Monday, March 11, 2019

Observe the devilish manner the kike "editor" trolls his own site, devaluating the articles he publishes by means of deliberately trolling the comments....

Below-copied by ap submitted, miraculously published, at comments,

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Devilish Trolling, Censorship By Unz, Promoting Satanism
(Apollonian, 11 Mar 19)

Folks: imagine the frustration of a genuine anti-Semite, like myself, who has to endure the moronic trolling of these various idiots, like "one born brainless," and lately "Fran Taubman," which "Franny" baby is not only a troll, but palpably touched in the head w. schizoid dis-order (dis-connected fm reality, un-able to distinguish concretes fm abstracts), "Druid" (who's actually a muzzy), and this latest Jew moron, "Jesse."

I deliver serious, substantial anti-Semitism--just ck my gem at # 62, above--and yet MOST of my entries are deleted/CENSORED by the lying kike who lies and pretends he's against censorship.

Of course, this heavy trolling we get is because of Unz himself, the big troll-master who wants to treat his anti-Semitic articles and comments pages in this moronic fashion. What a racket Unz is running w. all the anti-Semitic articles he features--could a gentile do this so successfully without being heavily attacked by SPLC?

And the rest of these so-called "commentators"--how weak and insipid for their repetitive nit-picking of Jews and mis-representations of the real case against Jews. Worst of these idiots are the ones who say, "thou can't condemn all Jews just because of a few." For all Jews are Satanists, ipso-facto, or most horrendous dupes thereto, regardless whether they pretend they're not "religious." Satanism is NOT mere "religion," and there's NOTHING "mystic" about it (see below paragraph).

For I seriously submit Judaism/Talmudism should be OUTLAWED and totally, thoroughly exterminated, those calling themselves "Jews" put into concentration camps, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die out. Generations of gentile descendents centuries fm now will joyously celebrate a holiday for extermination of Judaism.

For note Judaism is SATANISM, pure and simple. And we'll never be able to exterminate sin itself, as that's nature of human. We can't even exterminate general Satanism, as that's simple extreme subjectivism, holding mentality/consciousness is source of reality, making subject into God--Satanism, by definition.

BUT we CAN exterminate Judaism, as I note, mere specific form of Satanism now so grossly elaborated, Jews practicing a COLLECTIVIST "group-think," most committed, dedicated, organized, thus dominating the more isolated, un-organized gentile subjectivists and Satanists. Observe further, those putrid, disgusting dupes and "useful idiots," the Judeo-Christians (JC--see and for expo), heretics, who support terror-state of Israel--up to at least 40 million strong in Jew S A--they need re-education camps themselves, and if they don't learn and become anti-semites, then into the camps they must go.

In a certain, insidious way, too much attn. has been focused upon Judaism which then obscures the larger satanic problem, Jews ALWAYS the leaders, dominating and manipulating the gentile Satanists and subjectivists, even though out-numbered by the gentile subjectivists/satanists.

Did thou observe the Demon-rats in US Congress recently, who want to give vote to illegal invaders?--TREASON, pure and simple--not to mention Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE official policy of world gov. dictatorship--all this is masked by the rampant Satanism which goes practically un-challenged, even un-observed, but always LED (and financed) by Jews at the top and front. So exterminating Judaism itself is BRILLIANT way of striking at Satanism in general--but isn't discussed nearly enough due to satanic gate-keepers like Unz, distracting people by means of these stupid trolls, like "Fran."

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