Friday, February 23, 2018

Ever-expanding, -advancing satanic empire, in-ur-stupid faces, u dumb puke--before our very eyes....

Blatant, Naked, Obvious CONSPIRACY To Monopolize, Censor--But Ho Hum, Stupid Puke Don't Care--Would Rather Watch Football Games, Etc.
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 18)

Well JewTube has now just handed the hill-billy shill for kikes, Ajax Jewns (, the second strike--the threatened third to result in total taking-down and CENSORSHIP--as has happened before numerous times, lately the "Richie Allen Show," evidently.

Of course, JewTube says it's their private property, and they can do what they pls. But FACT is it's a conspiratorial MONOPOLY, a tool of censorship, JewTube and parent co., Google, getting MASSIVE gov. funding and tax-payer subsidies, not to mention favorable regulation fm the bureaucracies, in the building of their monopoly.

Note then HOW these monopolies and their network thereof works: it begins w. the overall, over-arching, top CRIMINAL monopoly above everything and everybody, the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed"), literally legalized COUNTERFEITING, which issues the currency, not real money, the people FORCED to accept this worthless currency by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws.  See for expo on central-banking; use their search engine.

But the stupid scummy puke, called the "people," don't care u see--they're OVER-POPULATED scum, in pt. of fact, who only care about "bread and circuses"--and that's how all this "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, takes place, what's happening.

Such then is the working and process of satanism and satanist manipulation and management of the stupid puke, the over-populated "masses."

Note also, Trump and his administration DOES AND SAYS NOTHING--why?--because they're owned and controlled by the very same people at top, the criminal central-bank counterfeiters. Meantime, the puke (the "people") are distracted by "good-kike vs. bad-kikes," as in current gun-control "debate," the "leftists vs. rightists," "globalists/left" vs. neo-cons and Israel-first on pretended "right," behind Trump.

So the dumb hill-billy, Ajax, is doing his DIVERSIONARY best for the "good kikes" on the pretended "right," fulminating, saying NOTHING about the basic Jew and satanist problem (a), and then (b) the concrete manifestation of central-bank anchor and base to the criminal monopolistic network and dictatorship--and the puke (the "people") just love it all for the spectacle, soooooo thrilling, sooooo dramatic, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Psychotic hill-billy golem (Ajax Jewns, continues to fulminate, can't shut his stupid mouth fm his moronic babbling:
