Saturday, July 14, 2018

Good gravy, but isn't it obvious satanists making use of simple MONOPOLY to dictate to stupid goyim goons and puke?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Satanists Making Use Of MONOPOLY, Suckers
(Apollonian, 14 Jul 18)

Observe, Jew-tube now operates as in-ur-face MONOPOLY, saying it's their "private-property" when fact is Jew tube and their Google parent were first built by means of TAX-PAYER funds and gov. subsidies.

So this is fraud by Jew-tube, pretending they're private prop.--when they're actually, simply tax-payer funded UTILITY, obligated to the tax-payer and citizenry, and they're now defrauding the citizenry and tax-payers. Penalty is TREASON, and it is truly gruesome punishment--so it might take awhile before retribution is brought.

But note further, Big-Pharma, which is in business of killing people (and they know very well what they're doing) w. the deadly drugs and vaccines pushed by establishment medical monopoly, is COERCIVE monopoly by the various means, just like ALL the other monopolies--HOW do u KNOW this (about monopolization) for certain?--just look at the top MONOPOLY of them all, which has EXCLUSIVE right to issuing the currency (not real money), the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting of US Federal Reserve. See for definitive expo on central bank; use their search engine.

And as people observe, SOME of them understand that w. every new issue of wave after wave in this evermore nearly INFINITE ocean of "currency" that's evermore put-out, the newly issued currency DE-VALUES the currency that already exists in circulation. It's all called "inflation" for obvious reasons.

And HOW is it central-bank has right to ripping people off as their currency is devalued by the new issues of the new waves of currency?--see the fraudulent, criminal nature of legalized counterfeiting and central-banking? Just ask urself WHY is counterfeiting held to be a crime?

Thus this central-bank inevitably owns and controls EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, beginning w. all politicians and judges, then the Jews-media, then public edjumacation--the central bank being the ULTIMATE monopoly which controls ALL the other monopolies--ALL of them without exception.

And the central-bank oligarchs are who and what are behind the drive to world dictatorship featuring GENOCIDE and mass-murder of Agenda-21 and -2030 (look it up, suckers)--see how it works.

For satanism is a death-cult by necessity and nature, and it's only satanic force that's ultimately behind such monopolistic criminal enterprise, founded upon central-banking, the central-bank giving satanists the means, providing the instrument/weapon--CURRENCY--taking away the protection for the people of real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, which is limited in amount and FINITE.

Satanists sucker the stupid goyim by telling them they need INFINITE currency which will rescue them when they run-out. And the stupid, brainless puke beleeeeeeeeeeeev it and go-along, imagining they're such brilliant advanced thinkers to have hit upon idea of INFINITE currency--for now it's replaced real money which is limited in amount, ho ho ho oho, the dumbasses are led to beleeeeeeeev, poor, stupid scum.

Brainless puke imagine "satanism" is mere "religion," but actually it's built upon SIMPLE philosophy, extreme subjectivism, the idea that reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness, these subjects now making themselves God, the creator.

The goons further cannot grasp that the topmost masterminds of satanism are the ones who share a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and consciousness--no less than gangs of criminals. And these collectivistic subjectivists are most organized, cohesive, and "connected," extremely well-led, w. most effective and successful "group-think"--these are the Jews, suckers--see,, and And now u see why and how a small minority can leverage and manipulate larger numbers of fools, morons, suckers, and goons.

For observe the gentile satanists are notoriously dis-connected, individualistic, and isolated fm one another, whereas Jews are UNIVERSAL, organizing the goons and scum gentile satanists, giving them leadership and direction. Observe all the leading Bolsheviks were Jews--observe all the leading central-bankers are Jews or Jew lickspittles, serving the Jews and their satanistic God.

And be sure not to confusing and conflating "Jew" w. Judean--they're not same, Jew defined as followers of Pharisees who led only about 5% of Judeans at time of Christ, the middle-class party.

So try to getting a clue, morons: it's essential to knowing what exactly satanism is, at root--(extreme) subjectivism. And Christianity, the REAL thing, is worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of truth--see how it works? And now u see how and why Jews absolutely HATE Christianity, eh?

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