Monday, September 3, 2018

Ajax Jewns (, mighty big "player" for satanists, w. distinct purpose and place for them (satanists)....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Full satanist Meaning, Significance, Purpose Of Ajax Jewns (
(Apollonian, 3 Sep 18)

Way to go, Fetzer: "in solidarity w. Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.cor)," just helps to setting-up gate-keeper, Jewwy shill and flack, Ajax, as something of a "leader," hero, and martyr for the "controlled opposition," right?--of course.

WHO and what is Ajax Jewns?--first and most, he's part of the "Israel-first," "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) contingent along w. Trump and "neo-con," pretended "right"--along w. ur buddy, Jerome Corsi, and then Ajax's buddies, Joe Farrah (, Jew, Mike "Savage" (Weiner), and other Jews and JCs whom he often has on his shows.

Ajax also attaches a pretended "libertarian" flavor to his larger JC front, or alternatively, the Jew-friendly faction of the "libertarian"-inclined, among JCs and such-like.

But what does Ajax do most of all for the satanists and Jews?--Ajax anchors the satanist/subjectivistic foundation in pretended "good-evil" moralism--along w. the mystic "faith" ("beleeeeeeeeeevin'") of the JCs, whence mere "beleeeeeeeevin'" makes it all "true" for JCs and other such mystics, satanists, and anti-Christ heretics--and this is aside fm the non-existent "good-evil" which Ajax pushes. Ajax, the hill-billy moron, once said on his show that he's "known to be in the 'top-ten' for fightin' EVIL," by golly.

Never, ever, does an Ajax Jewns show go by without Ajax citing, mentioning, and invoking "good-evil" at least a dozen times--this is no joke--it's primary, explicit notion, ideal, and meme for Ajax--ALWAYS--and it serves the SUBJECTIVIST purpose, influence, and motivational aspects for Ajax's appeal among the goons, fools, scum, suckers, and morons. Such is the place, purpose, and function of Ajax Jewns.

So if nothing else, the best one can say about Ajax Jewns is he and his associated JC faction might indicate a hint of in-fighting, division, or dissent within the top level master-minds of satanic "deep-state" powers, the supposed split btwn "bad" Jews of atheist, "globalist" "left," actively pushing Agendas -21 and -2030 genocide, vs. the "good" kikes of JC "evangelicals" and Ajax, pushing Israel-first on the phony "right," whom Ajax represents and pushes most of all.

Such is the full meaning and place within things political and cultural for Ajax Jewns--why he's pushed, preserved, and featured star for the larger, over-all satanic/subjectivist movement and faction--against TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

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