Saturday, February 9, 2019

"Deferring to Israel"?--is deferring to the central bank, a satanic instrument of cultural hubris, decline....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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"Deference To Israel" Naturally, Logically Follows FM Criminal Enterprise Of Central Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 8 Feb 19)

Note the very sub-heading of this article by Giraldi, right under the top heading, is <blockquote>"Deferring to Israel is "what we are.""</blockquote> So of course, Giraldi's logic is pretty indisputable as he develops it so well in his article. But there's a significant bit more to the internal reasoning rendering Giraldi's conclusion and sub-heading, I submit.

For note existence of that pernicious, satanic criminal-enterprise, the central-bank, fiat-currency system which is LITERALLY legalized counterfeiting--called "the fed," the US Federal Reserve Bank, which proliferates nearly INFINITE currency, not real MONEY, which real money must be some commodity which is finite, the best being gold/silver. See for best expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Observe then the literal God-like POWER of the central-bank which so proliferates currency, which necessarily allows it to owning and controlling practically everyone and everything. Even heroes like Ron Paul have to be careful, as the top powers, behind the central bank, control veritable armies of assassins, not to mention nearly all lawyers, judges, and politicians.

So the central-bank is the absolute topmost power of practical, "existential" sort--what then in the abstract realm lies behind and under that criminal enterprise?--it must have to do w. the power of persuasion over the masses of over-populated people, now numbering too many inferiors and weaklings, who are persuaded to have this horrendous, pernicious, criminal enterprise, the central-bank, pretending such central-bank is "good" and useful.

So the people are persuaded by satanic powers to consent to establishment of such criminal enterprise, this by means of non-existent "good-evil" and "free" will notions--the central bank then is a force for "good," and that's why the people allow it and have it.

And of course, the people allow and have such satanic criminal enterprise as the people are over-populated (a), in addition (b) to the natural HUBRIS and corruption of the society and culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--what happened? Thus the people became HUBRISTIC and corrupt as the people were generated fm original heroes and victorious conquerors of the FOUNDING generation(s)--as in Roman and American examples fm history.

Note then the original FOUNDERS were objectivistic and determinist for their general philosophic principles, but as HUBRIS and corruption seeps into and dominates the people and culture in the following generations of a successful society, descended fm original founders and conquerors, these corrupt following generations become evermore SUBJECTIVIST, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," and perfectly "free," God-like, will, imagining they can change reality and become "good" and "morally virtuous," etc.

Thus the natural, inexorable, inevitable corruption of the society/culture/people and empire is DETERMINIST and hence CYCLIC, in accord w. Spengler's theory. And this CYCLIC corruption and determinist development of culture is the necessary back-ground and circumstances to Giraldi's "deference to Israel," and most to the pt., the definitive criminal-enterprise of central-banking, fiat-currency system of the satanic, HUBRISTIC empire in "Decline of the West."

"Deference to Israel" then, is symptom of that definitive criminal-enterprise of central-banking which develops in the corrupt empire, that central-banking then, in turn, the symptom and consequence of the inexorable corruption, hubris, and satanic nature, "Satanism" being product of extreme subjectivism which ensues fm original objective/determinist orientation of the original, most virtuous founding generations.

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