follow the rabbis' "midrash" interpretation). And the rejection of "Trinity" would then become mere detail and pretext in face of this more fundamental objective vs. subjective dichotomy which so radically differentiates Jew vs. Christian. Thanks as always for ur clarifications on these pt.s.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

On Tuesday, June 4, 2019 9:33 PM, Kevin Barrett <> wrote:

God’s consciousness is not “subjective." God is THE Truth, al-haqq. Human consciousness is vastly less than that.

Muslims have debated free will vs. predestination for a very long time with no clear winner.

This part also describes Muslims even though the term “holy spirit” isn’t used:

"...striving in reason (and Holy Spirit, in accord w. Christianity) to mitigate that willfulness to achieve much of Godly concord as possible." Amin! [preceding quote is fm ap's msg of Jun 4, 2019, at 11:08 AM]

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Ltr fm ap to Mud-slime, Barrett of Jun 8 at 1:23 AM
Hello: After thinking about our discussion earlier this week, I thought to bring up some questions/issues for ur consideration.

1. Isn't it at least legitimate, even really quite clear, question regarding Satanism as running rampant in our world, so much causing horrendous problems as we find ourselves facing?--and there are lots of instances I submit we could pt. out for examples well indicating this outright Satanism, but esp. regarding (a) the homosexuals and trans-genders and their increasing political power and influence; (b) the Agenda-21 and -2030 "pop.-reduction," (c) and the far too powerful corp.s so effectively forcing poison drugs and poison vaccines upon the people, (d) including their glyphosate poisoning and contamination of food supply, etc.

2. But then there's issue identifying exactly what this Satanism is, how it works, etc. If u ck my previous notes to u on this Satanist subject, u'll see I analyze it as extreme subjectivism--I wonder what ur comments would be on this basic subject-matter regarding Satanism. I suspect u'd be able to supply some useful commentary. And u'll note extreme subjectivism, hence then Satanism, is actually quite a philosophic issue, not even so exclusively "religious"--it (Satanism) then affects things psychologically and politically, as we see.

3. I do believe u and both of us (at least we two, but there might be others who also could comment usefully in addition) might present some compelling and enlightening commentary, u coming fm ur Islamic view-point, me fm Christian. I'm sure lots of people would be interested in ur somewhat unusual (Islamic) perspective, given the typical Christian-orientation of so many here in USA, not so familiar w. the Islamic pt. of view on things.

4. For myself, I know I would comment upon the corruption within the Christian world, so many (pretended) Christians (including esp. the outright heretics known as "Judeo-Christian," and "Christian-Zionist") supporting terror-state of Israel, lying, saying 'Christ was "Jew,"' and other false and highly inaccurate things. For note how any "religion" starts upon basic philosophic premises--Christian objectivity vs. Jew subjectivism, for example.

5. I do believe we, u and I, at least, but quite possibly others too (I can think of some right off-hand) might very well be able to have a useful and informative discussion for benefit of many others in the world who would be interested in hearing such a discussion by such as us to help begin and to stimulate serious consideration of this crucial subject-matter--the gross, horrendous satanic activity and mentality that threatens our world and people. I submit the sooner we could begin this kind of discussion, leading to greater consideration the better it would be for the world.

Thanks much for ur consideration of the pt.s I bring-up here, above. Take good care, A.

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Continuing dialectic w. mud-slime, Barrett, Jun 8 at 10:50 AM
Hello, and thanks much for ur reply. Before I would venture to record anything, I'd first have to examine things for definitions (at least), as u've said some things which I need to understand in more, better detail for purposes of discussion. But otherwise, I'd be absolutely happy to record discussion, thanks to u so kindly--I just want to be sure we were/are speaking in terms we mutually understand for the good and use of audience/listeners.

For if we want to discuss things for people in useful manner, we'd have to agree at least generally upon such thing as Satanism, what it is, how it works--we've surely done well for starting, but I think we need to go a little further for details in order to be of serious use for listeners/audience. U've already thrown me, a little bit at least, for ur use of "materialism," ESP, and "quantum processes," just for starters.

Satan (the supreme LIAR), of course, is one who insists HE'S God, and should be worshipped--would u agree?--and how, more exactly would u see this issue regarding satan? I know, pretty surely, that Christians see things as I just noted--maybe not so much regarding subjectivism (a somewhat philosophic-type notion) which might well take a little explaining as for what it is. Religion begins w. basic philosophic tenets--would u agree?

I also have to admit that I'm sure Christians would not at all accept this phrase, "quantum processes," as it's just a buzz-phrase for them (as I have to admit it is for me)--it would need definition which would still be rejected for practical purposes, I suspect. The DANGER is getting off into vague abstractions which will LOSE most listeners/audience to our discussion.

ESP could be understood, though, but as Christian I wouldn't want to tax fellow Christians for their toleration of such abstract notion. I hope u can see my wariness for abstractions, my striving to keeping things simple as possible, as at basic concrete kind of level.

I'm also not sure what u mean exactly by "materialism"--aside fm the basic Greek understanding as that which is tangible to sense-perception, touch, sight, hearing, etc.--how could it be "satanic"?--I think it much better for us to thrash these things out so as to be best prepared for useful discussion for listeners/audience--and I hope I'm not being too dense for u.

Note Christians and Islamics have a common heritage for understanding things in basic Aristotelian/Platonic terms, as Islamic culture helped a great deal to preserving and understanding Aristotle, for example, Thomas Aquinas quoting Avicenna and Ibn Rusheed for his (Aquinas's) own exposition.

Thus I (and most Christians I know) keep to the basic Greek/Aristotelian understanding for the "objective" assumption being a world that exists outside our consciousness, purpose of consciousness being to grasp such objective reality by means of perception and then logical reasoning and abstraction. I and most Christians don't accept that consciousness could possibly create reality--perhaps u're understanding things in a way we're over-looking. I WILL ck-out ur ref. to Revusky, for sure.

I don't want to tax ur kind patience, but be sure that I accept ur offer to record a discussion; it's just I sincerely think it best for us to be certain as possible for mutual understanding of basic terms--rather than having to thrashing things out over the air, so to speak. By all means let me know how u see and understand things, beginning w. this crucial, basic subject of Satanism which is destroying our (political) world before our very eyes. Thanks again, A.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

On Saturday, June 8, 2019 8:27 AM, Kevin Barrett <> wrote:

This might make a good topic for my radio show. Could you pre-record a show tomorrow or Monday? What times could work?

I wouldn’t equate Satanism with subjectivism per se. Satanism is extreme egotism—rebelling against God and instead worshipping one’s own ego and its base desires.

Materialism, which is an extreme form of objectivism, is satanic. Since the demise of Christianity as our main social anchor, Western elites have adapted a worldview that is both Satanic and materialistic. I call it secular-materialist progressivist humanism. Jon Revusky calls it ARRF:

The high priests of this Satanic elite will figuratively burn you at the stake if you tell them that reality is basically subjective, that ESP is real, consciousness creates reality through quantum processes, etc. and that as a result of this aspect of God’s scheme of things, the universe is absolutely just, and we all get exactly what we deserve. These perennial truths undermine the materialism (and subsequent moral relativism) that is central to their false, Satanic religion.

Best, Kevin

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Below-copied by ap to Barrett at Jun 8 at 12:43 PM
Ok, sure, I guess we could do that Socratic-method, 30 mins (or so) for either side. BUT then I'd have to take at least a few moments to collect my thoughts as to what questions I'd have. For present though, I think we're making good progress, and I'm happy to say u seem to be on same page as myself regarding this crucial issue of Satanism. Most of all, I strongly suspect and believe, we, u and I, should focus upon this subject of Satanism--esp. for sake of our listeners/audience. The more we can converge upon this Satanism, the better--would u agree?

I know for myself that my fellow Christians DO NOT seem to take it (Satanism) seriously enough--and especially to understanding it in specific terms--which I submit is best grasped by means of that idea of extreme subjectivism, presumption of mere consciousness, pretending to creating what only God could create--i.e. that objective, including "material," reality which we assume exists, which we perceive, even though there may well be aspects of it we're not aware of at the moment--we're not omniscient.

Another good thing is ur excellent and scholarly ref. to Quran--we Christians, many of us at any rate, much appreciate to knowing what and how the other religions and religious think and understand, and I much commend u for such note u make for us--it's authoritative too, u know, and thus we can more easily understand u're not just making stuff up out of thin air. By all means, I hope u never hesitate to challenge me for anything I say regarding Christianity, u never hesitating to demanding a specific ref. as u consider appropriate or necessary.

Thanks also for explaining ur understanding of materialism. We Christians of course concede there's stuff we don't yet understand (or "see"), but existence must be at least POTENTIALLY understandable, under some conceivable circumstance, otherwise there's no basis (or evidence) for saying something exists--though it (whatever) COULD exist.

Regarding "Renaissance magic and Cabala," u may be assured we fairly well understand Renaissance, in general, BUT anything about "magic" or "Cabala" is YOUR obligation for specific exposition and designation to be made in specific, concrete terms as possible. Every age deals w. superstition, etc., and "Cabala" is by definition mystic in nature which mysticism Christians typically hold in contempt, I hope u can understand.

So u see, by (extreme) subjectivism I'm referring to a lie, or lying which exists ONLY in the mind of the liar (or subjectivist who's making it all up fm his own perspective), BUT who yet insists nonetheless that it's true because he merely wants it to be true--greatest example and pretext of this lying (most often in guise of wishful-thinking, as of children who don't know any better) is "good-evil" by which liars want to pretend they're better than others.

For note we Christians believe we're all sinners who are DOOMED, requiring God's mercy and grace for salvation. Human will is NOT perfectly "free," but God creates us as necessarily, ineluctably self-interested, oriented towards self-preservation no less than all the other animals--such is the nature of that sort of "will" that we do possess--again, we're all sinners, always have been, always will be.

I think we're herewith making excellent progress setting-up for best kind of informed, but not presumptuous, discussion/dialectic for benefit of our listeners/audience who are tired of empty theorizing and abstractions, who yearn for a grasp of things that can be easily shared, verifiable and CONCRETE as possible, to be shared easily among all, old and young--NOT requiring too much sophistication--beginning w. Satanism, KEY concept (not too abstract), yet most informative, useful, and crucial.

Thus Satanism is extreme subjectivism making oneself (the subject) to be God, the creator. Jews then are most effective, practical, and successful COLLECTIVIST subjectivists (liars) most sublimely, most integrally organized. This last is most practical conclusion to be (eventually) presented to listeners/audience, all based upon solid premise we've established regarding Satanism--can we agree? Thanks, Sincerely, A.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

On Saturday, June 8, 2019 11:05 AM, Kevin Barrett <> wrote:

After the Fatiha, the Qur’an begins:

"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for the God-conscious

who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and generously give/spend from what We have provided.” So the first characteristic of the God-conscious is believing in the unseen.

The crucial importance of ‘alam al-ghayb, the unseen dimension of reality, i.e. the part not available to our senses, is a top Qur’anic priority. Materialism denies this crucial dimension of reality. I suspect modern scientistic materialism was designed and imposed by Satanic magicians to keep the sheeple ignorant and easy to fleece. Study the history of Renaissance magic and Kabbala for details.

As for Satan, yes, he’s the ultimate egotist, the ultimate liar, the ultimate arrogant braggart who tries to substitute himself for God. The magicians who want to rule the world themselves, rather than submit to God’s rule, are satanic.

I think the best way to have this discussion would be as an audio (radio) dialogue in which we could ask each other Socratic questions so as to better understand each other. Maybe 30 minutes of you questioning me, then 30 minutes of vice-versa?

Best, Kevin

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Here's ltr by ap to Barrett of 9 Jun Jun 9 at 1:21 AM, after Barrett broke off dialectic

Thus now to sum-up fm previous expositions and notes, we see the Christian-rationalist view for things having now become absolutely satanic--the problem of sociology, politics, and economics we're presently facing.

For as reality is objective, human consciousness merely designed to observe and perceive this objective reality, we see then reality is DETERMINED according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will, humans being sinners, always working for their interest, creatures of will--all this in accord w. God's will.

But now as humans strive at the beginning stages of civilization, they start in honesty and simplicity, keeping and maintaining that objectivistic mental orientation. However, as we see fm Roman example in history (also now the American-Western instance) we observe the original generations are honest and forthright having to work and fight for victory and production.

But as the original generations are successful, the following generations who inherit steadily become HUBRISTIC, pretending evermore to subjectivism, pretending now to non-existent perfectly "free-will," hubristic "good-evil" and false "moral virtue," thus corruption--as we see fm Roman example, and now presently in USA.

Thus note, given the objective, hence determinist nature of reality, including humanity, observe the great CYCLIC history which takes place, the human society beginning in honest, objectivistic manner, but steadily, inevitably becoming corrupt and hubristic--as we see happening now in USA, the people and culture becoming not only hubristic, but now down-right satanic, indulging as they do in subjectivism, pretending they're "good" and "morally virtuous," but utterly corrupt, the culture now imperialist, constantly engaged in warfare--as we see.

A critical event takes place when the culture and people adopt fiat-currency and central-banking by which real money, like gold-silver, is thrown aside in stead of present fiat-CURRENCY which is generated practically to infinite amount (constant "inflation"), the currency steadily losing value, the people despoiled, defrauded, and destroyed--as we see.

By means of this fiat-currency and central-banking, a satanic regime is thus empowered, in absolute control of things, beginning w. the monopolist central-banking and fiat-currency, and enforced by means of such as the corp. mass-media, the corrupted leadership of the religious establishment, the publically funded "edjumacation," etc.

Thus the culture is doomed to inevitable horrific, catastrophic collapse as when the currency and economy collapse--but always steered as things happen for the benefit and profit of the top satanic masterminds who keep the people distracted by means of constant warfare and "bread and circuses," football games, and food-stamps, etc.

Such then is the determinist, CYCLIC way of reality and history, including economics, politics, and human psychology, civilizations and cultures rising-up, but then inevitably collapsing in hubris, corruption and Satanism--and we're presently and plainly in the stage of Satanism and impending collapse. A.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

If it isn't Christianity which is de facto religion of USA, then it will be satanism--of Jew S A, suckers....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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State Religion Is The Rule--At Least De Facto--And If Not Christian, What Thou Get Is Satanism, Jews Dominating, Suckers--Get A Clue, Fools
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 19)

What?--thou "thought"?--well, there's the problem, eh?--ho ho ho ho. State religion was the rule when US Constitution was passed, and though it was prohibited to the Union gov., the states WERE SOVEREIGN (actually, they STILL are, under the Const.) and STATE RELIGION, supported by citizen's taxes were the rule. See , and , among many other sources.

Thus Virginia supported the Anglican Church, known after Revolution as Episcopalian--to get rid of the implicit connection w. gov. of England at the time--until 1830. State of NY also supported Anglicans till 1846. And so on for practically ALL the states at the time.

Americans, unfortunately support such "religious" scams as kike holohoax, including mandatory edjumacation in many public school systems, using tax-payers money--this should come to screeching halt, pronto.

In fact, Judaism, featuring "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" (see,, and for expo) being merely particular form of anti-human Satanism (holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition) should be out-lawed, and Jews should be put in concentration camps, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die-out--it will have to happen, sooner or later, folks.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 33, Robjil says:
March 26, 2019 at 12:24 pm GMT • 500 Words

Iran is the only nation not yet attacked for the seven nations to destroy theme of nine eleven. 2003 Iran war started on Purim. 2011 Libya war started on Purim. Trump says that Golan Heights is Israel’s land on Purim day. 2019 is exactly eight years since the last big attack in the middle east. There is a pattern of eight years for big attacks. So 2019 could be the year. Since our “leaders” are into Jewish mysticism when warring in the middle east. What does eight signify in Judaism?

The author talks about the time between Purim and Lag B’Omer.

“There are exactly sixty-four days between Purim and Lag B’Omer. Sixty-four days is equivalent to eight multiplied by eight. The number eight represents the spiritual world. The multiplication of eight by eight represents the totality of the spiritual world. Purim and Lag B’Omer are one holiday that is broken up into two parts. The holiness of this single holiday begins on Purim. On this day HaShem reveals his hidden guidance of this world. We then spiritually refine ourselves in sequences of eight until we reach the eighth of the eighth, which is Lag B’Omer. We then merit to discover the secrets of Torah. The period between Purim and Lag B’Omer is the time we master our spiritual understanding of HaShem and his Torah.”

What is Lag B’Omer?

“Lag BaOmer (Hebrew: ל״ג בעומר), also Lag B’Omer, is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, which occurs on the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar. One reason given for the holiday is as the day of passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Modern Jewish tradition links the holiday to the Bar Kokhba Revolt against the Roman Empire (132-135 CE). In Israel, it is celebrated as a symbol for the fighting Jewish spirit.”

This year Lag B’Omer starts on sundown May 22 2019.

Bonfires are set to celebrate this holiday. The town of Meron in Northern Israel is where Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is buried. It is the center for the biggest celebration for this holiday.

“Since this is the day of joy of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, there are major festivities in Meron, the mountain village in northern Israel where he is buried, with tens of thousands of pilgrims pouring in from all corners of the world to rejoice together in unity.”

“Recognizing the fiery spirit of the mystical teachings that are celebrated today, bonfires are kindled. Get some friends (and a guitar) together, and it becomes a wonderful opportunity for singing, sharing and enjoying each other’s camaraderie.”

This town of Meron is near the Lebanese border and the Golan Heights. Trump purposely gave the gift of the Golan Heights to Israel on Purim. Purim starts the 64 days celebration of Jewish holidays from Purim to Lag B’Omer.

I thought the US was built on the separation of synagogue/church and state. Synagogue and state are the only “values” that the US government has now, nothing else matters.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sabrosky is utterly irrelevant, saying nothing substantially new, typical, pretended "good" kike....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Sabrosky Is Irrelevant To Satanic Society In CYCLIC "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 19)

What?--so now Israel did 9/11?--well, golly, but doesn't everyone w. half a brain already know that?--after all, we have Chris Bollyn's works (see, and who was in charge of the sweet deals for the 9/11 bldgs. (which were condemned prop. due to asbestos and galvanic corrosion) but "lucky Larry" Silverstein who fronted 14 million to then leverage the rest to buying the bldgs., this fm his buddy Jews in charge of the Port Authority, etc.

Then there were the Jews in charge of investigation, litigation, in charge of the airport security, watching the Arabs, the TV and journalistic coverage and reporting, etc.--Jews everywhere. So step-by-step, the goons and over-populated, TV-addicted morons of Jew S A were led to overlook the Jews and--what?--blame the Arabs and muzzies, as of Afgan--after all, the Jews and TV told us the muzzies were to blame, eh?--shazam.

But there's something else, underlying, which allows and enables the Jews to rule and dominate, and that's the criminal financial tools and instruments made possible by the central-bank (see; use their site search-engine), literally legalized counterfeiting, a gross criminal enterprise, which pumps out nearly INFINITE fiat-currency, not real money, which real money is necessarily FINITE.

Unfortunately the over-populated morons prefer INFINITE fiat-currency, the stupid scum pretending it's a better deal, when actually the infinite currency allows the top criminals to steadily drain the economy and suckers of everything, literally, they own.

Thus the central-bank criminal enterprise is a MONOPOLY which funds and lays basis for the all the rest of the monopolist complex, Jews-media, Big-Jew Pharma (which poisons the people), Big Tech, now censoring and suppressing freedom of speech, etc.

So things just HAVE to keep getting worse till the morons seriously start to die-out and the survivors get smart enough to see it isn't only Jews and their Satanist cohorts, but the central-bank instrument which gives them their overwhelming power.

Regarding Sabrosky: he's utterly, totally irrelevant to the real problems of this horrific satanic empire that's grown-up, Satanism being extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be product of mind/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. And it's not accident the central-bank criminal enterprise is KEY to this satanic society which is latest stage of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Stupid Jewwy troll doesn't unnastan' what is "question-begging"....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Judaism (Satanism) Must Be Eliminated
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

Franklin: not only are thou just a liar, but thou don't even understand the fallacy of "question-begging," fool. I thought thou Jews were supposed to be "smart"? Judaism is Satanism by definition (extreme subjectivism, by which reality is created by mind/consciousness, making the subject into God, the creator--Satanism, by definition). And though human sin and Satanism (extreme subjectivism) cannot be eliminated, Judaism can be eliminated, the Jews following--after which humanity will celebrate a holiday commemorating extermination of Judaism--merely Judaic Satanism.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 115, Franklin Ryckaert says:
March 24, 2019 at 4:16 pm GMT

So were are the 100,000 Dutch Jews who were transported to the concentration camps and “did not return”, and were are the 400,000 Hungarian Jews who were abducted near the end of the war, never to be heard about again ? I call that “missing”.

Psycho is actually most like a Jew for his lying and (need for) self-deception....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Psycho Is Tooooo Smug And "Smart" By Half--Like Jews
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

"Anon": thou are merely a KNOWN psycho (and liar) who regularly, habitually mis-uses and mis-represents quotations fm Bible to push thy moronic theses--in obvious contradiction to the real anti-theses, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Judaic/Pharisaic/Talmudic lies, lying (JOHN 8:44).

REAL Christians will read and understand quotations in context rather than simply accepting thy lies and lying, sucker--don't thou grasp that? Can't thou grasp thou are tooooooo smug?--dumbass, hoho ho ho.

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# 77, anon[377] • Disclaimer says:
March 24, 2019 at 12:54 pm GMT

apollonian: heretics who pretend Christianity is mere variant of Judaism
Philippians 3:3 “For it is we [Christians] who are the Circumcision.”

The author of Philippians is one of those awful heretics who pretend, eh? lol

Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Saker" does not bad job attempting to analyze political/cultual situation....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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"Saker" Does Not Too Bad Job, Coming Close To Getting It Right
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

The "saker" is sure right about one thing: there's great FRAUD, for without any doubt. And why wouldn't this fraud be the very problem, given the Jews--not just "Zionists"--who are the great liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), esp. given their Talmudic war plan/strategy, "by way of deception shalt thou do war." But what exactly does this great fraud-complex entail?

And the "saker" has excellent pt. regarding the "national Zionist" gambit they're playing, but it seems to me the great (false) dichotomy being offered is (a) leftist, atheist globalists, as of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and "tri-laterals," on the one hand, vs. (b) the pretend "rightist" Zionist, Israel-first crowd, including Trump and the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) heretics who pretend Christianity is mere variant of Judaism, that Christ is/was "Jew," etc.

Of course, the real conflict is TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. lies and Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God the creator--Satanism, by definition).

Thus the two, opposing cultural/political poles, are composed of small minorities: (a) the real anti-semites, the real Christians vs. (b) the Satanists/subjectivists, led by Jews, the rest of the over-populated goons, suckers, weaklings, and inferiors in the middle, presently sooooo bewildered, dazzled, confused, distracted, and diverted, esp. by the false dichotomy presented by the pretended "good-cop" Jews on the phony "right" ("national Zionists," by "the saker"), vs. the "bad-cops," leftist Jews, Judeo-Bolsheviks, atheists.

So the "saker" isn't all wrong, by any means; he just fails for fullest analysis, for the real Christianity upholds OBJECTIVE reality, foundation of any meaningful TRUTH (= Christ) vs. Satanism (extreme subjectivism), which Satanism is essence ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition") of Judaism/Talmudism--see,, and for best expo.

Muzzies are essentially irrelevant, featuring strict command/obedience ethic to an otherwise irrational "Allah" principle, real Christians, on other hand, following most rational ethic, following naturally fm Christian rationalist philosophy, featuring the objective (Aristotelian) reality. Q.E.D.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Unz Review is NOTHING but troll operation, run by Unz, the kike, master troll....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Just LOOK And Observe What's Really Going On At Unz Review, Fools
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 19)

Jack **** (for brains) says, <blockquote>"...and remember that trolling isn’t well tolerated here."</blockquote> Jack, buddy, think again--"trolling" is ALL one gets here at Unz Review, run by the kike, Unz, the lead, master troll. WHY do thou think Unz admits he's kike?--is it because he's LOYAL to kikes?

So Unz wants to pretend there are decent Jews who are humans like anyone else--which is impossible--Unz the lying Jew who carefully, scrupulously, ferociously, intensively censors and deletes against anyone not pretending there are "good Jews," and that Unz doesn't censor or "moderate" but "lightly," ho ho ho ho.

And WHY Jackie, buddy, do thou think thou get published?--Unz loves thou, doesn't he? Thou are being played, sucker--think. Don't forget all the Jew trolls telling their idiot, typical, never-ending lies and lying who find their way here. There is NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism saying what Jews are (Satanists), what Satanism is (extreme subjectivism, at root).

All Unz does is try to blur what Jews are, what their top leaders are really involved in--and what all the rest of the Jews go along with, soooo cheerfully, and which they, like Unz, work to cover-up, confuse, and mis-represent. It's always Jews lying, attacking, thou morons defending, always on the defense, eh?--haven't thou ever noticed?

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# 47, jacques sheete says:
March 21, 2019 at 10:17 am GMT

You made some claims, now attempt to substantiate them. Try reading the article while yer at it and remember that trolling isn’t well tolerated here.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Judaism is disease--SATANISM--Judaism just particular form of satanism--GROWS in "Decline of West" within CYCLIC hist....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jew Disease Heavily Affected By CYCLIC History
(Apollonian, 20 Mar 19)

Judaism is a DISEASE upon the human organism, humans understood being rational, and this Jew disease grows as the conditions/circumstances of a given culture become evermore corrupt and degenerate. See,, and for best expo on Judaism.

Thus the culture begins and succeeds as the rational standard of objective reality is well understood and thrives, but then as the culture matures, stagnates, and becomes evermore corrupt, the subjectivistic principle takes over, the over-populated TV-addicts, weaklings, inferiors, fools, and scum pretending now they're "good" w. a perfectly "free" human will, making themselves God--Satanism--Satanism being extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is product of mind/consciousness, making the subject to being God, the creator, extreme subjectivism the beginning, founding principle of Satanism--begins w. virtue-signaling and inferiority-complex.

So then Judaism becomes the leading force within this growing corruption, Satanism, and Satanist culture, within the corrupt, evermore degenerate, satanistic culture, the Jews practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC, most effective "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, cohesive, and ORGANIZED--naturally leading and dominating the goyim Satanists/subjectivists, even though Jews out-numbered by the goyim.

Once Satanists (hence Jews) institute and command the central-banking criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, able now to pumping-out nearly INFINITE currency, not REAL MONEY (see for expo), they take overwhelming control of the culture, now pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, awarding, for another example, CNN "free speech" award after CNN gets Ajax Jewns ( "de-platformed," etc.

Thus people merely need (a) grasp this Satanism has taken-over, (b) grasp what Satanism is, at root--extreme subjectivism--and (c) observe now Jews are mere particular, most effective, successful, leading, and dominant form of general Satanism. Q.E.D.

Monday, March 18, 2019

With such as Agenda-21 (and -2030) GENOCIDE as official policy, do u suppose people fail to spot the satanism, satanists?--ho ho ho....

below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Lots Of People Are Dumb, But How Dumb Can We Really Be Not To Spot Satanists?
(Apollonian, 18 Mar 19)

Think about it, comrades: if the population produces toooo many stupid people, isn't that eventually going to lead to disaster? Used to be, the stupid people admitted the fact in all their honesty, and heeded the virtuous--who weren't only "smart" (ho hoh o ho), but they were honest, and held the respect of the honest dumb folks--who thus were NOT "over-populated." Long as they all co-operated, things were ok, one must suppose as matter of basic principle(s).

And hist. is CYCLIC as it is determined (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will)--when too many dumb people cease to heed the virtuous "smart" folks disaster occurs--wars, famine, plague. Then the pop. recedes, and the CYCLIC build-up to excess pop. of dumbasses re-occurs for another round of wars, famine, plague--and that next disaster seems to be right around corner as US economy is beginning to starting to collapse fm excess debt, for one obvious thing--soon we'll have hyper-inflation.

Note then the gross criminal enterprise which dominates and rules our society: the central-bank (US Federal Reserve--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms) which is literally <b>legalized counterfeiting</b>, pumping out evermore (nearly endless) fiat currency, not real money.

For the great hordes of stupid folk have been convinced that (intrinsically) worthless fiat currency is the RIGHT thing to do, thus rationalizing the central-bank criminal enterprise (which is MONOPOLY) which rules everything else, necessarily. So is it any wonder the "globalist" advocates of world gov. behind United Nations (UN) push Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE as official policy?

Thus we have rule of Satanism, by definition, based on idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making the subject God--Satanism by definition. The TOP Satanists then dominate as they're COLLECTIVISTIC Satanists/subjectivists, w. most effective, successful "group-think," most dedicated, motivated, and organized--against the stupid folk, obviously not "hip" enough to be so dedicated and organized for such Satanism, eh?

So isn't this actually the situation?--the masses and hordes of over-populated stupid folk waiting to be exterminated by the Satanists? Poor fools don't understand simple thing like MONEY, what it really is and must be, and why--they just continue to accept fiat currency which (monopolist) Satanists use for their own purposes as they make the people sick w. glyphosate poisoning, "chem-trail" poisoning, GMO poison foods, and all the poisonous food additives, poison prescription drugs, electro-magnetic toxicity as fm cell-phones, and coming 5G (micro-wave) system, etc.

So it will only take just a small spark to set things off as things continue to deteriorate in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, eh? Satanists are trying to blame this growing, looming disaster on white folk, and "racism," and "free market," etc., but I doubt it is really working very well, and lots of folks, not only white, are getting tired of it all.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

"RobinG"--pretending there are "good" kikes, like "good" psychopaths....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

[My posting has now been pulled-down by the stupid kike, Unz, but not before it got a couple of replies which the kike actually went ahead and printed, ho ho ho ho--see comment, far below]

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"RobinG": Gate-Keeping Whore For Jews
(Apollonian, 16 Mar 19)

No "Art," the dumbass: I say it's this moronic "RobinG" who's the troll, pretending "Unz Review," run by the obvious Jew, Unz, is genuine forum for truth-telling and exposition--after all, it features "Art," the moron, who pretends he's "Christian," but literally doesn't know even the FIRST thing about Christianity--which is it's worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies, lying, and liars (JOHN 8:44).

So HOW can there be any such thing as "truth," artie, buddy?--it would have to be because reality is OBJECTIVE (created by God the Father), the necessary basis of any such "truth" that means anything, Christ being "logos" (the sign). Jews on the anti-thematic other hand, by definition, uphold "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation), Torah meaning nothing but what rabbis (hence Talmud) say, reality being merely subjective. See,, and for best expo.

"RobinG" then is the real psy-op op pretending there are "good" Jews, like Unz, like there are good psychopaths and child-molesters, who lies like typical Jew, pretending he's for "free-speech" as he constantly, furiously censors and deletes my honest anti-Semitic exposition (and who knows how many others too), and rather features pathological liars, like "corvinus," and other stinking Jewwy trolls, not to mention fools like "RobinG" who imagines she's gate-keeper.

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# 476, RobinG says:
March 17, 2019 at 1:41 am GMT

This fake ‘cowboy’ is the psy-op.
Who knows what it’s trying to provoke. Nothing good.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Morons ought to consider what Unz's site is really "about"....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Just WHAT Exactly IS Unz "Site" For, Anyway?--Think About It
(Apollonian, 14 Mar 19)

"Renfro" says: <blockquote>"This site is not for bible classes."</blockquote> Well, WHAT do thou think this Jew's site IS "for," sucker? Is Unz a Jew?--so then this site is for the good of Jew, isn't it?--necessarily--why/how wouldn't it be? So observe:

(a) Unz publishes all these "anti-Semitic" articles, right?--which NO ONE else does or would do--any gentile doing it would be attacked immediately, lose paypal and other financial svcs, etc. So we know and confirm it's Jew-serving, Jew-oriented dicatatorship we live in, right there.

(b) BUT these "comments-pages"--are these nearly so "anti-Semitic"?--not at all; in fact it's on the contrary, for which comments Unz censors thoroughly, intensively, ferociously, contrary to his typical Jew lies.

(c) And fact remains that "Bible" is EXTREMELY important and CRUCIAL cultural document w. absolutely most earth-shattering implications for culture and politics--which ignorant scum like "renfro" wants to ignore.

Note all the Jewwy trolls Unz makes sure to publish, including "corvinus," the pathological liar who's been caught lying several times, by several people--but hey, Unz loves him, "corvinus" having had over a million words (!) published by his Jew buddy, Unzie.

No genuine anti-Semitism goes through Unz comments pages, except for the usual platitudes, under special circumstances, in which Unz the Jew thereby expresses his contempt for the goyim--like when he published my complaints once, and then appended the "LOL" at the end--mocking the goyim, suckers.

So Unz finds-out what the gentiles are talking about and HOW thus they can be most easily confuted and manipulated--he thus sees, for example, how many stupid puke there are who keep insisting all Jews shouldn't be blamed for the actions of one or a few--which is NOT the way to conduct warfare, which consists in "KILLING THEM ALL--and letting the Lord choose the good ones."

But warfare is INEVITABLE, evermore ratcheted upwards as evermore morons among the gentiles are expended, the survivors realizing they're losing UNLESS they react more vigorously, more straight-forwardly in manner of most serious warfare.

Besides, I get my anti-Semitic essays published elsewhere, exposing such as Unz--and the goyim suck-alongs like "renfro," who pretend Unz and Jews are soooooo "wunnerful."

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# 402, renfro says:
March 14, 2019 at 11:42 pm GMT

Take your religious discussion else where.
This site is not for bible classes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

psycho, satanic anti-Christ actually adopts same theology of JCs--i.e., that Christ was/is "Jew," etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Psycho Acts Like Those He Pretends To Making Fun Of
(Apollonian, 13 Mar 19)

Buddy: thou are absolute raging, obsessed psycho aren't thou?--ho ho o ho oho. Thou sure has thy little game within thy utterly psychotic mind DOWN pat, eh?--slick w. the quotations out-of-context, to meaning what thou desires, insisting like the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics that Christ was Jew, confusing as I tried to pt. out to thou, that "Jew" is NOT same as Judean, "Jew" defined by the Talmudists themselves strictly as follower of Pharisees/Talmud (see,, and for best Talmudic expo).

For there was (and still is) serious confusion even at the time, and also ever after too, among stupid gentiles, like thyself, regarding the nomenclature and distinctions of Jews and Judeans, Pharisees the middle-class party, leading only about 5% of people of Judea which featured many other sects, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Sicariots, and several others.

It doesn't occur to thy pathetic psychotic mentality that New Test. is the source and standard for Christian philosophy--WHICH THOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, stupid, psychotic, ignorant, lying scum as thou are--despite all thy idiot quotations, thou pathetic moron, ho ho ho ho--and HOW such Christian philosophy differs so radically and ANTI-THETICALLY w. Pharisees--THEY'RE NOT SAME THINGS, FOOL--THEY'RE ABSOLUTE OPPOSITES, moron.

For Christ = TRUTH sucker; see Gosp. JOHN 14:6--directly implying the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis for such truth. Pharisees have TOTALLY diff. conception, rejecting truth and the objective reality--which truth they tried to kill, ho ho ho ho, but which truth ALWAYS "resurrects," dumbass--but thou aren't smart enough to catch-on to the real "moral" of the New Test. story being told, though thou imagines thou are sooooooooooooo clever, knowing, and sharp, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho, thou poor, brainless fool, pretending to preach to others.

Christianity is not primarily about "love" or "beeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," sucker, but thou are simply stupid as the JCs thou like to making fun of, eh?--imagining it's all about "beeeeleeeeeevin'" and that "beeeeleeeeeeeeeevin'" thus and thereupon makes it all true (which is actually SUBJECTIVISM, moron--what the Jews preach, necessary if/when one rejects objectivity)--ho ho ho ho ho--which is truly what thou thinks, sucker, ho ho ho ho--which explains thy bitter insistence, obsession, and absolute psychotic fanaticism--thou truly brainless moron, practicing what it is thou pretends to rejecting and making fun of. Is there anyone stupider than a piece-of-excrement sucker like thou?--ho ho ho ho ho.
--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------
# 248, Anon[293] • Disclaimer says:
March 13, 2019 at 1:19 pm GMT

So you double down on the secret decoder ring argument, i.e., all the Jewtalk is “spiritual,” i.e., pretend.

“The Jew first [spiritually].” -Romans 1:16

Sure, sure, your secret decoder ring argument makes it all better.

Philosophic basis of satanism is actually quite easy and widespread....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Attaman's" Reality--"Dream"--Is Mere Subjectivism, Satanism
(Apollonian, 13 Mar 19)

Ho ho ho oho, "ataman," buddy, all thou do is to express what we here in West understand as Satanism, making thyself to be God, creating reality ("dream" which thou represents as reality) within thy mind--extreme subjectivism--also known as "solipsism"--look it up.

And why would someone else's "dream" be wrong, and only thine be true?--so are thou God?

Then thou tells us, <blockquote>"[T]he dream is on autopilot and the destination is love over hate and evil."</blockquote> Thou merely begs question--WHAT is "evil"?--isn't this just another of thy "dreams," and why is only thy dream true? Why is "destination" to be "love"?--isn't this just thine own "dream," again?

Don't thou see the problem w. thy moronic "philosophy," such as it is?

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 452, Attamansdream says:
March 13, 2019 at 11:33 am GMT • 100 Words

Are you saying the Jew Testament is a Dream World for saying the Jews are Chosenites?

• Romans 9:4 “The people of Israel, CHOSEN.”
• Romans 15:27 “For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.”

Welp, right there is America’s foreign policy.


["Attaman" answers, below]

No I am saying that all life is a Dream and there is no physicality(fact)and all is one and thus by many jews considering themselves chosen it makes them ‘separate’ and superior and supreme and thus this makes them anti god by definition because all is one …without ‘seperation’ and so why would a god of love reward something evil?

the dream is on autopilot and the destination is love over hate and evil.