Friday, August 17, 2018

Jews are NOT NOT NOT the first-cause for satanization of society, founded on hubris, and they couldn't accomplish anything without goyim scum to going-along....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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What Gives With Fetzer?
(Apollonian, 17 Aug 18)

This material, by Pressly, is just more, stunning, INDUCTIVE evidence, Fetzer. Sure looks like those are same people playing "mom" at Sandy hoax, and the more recent Charlottesville.

But what's ur problem for my inductive arguments and simple formulations on ur other blog-article ("Vivian Lee") regarding Jew identities of "jjis" and "Goldstein"? Was there some problem for the exposition?--if so, why then didn't u just analyze it out? So u decided to be like Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, and just deleted it, eh?--but WHY?

Did it offend ur trained, internal response-mechanism, fm all ur B.F. Skinner-type programming regarding Jews?--why are u such obedient slave? Aren't u just another part of the larger cultural problem?

So Jews are truly immune to all dangers--including science and inductive logic, aren't they?--and on WHAT grounds?--is it "moralism"?--ho ho ho hoh o ho ho. Suddenly, we see Fetzer is willing to throw all science and induction to the winds in favor of "moralism," right? And who benefits?--Jews for one, eh?

And what magical thing is this mystic moralism, anyway? Can Fetzer explain this amazing moralism?--I don't think so, but he doesn't want to admit it, eh Fetzer?--tell us all about it.

So observe, Fetzer: the rational society, featuring especially science and logic is utterly destroyed w. ur willing co-operation by means of--what?--"moralism" or "morality"?--and WHAT is that?--u don't know, and u won't say, and u won't even admit to any of it, eh?

So u see, Fetzer: we true Christians are foremost to admitting Jews are NOT NOT NOT the original, initial, beginning cause of societal corruption, hubris, etc.--"Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Because, as in ur case, we see Jews couldn't accomplish anything without the willing co-operation of the goyim, right?--and u're outstanding, splendid case-in-pt., aren't u? Tell us all about it, such paragon of moralism u obviously are.

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