Saturday, June 9, 2018

Heroic victim feels "heat" fm satanists, but more u KNOW about the puke, better off u are--just push the REAL Christianity which is anti-semitic and anti-satanic, Jews just more organized....

I sent below-copied msg to Ken after he got on his show and told how he feels pressure fm the satanists.

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Note From Ap To Victim Of Satanists
(Apollonian, 9 Jun 18)

Hello Ken: I just now hrd ur latest show. Yes Ken, u're hated by Satanists as u expose them so well, esp. in way of analyzing and explaining how their currency scam works, taking away real money. After all, money must be limited and finite, whereas currency is infinite (potentially), thus the continuing issuances of such currency amounts to a TAX, devaluing the currency already in circulation--Satanists hate u for messing-up their little scam they've got going. Central-banking is main, basic instrument of Satanists/satanism.

I've done lots of research into Satanism, and I think I already sent u a note that at bottom it's very simple--simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM by which the Satanist insists reality is merely what they want it to be, a product of consciousness/mentality, making themselves God, the creator--and this was actually the explicit philosophy of such as Immanuel Kant who said all that by way of rationalizing a "morality" of "duty." This subjectivism/satanism is covered by modern buzz-words like "post-modernism," "post-structuralism," and "deconstructionism"

Basic purpose of subjectivism is to provide a premise/basis for an otherwise non-existent "morality" of "good-evil" which "good-evil" has NEVER been justified for a solid premise which works in all cases. People are most easily intimidated by this "good-evil" fallacy which is first programmed into them when they're children--most NEVER recover.

So u see Ken, Satanism is actually quite practical and easily understood, not mystical or even "religious"--it's just a scam by which the canny and clever intimidate the weak--remember most people are really quite weak psychologically--we all are when/if we don't take care.

The problem is philosophical, having to do w. the basis of knowledge. And one must simply remember that basic premises (called "metaphysics") are necessarily assumptions, which cannot be proven, and first one must reduce these possible basic premises/assumptions down to few as possible. And the basic dichotomy then is whether there is an OBJECTIVE reality--or is everything simply subjective? Greatest philosopher who advocated objectivity was Aristotle, still the greatest, called by St. Thomas Aquinas, "the" philosopher, "master of those who know."

And Christ assures us there's truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which couldn't exist without the objective assumption--against the Satanists whose father is the devil "who was a liar fm the beginning (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)"

For consider what is a lie?--it's a statement of a (false) reality which however is represented as being the real (objective) reality.

Note further, the real POWER of Satanism is in the COLLUSION of a common or collective subjectivism, agreed-upon by a number of people who co-operate--as in the institution of central-banking. These practical, collectivistic subjectivists/Satanists only need cohesion and adequate leadership who can take advantage over the otherwise un-organized common people who fail to grasp and unite against these criminals and conspirators.

Satanists have made greatest inroads upon all the present establishment Christian churches, Prot. and Catholic--did u hear about the pope sending a representative to latest Bilderberg meeting, going on right now, as we speak? Satanists thus control establishment Christians esp. by means of idea that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" can make something be true, thus pretending to be God, the creator--though the fools don't realize it--they then call this idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" "faith," which properly only means LOYALTY, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Take good care, bro. Ken, as u do such excellent work, informing the people. My only advice is to take note how really SIMPLE this Satanism is, how then it is so easily used against the stupid people--and we have huge masses of stupid goons, suckers, and morons who are only interested in "bread and circuses." U still are appreciated much by those of us who try to stay above the "bread and circuses," who refuse to watching TV. A.

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