Thursday, July 19, 2018

Such utter moronic idiocy and brainlessness (of "DEEP" state, ho ho ho ho) merely goes to show truth of Dante's great poetic epic, "Divine Comedy"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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This Is Sheer Comedic Mental Retardation Of "Deep State" (Who Aren't So "Deep," Really, Ho Ho Ho)
(Apollonian, 19 Jul 18)

Ho ho ho ho, so tell us just WHAT is the JURISDICTION of US law or Rosenstein or Mueller over Russkie citizens, eh?--explain that one.

Under Obola, USA was catspaw for globalist world dictatorship of the "left," "liberal" "bad" Jews. Now, under Trump, Jew S A is catspaw and lickspittle for Israel-first "neo-cons" and Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) morons, scum, heretics, and traitors--and "good" kikes.

So either way, Jew S A is an anti-human monstrosity against which it is any Russkie's duty, not merely right, to subvert, injure, and destroy any way he can at any time. If the russkies were successful, they deserve medals, not only fm Russkie gov., but fm all human-kind.

So what?--DOJ of Jew S A has brought "indictments" against Russkies?--so let them send US Marshalls over there to take them into custody. Better yet, DOJ should order Russian gov. to arrest those scofflaws and send them to Jew S A right away, ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Who would actually be stupid enough to believe idiot "indictments" of russkies carries any serious weight, legal, political, or otherwise?--only brainless, moronic JCs on the "right" who support Israeli terror-state, or perhaps some mentally retarded snow-flake "liberals" (who are actually fascists, only they not realizing it, ho ho oh ho).

Folks, don't doubt we're living in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and this sheer moronic idiocy ("indicting" russkies) is nothing less than "Divine Comedy" of Dante, no less, good gravy, I kid u not, ho ho ho ho ho

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