Sunday, March 10, 2019

"Modern" philosophy (fm Descartes) has been disaster, farce, tragedy--establishment of satanism for philosophy, actually....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Modern" Philosophy And "German Transcendental Idealism": Farce, Tragedy, Disaster--"Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 19)

"Seraphim," buddy, once again thou blows it terribly upon crucial issues, as basic philosophy--why do thou keep doing this? For philosophy begins, for practical purposes w. dear Aristotle who notes the basic, necessary assumption of the OBJECTIVE reality (vs. subjectivism, foundation of Satanism which so curses and afflicts the world at this moment)--whence then one obtains law of Identity and then non-contradiction, foundation of logic and science, the beginnings of the Holy Spirit by which we achieve, grasp, and understanding of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Note Christ implicitly endorsed the Aristotelian view, affirming the existence of TRUTH (= Christ), hence necessity of objectivity, basis of such truth. And Christ did this affirmation AGAINST the Satanists, Jews, and subjectivists featuring "midrash" of "Oral Law Tradition" and the later Talmud (JOHN 8:44). See,, and for best expo on Talmud.

Aristotle's only failure, in my view, was in not seeing and holding DETERMINISM (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will) as necessary consequence of that beginning assumption of objectivity. But the Christian philosophy solved the problem when St.s Paul and Augustine understood we're fundamentally sinners (self-interested), incapable of achieving salvation on our own, etc.

Entirety then of all "modern" philosophy (fm Descartes) was and is a disaster as they seem to have forgotten Aristotle, beginning as they seem to do w. fallacy of prior certainty of consciousness, the "reification" problem, pretending then to having to "prove" the objective reality fm that beginning premise (consciousness).

For consciousness (subjectivism) is mere part, parcel of the necessarily prior objective reality--but fm Descartes on, these two, (objective) reality and consciousness were accorded a kind of equal status, thus arose grim, dread SATANISM, idea reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. Satanism thus achieved overt philosophic status and is now official policy of governments, including esp. the nascent world gov. dictatorship.

Immanuel Kant then became the great Socratic figure of leadership and father-hood of philosophy as Socrates was held to be by the Greeks and Romans. From Kant came Hegel, and fm Hegel we got Marx who now rules so much of the present day and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, including as thou will note, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, official policy of world gov. dictatorship, including "perpetual war for perpetual peace."

Thus the deliberately induced psycho-pathology of people and "Decline of the Western" culture of present era is (a) general cognitive dissonance, and (b) specifically, SCHIZOIDAL disorder by which people fail to integrate perceptions and concretes w. abstractions, these two, abstractions and concretes given a confused and equal status, not differentiated--consistent w. "modern" philosophy and false dichotomy btwn objective reality and consciousness ("rationalists" vs. "empiricists").

For abstractions must necessarily depend upon and be founded in concretes--still held and understood by many in science, but less and less well understood generally, even among nominal "scientists"--as we see in the present "climate-change" propaganda war whence people are exhorted upon the polling of so-called and alleged "scientists"--"97 % of "scientists" affirm climate-change," hence it must be true--the blatant argument-fm-authority fallacy, thus the satanic state of our culture, including afore-mentioned GENOCIDE policy.

Again, and to sum-up: the horrific problem culturally and psychologically is dominance and rule of SATANISM--which is not anything mystical at all, but actually now official philosophic policy and ideal, as I've noted, Satanism being founded in (extreme) subjectivism, making oneself God, the source of "truth," rather than Aristotelian objective reality. Q.E.D.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 218, Seraphim says:
March 10, 2019 at 3:44 am GMT • 100 Words

‘Modern philosophy’ wouldn’t exist without Luther’s Protestantism which initiated the mental slide into communism (and fascism). Kant, Herder, Goethe, Fichte, Hegel, Feuerbach, were not Chinese, neither was Marx, Engels, nor Nietzsche, nor the ‘Frankfurt School’.

If you want to see a giant of German philosophy then it was Leibniz, but his philosophy had less to do with ‘modern philosophy’ than with the old traditional Christian ‘scholastic’ one. He owes much to the French thinkers, to the Jesuits and to the… Chinese. He wrote most of his philosophy in French and Latin. That might be a reason why he was sent to the memory hole for a long time (e.g. The Berlin Academy of Sciences, which he founded and wrote its program, did not see fit to honor his death and his tomb went unmarked for 50 years – the French Academy of Sciences did).

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