Friday, September 7, 2018

Prof. James Fetzer: a simple case-in-pt. for problems of Jew S A....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Fetzer: Typical Case-In-Point For satanic Corruption, Subversion
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 18)

Golly, gee whiz, Fetzer, old buddy--what's ur problem?--ho ho ho ho ho ho--u just don't want to publish comments anymore, eh?--but why? U just don't know what to say, aside fm not liking what's being said by others, SOOOOOOO, like Jew-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle, u're just going to suppress it all, right?--just pretend it (any dissenting opinion) doesn't exist--just like senile old fools do, right? Ho ho ho ho ho ho. U sure are clever, aren't u?

So here at least, we see what's happened to ur entire worthless generation, tacitly admitting ur pathetic bankruptcy for any serious grasp of history and culture, what has happened up to now, and what to do for future. So just like a little baby, u're just going to clam-up and not let anything be said--and u imagine people, some of them, anyway, can't see what's going on? U poor, pathetic old hulk.

But at least one purpose is now well displayed, Fetzer, which is ur basic incompetence, including especially ur gross inability of INDUCTION, generalization, for the philosophic exercise.

Another simple observation is ur amazing, simple gross ignorance of Christianity and the Christian culture, which however, is shared by so many others, which gives u the impression u're not alone, so at least u don't stand-out for ur crass, bovine-like ignorance.

And it isn't surprising, is it?--that u were in Jewwy, establishment "academia" for, what?--over THIRTY yrs?--ho ho ho ho ho ho--u actually turn-out to have been WELL-TRAINED for ur hostility to Christian culture, ur inability to relate to something that might otherwise be rather native for a healthy person--but u're not really that healthy for intellect and spirit, are u?

One large example is ur inability to see any diff. btwn the Christian and Jew culture. To someone like u, u imagine they're (Christian and Jew) essentially the same, eh? In a significant way, u're just a "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) by way of "spiritual" orientation in ur own manner, eh?

So despite everything, we see the Jew and Jewwy social-engineers--SATANISTS--have actually very well succeeded upon such as u, eh, Fetzer?--so profoundly prejudiced u are against Christian culture and the Christian people, hence the general Western, rational culture overall, and we see that in ur inability for INDUCTION, as I noted, for the basic philosophic art and practice.

And note, Fetzer, we can't blame ur sort of incompetence, as I've above described, entirely upon Jews, can we? For truly, Jews need helpers and accomplices, don't they?

FIRST, the whole culture and people in general, not just only Jews, must submerge and descend into general hubris, then satanism, and now only then do Jews arise and standing-out to dominate and ruling as they do, esp. by means of the central-bank and the fiat-currency system, as I've noted (see for expo).

That's why we Christians understand that in order for any possible chance for any kind of a cultural revival or recovery for people in general, we must go through a period of "tribulation" whence people suffer, and through this serious suffering seeing thereby what goes on and who does what--Jews and satanists thriving and exulting as the "tribulation" takes course and place.

And that's why and how u, Fetzer, are such excellent and notable case in pt., aren't u?--the perfect DUPE for satanists and Jews as u operate in ur typical manner, PARALLEL and rather in concert, as we observe, to the censorship and suppression done by ur "models," Jew-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle.

Golly gee, Fetzer, but u're such a leader and exemplar, aren't u?--u really are, and u can't figure it out either, can u?--soooo brilliantly has the training and programming been done, so well u've "learned," ho ho ho ho--what a hero and glorious leader u are, eh?

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