Monday, March 18, 2019

With such as Agenda-21 (and -2030) GENOCIDE as official policy, do u suppose people fail to spot the satanism, satanists?--ho ho ho....

below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Lots Of People Are Dumb, But How Dumb Can We Really Be Not To Spot Satanists?
(Apollonian, 18 Mar 19)

Think about it, comrades: if the population produces toooo many stupid people, isn't that eventually going to lead to disaster? Used to be, the stupid people admitted the fact in all their honesty, and heeded the virtuous--who weren't only "smart" (ho hoh o ho), but they were honest, and held the respect of the honest dumb folks--who thus were NOT "over-populated." Long as they all co-operated, things were ok, one must suppose as matter of basic principle(s).

And hist. is CYCLIC as it is determined (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will)--when too many dumb people cease to heed the virtuous "smart" folks disaster occurs--wars, famine, plague. Then the pop. recedes, and the CYCLIC build-up to excess pop. of dumbasses re-occurs for another round of wars, famine, plague--and that next disaster seems to be right around corner as US economy is beginning to starting to collapse fm excess debt, for one obvious thing--soon we'll have hyper-inflation.

Note then the gross criminal enterprise which dominates and rules our society: the central-bank (US Federal Reserve--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms) which is literally <b>legalized counterfeiting</b>, pumping out evermore (nearly endless) fiat currency, not real money.

For the great hordes of stupid folk have been convinced that (intrinsically) worthless fiat currency is the RIGHT thing to do, thus rationalizing the central-bank criminal enterprise (which is MONOPOLY) which rules everything else, necessarily. So is it any wonder the "globalist" advocates of world gov. behind United Nations (UN) push Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE as official policy?

Thus we have rule of Satanism, by definition, based on idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making the subject God--Satanism by definition. The TOP Satanists then dominate as they're COLLECTIVISTIC Satanists/subjectivists, w. most effective, successful "group-think," most dedicated, motivated, and organized--against the stupid folk, obviously not "hip" enough to be so dedicated and organized for such Satanism, eh?

So isn't this actually the situation?--the masses and hordes of over-populated stupid folk waiting to be exterminated by the Satanists? Poor fools don't understand simple thing like MONEY, what it really is and must be, and why--they just continue to accept fiat currency which (monopolist) Satanists use for their own purposes as they make the people sick w. glyphosate poisoning, "chem-trail" poisoning, GMO poison foods, and all the poisonous food additives, poison prescription drugs, electro-magnetic toxicity as fm cell-phones, and coming 5G (micro-wave) system, etc.

So it will only take just a small spark to set things off as things continue to deteriorate in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, eh? Satanists are trying to blame this growing, looming disaster on white folk, and "racism," and "free market," etc., but I doubt it is really working very well, and lots of folks, not only white, are getting tired of it all.

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