Friday, June 15, 2018

What will it take to get gentiles to see basic nature, element of corruption in satanic society?--surely the fraud of central-banking, INFINITE currency (vs. limited, finite real commodity-based money)....

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Corrupt, Over-Populated Gentiles Suffer Inexorable Hubris In satanic Society
(Apollonian, 15 Jun 18)

My theory about Jews and the cultures they infest and actually commandeer is that (a) Jews can't do what they do BY THEMSELVES. (b) What happens is Jews are actually a disease which can only affect a culture ALREADY essentially corrupt, decadent, and degenerate, as we see USA is.

(c) Thus Jews can be understood according to CYCLIC theory, as of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" whence gentiles, in perfect accord w. the ROMAN pattern, begin w. truly heroic and brave origin generations, but eventually give-in to decadence, the following generations never having to fight for their lives like the founders and originals.

Thus the corrupted generations indulge in idea they're "good," suffering HUBRIS, despite Christian philosophy (embedded within the literature and religion) teaching humans are inherently and incorrigibly "sinful"--as they're given to necessary self-interest as creatures of will.

Humans only possible redemption is keeping to honesty, realizing they're sinners, incapable of "good"--which "good" doesn't really exist, philosophy demonstrating there's no solid premise that works in all situations for any real, meaningful, actual "good."

But even more fundamentally, the corrupted humans begin to indulge in un-reason and even ANTI-reason, consistent w. hubris, pretending they're co-equal w. God, capable of a perfectly "free" will, w. power of creating reality, like "good" and "moral virtue."

Thus "Christians" begin to pretending that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin" can actually change reality--simply by means of "beleeeeeeeeeeeving"--which now they call "faith" but which "faith" only properly means LOYALTY, NOT NOT NOT mere "beleeeeeeeeeeevin" which is cheap and changes nothing in the real, OBJECTIVE reality of Aristotle.

Thus in the cultural and psychologic HUBRIS and evermore corrupt society, the erstwhile Christians become SATANISTIC by means of this corruption and cheap, hereticalist "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin"--as we see now the corrupt Christian churches, along w. everyone else, esp. politicians, supporting gross murderous terror state of Israel, these fools of (false and phony) "Christians" now pretending, for example, Christ was "Jew"--when "Jew" properly means only followers of Pharisees and Talmud, "Jews" NOT NOT NOT same as Judeans. See and

Remember "Satanism" is, at root, simply EXTREME subjectivism, idea that mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making oneself God, capable then of creating "good" and "virtue"--and note this was explicit "philosophy" of Immanuel Kant whom present Jews and establishment "edjumacation" now trumpet as foremost "philosophy," Kant the great "hero" of modern and now post-modern (anti-) philosophy.

Jews naturally dominate this cultural corruption as they're (a) foremost satanists, (b) making use of most effective collectivistic subjectivism, most effective "group-think," (c) most organized and well-led, thus over-awing and intimidating the more isolated and stupid gentile subjectivists and satanists who indulge same basic subjectivism, BUT not nearly as well-organized.

To confirm Jew subjectivism, just ck on Jew "midrash" (interpretation)--subjectivism ("midrash") is essence of their "religion."

Thus Jews make sure to controlling the central-banking establishment (see for best expo on central-banking; use site search-engine) which gives them their practical, existential power, keeping gentiles fighting one another, allowing Jews to continuing to dominate the general culture even though Jews seem vastly out-numbered--they're still the, by far, best organized, never forget or doubt--and that's enough to dominate, lead, and manipulate as they do so successfully and effectively, verified by hist.

Natural, logical plan of satanism is to getting gentiles to killing-off one another so as to ease Jews' dictatorship--worked brilliantly in WWI and II.

And the tragic problem for gentiles is it's hard and nearly impossible to resist this satanistic culture of death especially once Jews have firm control of central-banking, promoting false morality of non-existent "good" and perfectly "free" will.

Gentiles seem then doomed to necessary "removal" and reduction of excess population so otherwise susceptible and subject to Jew "leadership" and domination within such corrupt, satanic, degenerate culture.

But gentiles' (only) "hope" is there's "no honor among thieves," and Jews at top will themselves begin to falling-out among themselves, esp. as they see gentiles being steadily "bumped-off," the population steadily reduced, Jew masterminds now suspecting evermore they will be double-crossed--as we see is perhaps happening presently btwn the "atheistic," "globalist" Jews of the "left" vs. more "religious," "neo-con" Jews of the "right."

People must begin to realize and see that healthy society/economy necessarily needs "sound money," NOT NOT NOT mere "currency" and legalized counterfeiting of practically infinite currency which steadily devaluates the currency unit to benefit only of top bankers and their satellites. Real commodity money must be FINITE and limited in amount against this pernicious, un-limited in quantity, nearly infinite "currency."

Meantime, gentiles excess population will continue to dying-off and being killed--only this sort of tragedy seems to motivate the remainder population to thinking and realizing necessity of such as "sound" money over corrupt currency and central-banking. Amen.

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