Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Never forget: Jews merely fit-in perfectly when considered in determinist socio-biology--a disease naturally afflicting already corrupt, diseased, over-populated goyim who "beg" to be put out of "misery...."

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-on-purim.html

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Jews: Merely Ultimate Liquidators Of Corrupt Culture
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 18)

Mike S., at 5:47pm, above, says, "[w]hat a disgusting "religion"." BUT when u think about it, it actually serves PERFECTLY a distinct socio-biologic purpose for liquidation of excess, over-populated goyim who no longer think they have to pay attn. to anything (of reality, anyway), who want only "bread and circuses"--which, if u observe, they've been steadily served quite brilliantly, Jews masters of the entertainment industry, among all the other strategic necessities, like flack commentary for political-cultural analysis in the mass corp. media, Jews masters of the top criminal enterprise at the economic apex, the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam (see for expo)--the real "usury" first mentioned many centuries ago--having NOTHING to do w. charging of "interest," which Hoffman can't figure-out as he knows NOTHING about economics.

What makes Jews SOOOO POWERFUL?--they're most organized, most cohesive, tight-knit and cooperative criminals for their criminal religion, all within the criminal culture, dominated by this crooked central-banking--which such criminal "banking" scam was first begun for serious operations by the corrupt gentiles, like Bank of England in 1694, Bank Of US (BUS) by Alex Hamilton in 1791, opposed by Jefferson, re-instituted then, the second BUS of 1816, finally killed by A. Jackson in 1832, re-instituted again by Lincoln and Republicans during 1860s war, which war of mass-murder needed financing, don't forget.

So one merely sees Jews provide that organization and cohesion for the ALREADY corrupt culture of over-populated gentiles, all this for the running operation of this top fraud of central banking--USURY, properly understood--the means of "financing" for control/manipulation of all politicians, judges and everything and everybody else--they just print-up and digitalize whatever "funding" they need.

So one see Jews are simply that pen-ultimate disease, like typhus, leprosy, and bubonic plague, which strikes the corrupt culture at the end of its life-span--in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people, formerly Christian and virtuous, worshipping truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence based upon the objective reality (Aristotle), which first built the culture, but now utterly corrupt and worshipping satanic lies, lying, and liars, lies built upon Jew and satanic SUBJECTIVISM ("midrash") by which there's no truth (= Christ) as there's no objective basis/criterion for any such truth, subjectivism the necessary basis for non-existent "good-evil" Pelagianism, which Hoffman worships, for example.

Thus the corrupt and stupid, over-populated goyim are tragically caught-up in the HUBRIS and subjectivism, pretending to all the various lies, lying, and liars which naturally and typically accompany and complement the obsessive, pretended "moralist virtue" of basic Pelagianist delusion and hereticalism within the utterly corrupt culture, the Jews and satanists (extreme subjectivists, making themselves God the creator of their phony "reality" within their demented mind(s))--Jews being the natural leaders of satanism, due to their superior "group-think," collectivism, cohesion, dedication, and organization for lies, lying, fraud, and liars.

So it might indeed be "disgusting religion," for all this Talmudism, etc., but yet it's simply natural and even logical, given the basic premises and conditions of sinful humanity. Jews are the leading satanists (extreme subjectivists) who liquidate things cultural, and including for the over-population of fools--like Hoffman, foremost Pelagian and hereticalist, pretending to "moral virtue."

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