Sunday, August 19, 2018

What a fraud is Sandy hoax--but HOW could it have been done?--been conceived?--ONLY under satanic circumstances, never doubt....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Frauds Like Sandy Hoax Only Succeed Within satanic Circumstances--Take Heed
(Apollonian, 20 Aug 18)

People need to face-up to facts about the satanic society/culture--WHAT would it be like? Well, it would be ruled by a criminal enterprise/conspiracy at the very top--the central-bank putting-out nearly infinite currency, not real money, real money commodity-based, like gold/silver, which is limited in amount, thus not capable of being (easily) counterfeited--which (legalized) counterfeiting is what is done w. currency--DELIBERATELY. See for expo on such central-banking; use their search-engine.

Only thus by means of such criminal central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, and practically infinite funding, would such a far-reaching, all-encompassing fraud like Sandy hoax be possible and, further, to be maintained as it is by means of bought-and-paid-for lawyers, judges, and politicians, for just one example.

Yet other means by which the various frauds of satanism are enabled is the totally bought-and-paid-for Jews-media. The public edjumacation system is another--all of these enabled by the central-bank, don't forget.

People, most of them, don't understand what money is and must be--they don't know the difference btwn real money and mere "currency" which "currency" is only feasible by means of dictatorship, like "legal-tender" laws, forcing the people to accept the otherwise worthless currency for payment for goods and svcs. Thus the people are steadily impoverished by the continuing, never-ending issuances of the steadily devaluated currency for evermore deficit-spending.

Thus we see the satanic society is ruled by LIES, beginning w. the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, at the very top, which enables everything else about the satanic culture, esp. for the funding of practically endless wars and financing of the ever-expanding empire in all the various ways, not only against "enemies," but also the people themselves, the people losing rights and freedom as their currency becomes evermore worthless.

To be sure, many people do understand and grasp the gross fraudulent nature of Sandy hoax despite all the horrendous lying that's been done about the various topics, including defamation of the truth-speakers.

But remember: the satanic society only advances and occurs especially in the degenerate phase of CYCLIC history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the mass cultural HUBRIS has affected so many people who are desperate and obsessed w. pretending they're "good"--which "good and evil" doesn't and couldn't exist in the objective reality.

Thus disasters and catastrophes compound and increase as the cultural "decline" continues and speeds up against the people already confused and terrorized--such is the design of the satanist masterminds who have to keep people ignorant, distracted, diverted, and un-aware, much as possible.

Meantime observe, along w. the increasing warfare, the people are further beset and afflicted by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines, poison GMO foods, poison radiation, both nuclear and lately also electro-magnetic, and including poison in the atmosphere by means of "chem-trails"--all in accord w. Agendas -21 and 2030, don't forget.

So Sandy hoax needs be understood in CONTEXT of the larger cultural satanism and worship of lies (on pretext of non-existent "good") by so many. Don't forget it isn't first time for infliction of gigantic hoax--think about 9/11 (see and JFK assassination conspiracy including the hoax of Lee H. Oswald as supposed "lone gunman."

None of these gross hoaxes could have obtained as they have without the big, ruling hoax at the top regarding "currency" now having replaced real money, putting the very worst mass-murdering criminals in charge, in power, ruling everything. People have to get a clue to saving their very lives--and because they don't and can't disasters must and will continue, suckers. Excessively stupid people, who are now over-populated worshipping lies, pretending to non-existent "good," must be killed-off, evidently.

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